
Mulder lay back on his sofa and snagged the remote from the coffee table. Even after midnight it was hot as Hades in his apartment and he couldn't sleep, despite having stripped to his boxers. He wanted to believe that the heat was why he was still awake, but he knew better. He was seriously considering requesting a psych exam.

He figured this would be the end of his partnership with Krycek, maybe even the end of his career in the Bureau. Somehow he didn't even care. Maybe he was trying to end his career, now that the X-Files had been closed. It made sense.
例の件のおかげで、クライチェックとのコンビが解消になるどころか、FBIでの自分のキャリアですら、おしまいになるかもしれないとモルダーは観念した。なのにどういうわけだかモルダーには、それを気に病む様子もなかった。思うにモルダーはあえて自分のキャリアーに終止符を打ちたがっているのだろう。Xファイルが閉じられてしまった以上(now that〜=今や〜であるからには)、それは当然のことだった(make sense=道理にかなう)。

As he flipped through the channels with the sound muted, hardly noticing the slim Friday night TV pickings, he was startled by a quiet knock. Pulling a pair of loose shorts over his boxers, he picked up his gun and walked silently to the door. He clicked off the safety and asked, "Who's there?"

There was a brief silence, then a low voice dropped one word: "Krycek."

Mulder was surprised at his own response, a strange mixture of dread and excitement. Mostly excitement, he noticed.

Re-engaging the safety on his Glock, he opened the door to find Krycek slouching in the hallway. He was wearing a plain white t-shirt tucked into jeans so old that they were worn almost white in places.

Mulder took in his appearance with an eye for the details: the hair damp as if freshly showered, the white threads of the worn jeans, fraying at waist, crotch, and knees. Before the locker room, he'd never seen Krycek out of his J. C. Penney suit, and now Mulder realized that if he had, it would have been impossible not to notice how good the man looked.

Time to face his future. Silent, Mulder stepped back and let Krycek enter the apartment.
もはや未来と直面す(注:ちなみに映画版のタイトルは"Fight the future")べき時が来たのだ。無言のまま後ずさるとモルダーはクライチェックをアパートに招き入れた。

Barely glancing at Mulder's half-naked body, Krycek walked into the living room. He turned his back to the flickering screen of the muted TV and looked out the window over the desk.
"Christ, it's hot in here. How can you sleep?"

Mulder shook his head. Not the question he'd expected. Trust Krycek to keep him off balance.

"I don't."

Krycek looked up at him sharply in the mirror of the dark window, then shrugged.

Mulder waited until the silence became unbearable.
"So, Krycek, why are you here? I didn't expect to see you tonight."
「で、クライチェック、なぜここに来たんだ? 今夜君に会えるなんて思ってもいなかったが」

Now Krycek turned to look at Mulder, keeping the coffee table between them. His eyes were as unreadable as ever.
"I had an idea about the case."

Mulder started to laugh. It wasn't a happy laugh.
"The case? Are you serious? After what happened today?"
「あのについてだと? 本気か? 今日、あんなことがあった後なのに?」

Krycek didn't smile.
"Actually, I thought we should talk. Are you surprised?"

Mulder nodded.
"You didn't seem to want to talk this afternoon."

Krycek was incredulous.
"What the fuck would you know about what I want, Mulder? And what exactly was I supposed to say this afternoon? I've tried everything, tried to do everything right, and nothing's ever going to be good enough for you."
He started to pace beside the desk.
「僕が何をしたいかなんて、どうして君に分かるって言うんだ、モルダー? 今日の午後、僕が何を言い出すと思ってたのか? 僕はあらゆる手を尽くしてきた。良かれと思うことはどんなことでもしようと。なのにいつだって君のためになった試しがないんだ」

"So you don't trust me, that much is clear. You treat me like a KGB informer, and you sure don't seem to understand that I'm the best friend you've got right now, the only one on your side. You climb on top of me and hump me in the rain, but you won't even kiss me. What the hell am I supposed to say?"

The words felt like a kick in the stomach. Staring at Krycek, Mulder sat down heavily on the sofa. What Krycek had said was true--he'd done everything Mulder had asked of him and more, but Mulder still didn't trust him. Couldn't trust him.

Why? Mulder had an idea, and it didn't make him look very good. It didn't even make him look much like a grownup.
それはなぜか? モルダーは本当の理由を知っていた。それがおよそモルダーを食えないヤツにさせていた正体なのだ。その理由たるやあまりに子供っぽ過ぎて、モルダーがまともな大人だとはとても思えないほどだった。

Leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands, Mulder tried to make sense of the snippets of conversation and the fleeting images swirling through his mind. Krycek's arrival on that first day. How nervous he'd seemed, how eager to please.

His anger at being ignored, ditched. His obvious jealousy of Scully. Krycek's concern for him during the Augustus Cole case, his careful statement of support for Mulder's theories on induced sleeplessness.

"I want to believe," he'd said. Krycek puking in the men's room after shooting Cole, and his sneer when Mulder tried to talk to him about it. Krycek insisting that he be allowed to drive, arguing with him about a case, sticking up for his own point of view.

Had he really done anything to warrant Mulder's distrust? Mulder knew he'd never given him a chance to prove himself.
本当にクライチェックはモルダーの不信をあおるような真似をしたのだろうか? モルダーは一度だって弁明のチャンスをクライチェックに与えたことがない事実に気付いた。

After a few minutes of Mulder's silence, Krycek swore under his breath and headed toward the door. If he let Krycek go now, it would all be over. They always seemed to be at cross purposes, and Mulder was getting tired of fighting.
しばらくの間、モルダーが黙っていると、クライチェックは小声で(under one's breath=ひそひそと)捨てゼリフを吐き、ドアの方へと向かった。今、クライチェックを行かせてしまったら、何もかもおしまいだ。2人はいつも誤解しあっているようだった(be at cross-purpose=意向が食い違う)。そして、モルダーはもはや、諍いごとにうんざりしていた。

He sat up, rubbing his hands over his face to clear his thoughts.
"Wait, Krycek. Have a seat."
Mulder gestured at the other end of the couch. Krycek looked back in surprise.

"Come on, sit down for a minute."
He saw the indecision on his partner's face, in the way he hovered hesitantly near the door.

Finally, Krycek crossed the room again and lowered himself slowly to the far end of Mulder's sofa. He looked across at Mulder with his brows drawn together, as if trying to discover what trick the fox was up to this time. Then he leaned back and waited for Mulder to speak.
とうとうクライチェックはもう一度部屋の中へと引き返すと、モルダーの座っているソファーの一方の端にゆっくりと腰を降ろした。クライチェックは眉を顰めてモルダーをしげしげと見つめた。狡賢い狐(モルダー)が今度はどんな罠をしかけよう(be up to=たくらんで)としているのか探ろうとでもするかのように。やがてクライチェックは背もたれに寄り掛かり、モルダーが話し出すのを待ちかまえた。

Mulder was surprised that he didn't feel more self-conscious, dressed only in shorts, sitting with Krycek in the dark. He looked at his hands with a slight frown.
"You're right, I don't trust you. I hardly trust anyone."

He glanced up sharply.
"I thought I could trust Skinner, and look where that got me."
He felt his lips curl in disgust.

Krycek shifted on the sofa. Finally he asked, "What about Scully?"

"Scully . . . well, I knew she was sent to watch me, and I always knew she was doing her job."
His voice softened.
「スカリーか…… スカリーが僕を見張るために送り込まれてきたのは知ってた。そして、彼女は単に自分の任務を果たしているに過ぎないという現実から目を反らしたことはないつもりさ」

"But I also knew that she was the fairest person I'd ever met, and she'd never lie to them about me, or lie to them for me. And she was never afraid to criticize me."
Mulder stopped, remembering.

Krycek gave a bitter little laugh.
"So I guess I should criticize you more, huh?"
He shook his head.

"It's not just that, Krycek . . ."
Mulder gave a wry, self-mocking smile.
"I'm particularly bad about trusting when I'm attracted to someone."

The image of a dark-haired woman rose unbidden in his mind. He drew a deep breath.
"I may have overcompensated for that a little."

Mulder had spoken quietly, but when he glanced across the sofa he knew Krycek had heard. His eyes were bright and his face was flushed in the light from the TV.
"You couldn't have known all that. I was being an asshole."

Krycek picked at a loose thread in the knee of his jeans and didn't look at Mulder.

"Anyway, if you want an apology you can have one. I'm sorry about today. Even if I think you wanted it as much as I did."
//Where did that come from?// Mulder forged ahead.
モルダーは結論を急いだ(forge ahead=急にスピードを出して先頭を切る)。

"And I know you'll want to get a new partner and file a grievance. I'm not going to try to stop you--I think it may be time for me to leave the Bureau, anyway."
It was true that he'd thought about resigning, but Mulder also knew he was saying it mostly to see how Krycek would respond.

"No, that's not why I came here," Alex responded quickly.
"I'm not planning to file a complaint. I just wanted some answers, and I guess I got them."

He flushed as he spoke, but he seemed sincere.
"As soon as this case is finished I'll ask to be reassigned, and you can go back to working on your own."

They sat in silence for a few moments, until Mulder cleared his throat and spoke quietly.
"Can I ask you something?"

Krycek nodded, looking down at his lap.
"Did you really want me to kiss you?"

The words seemed to fill the room as Krycek slowly raised his eyes to meet Mulder's. For once, Mulder could read his look. In those eyes he saw need and desire. Things he'd never noticed there before.

Mulder licked his lips nervously as Krycek slid slowly down the sofa toward him. Earlier, in the car, he'd almost felt as if he were standing outside his body, watching his own actions from a distance. He'd known what he was doing but he hadn't felt he was in control.

Now he was completely grounded in his body, and he knew he could stop Krycek's prowling approach with the slightest shift of his eyes or the merest motion of his hand. But he also knew he didn't want to.

His stomach fluttered as Krycek drew closer. Finally he stopped next to Mulder on the couch, one leg drawn up so that he could face him. So close now that Mulder could feel the heat radiating from him, could smell his shampoo. It smelled like apples. Somehow, that fit.

Krycek was so close that Mulder could feel his breath on his cheek when he whispered, "Yes, Mulder, you are such an asshole."
His breath was sweet, dusky, as if he'd been eating fruit.

"You have no idea how irritating you are."
Mulder watched his eyes, how they glittered in the dark. When Krycek spoke again, his voice was even softer.
"And yes, Mulder, I want you to kiss me."

Then he was there for the taking, and Mulder drew a deep breath. Leaning forward, he touched his lips to Krycek's.

Krycek's mouth was soft, and it opened forward beneath Mulder's as if he were telling a sweet secret that only he knew. Mulder tested Krycek's mouth with his tongue, then reached up and pulled him closer so he could explore properly.

Krycek's tongue against his own was hot velvet, dark and full in Mulder's mouth, filling him and taking from him with every swirling touch.

As Mulder fell farther into the kiss, Krycek took the lead, devouring Mulder's lips and tongue with his whole mouth, claiming the territory with tender insistence. Mulder felt as if he were being branded.

As they kissed, Krycek slipped his hands to Mulder's bare chest and teased his nipples with light fingertips. The feathery touches drew a moan from Mulder, who fell back against the cushions and pulled Krycek with him so they were chest to chest, warm bodies separated only by the soft cotton of Krycek's t-shirt.

Without breaking their kiss, Mulder pulled the t-shirt up clumsily, shivering when hot skin touched his own naked chest. Pulling away, Krycek yanked the shirt off, then shifted over on the sofa until Mulder could lie down full length. Finally, Krycek covered Mulder's body with his own, kissing him in earnest.

Mulder moaned. Krycek's mouth was all over him, sucking and kissing his face, neck, and chest. His hands were on Mulder's chest and belly, pinching, squeezing, and stroking by turns. Mulder gasped as he felt a thumbnail scrape roughly across his nipple, then trail down to his navel and stroke it gently.

Krycek's hips and legs were heavy on Mulder's, the buttons of his jeans pressing hard against Mulder's aching cock through the fabric of his shorts and boxers. Trapped beneath the energy that was Krycek, Mulder felt his head begin to spin.

Krycek shifted lower, close against Mulder's body, stroking his hips and groin through the soft shorts. Mulder started to twist and buck against the searching fingers, pushing his hips up to meet Krycek's touch.

"God, Krycek, please . . ."
The cry was torn from him without his own awareness, and he was surprised to hear the desperation in his voice. He needed those hands on his body, touching him, now.

Krycek looked up, smiling wickedly at his plea.
"I told you, Mulder, I want to give you what you need."
His fingers worked their way into the waist of his shorts and pulled the loose garment down.

Leaning over Mulder's straining hips, he breathed hot air against Mulder's erection, then rubbed his cheek along the cotton that covered it. When he reached Mulder's balls, his mouth opened wide and he hummed softly against them until Mulder squirmed.

As Krycek mouthed his way back up the shaft, Mulder thrust gently against the wet heat of his tongue. Reaching the waistband of the boxers, Krycek tongued at the wet spot in the soft fabric. Mulder cried aloud at Krycek's wet tongue, hot and probing, making the cotton rough on the sensitive head of his penis.

  Finally Krycek took pity on Mulder and lowered the waistband of his boxers below the heavy fall of his testicles. Mulder sighed in relief as his straining erection was released from the binding cotton.

Krycek slipped off the sofa and knelt beside him now, pulling Mulder's shorts and underwear off his long legs. Mulder watched as Krycek touched him, part of his brain noticing how gentle he could be, part of it still amazed that this was even happening.

Reaching down, Mulder placed his hand on Krycek's jeans and felt the hard bulge throbbing under the worn denim. Turning slightly on the sofa, he unbuttoned the fly, releasing the head of Krycek's cock from captivity.

As Mulder popped the buttons open one by one his straining cock pushed its way out of his jeans.
"No underwear, Krycek?"
Mulder arched an eyebrow.

Krycek grinned.
"It's too hot for layers."

He pushed his jeans the rest of the way off and kicked off his shoes. Naked now, he knelt again by the sofa. His hands played across Mulder's body, as if learning him by touch.

"I wanted this, you know."
Krycek's voice was low.
"Ever since we first met."

Mulder didn't answer. He had wanted this, too. But it was one thing to be naked together, another thing to reveal himself to Krycek by telling him that. He stroked his hand down Krycek's back and rested it for a moment on the sweet curve of his ass. It had been far too long since he'd been with anyone.
モルダーは答えなかった。自分もそう思っていた。だが、お互いの裸体を晒し合っているからと言って、そのことをクライチェックに告白して自分をさらけ出してしまうわけにはいかなかった(One thing ..... another thing=〜と〜は別もの)。モルダーはクライチェックの背中を撫で、やがて美しい曲線を描いているその尻の上に手を降ろすと、しばしの間そこで手を休めた。随分と久しい間、モルダーは誰かとこうした憶えが無かった。

Krycek seemed to pull himself back to the present.
"Got any condoms, Mulder?"
He punctuated the question with a wet lick along the length of Mulder's cock.

"Bedroom . . . "
Mulder gasped.
"Dresser drawer . . . "

Grinning, Krycek hopped up and headed toward the door.
"Be right back."

For a minute or two, Mulder could hear him rummaging in the other room, opening the drawers of the dresser and digging around for the condoms. Even through the deep haze of his arousal, Mulder knew it was stupid to let Krycek go through his things.
ほんの1、2分だろうか、向こうの部屋でクライチェックがくまなく捜し回り、ドレッサーの引き出しを開け、コンドームを探し出す音が聞こえた。恍惚のあまり意識がひどく朦朧とするものの、モルダーはクライチェックに自分の持ち物をいいように漁らせる(go through=くまなく調べる)なんて、バカもいいところだと思った。

He sat up on the sofa, unsure whether he wanted to go in and stop Krycek, put his clothes back on, or what . . . hell, he didn't want to do any of those things, he only thought he should.

  Then Krycek was back, condoms in hand. Seeing Mulder sitting up on the sofa, he dropped the condoms and lube on the coffee table and settled on his knees over Mulder's lap, planting a hand on his chest to push him back down onto his back.

"No you don't, Mulder. You're not getting away that easily."
Krycek smiled, but the menace of his words was clear.

Kneeling over Mulder's lap, straddling his body, Krycek leaned forward until his face was level with Mulder's.
"No second thoughts, now. I can see you want this."
「ここまで来てそれは(second thought(s)=再考)ないぜ。これがほしいくせに」 

Then he ground his hips into Mulder's, bringing their cocks into direct contact and drawing a broken cry from Mulder. Krycek held himself there, rubbing his erection against Mulder's, a dreamy look on his face as he continued to whisper.

  "We both need it . . . and you know you're going to feel so good when I'm inside you, pumping you until you scream."

Mulder moaned and lifted his hips, stabbing his cock toward Krycek's. He shivered as he felt the heat of Krycek's tight skin, the throbbing cock against his own. Oh, fuck.

"We will, Mulder, don't worry."
「今からやる(We will fuck)から、モルダー、心配しなくていい」

Krycek sat back up a little and began moving his hands over Mulder's body, his erection still heavy against Mulder's lap. His nimble fingers stroked their way up Mulder's belly and ribs,feather-light. Mulder groaned as Krycek circled his nipples and pinched at them lightly.

"You like that?"
Krycek pinched again, harder.

"Yessssss . . ."

Grinning, Krycek gave the hard nubs a final tweak and ran his hands out to Mulder's shoulders. Digging into the tightened muscles, he stroked his way firmly down Mulder's arms. Mulder writhed under Krycek's searching fingers.

Suddenly, Mulder's hands were over his head, held there by Krycek's strong grip, and Krycek was back in his face. Chest to chest with Krycek, Mulder struggled a little, mostly to test Krycek's hold. It was firm, but not tight. Mulder thought he could get away if he wanted to.

"Krycek . . . "
Mulder licked his lips.
"Krycek, what are you doing?"

The heat where their bodies touched made it difficult to think, and the danger of the situation seemed to heighten his arousal.

Krycek showed his teeth.
"Relax, Mulder."
He ground himself against Mulder's body, still holding his hands over his head.
"You'll like it."

Leaning closer, Krycek licked hungrily at Mulder's lips, then pushed his tongue deep into Mulder's mouth. Mulder gasped as his mouth was claimed roughly, arching up into the heat of Krycek's body, flexing against the firm hold over his head.

Krycek let him move but didn't set him free. Holding Mulder down with his entire body, he kissed him thoroughly, teasing him expertly with lips and tongue and teeth until Mulder was laboring for breath beneath him.

  Finally, Krycek pulled away, sucking hard on Mulder's lower lip until he had to let it go as he sat up again. Dazed and aching for more, Mulder sighed as Krycek pulled back and looked down at him.

  Mulder blinked up at Krycek.
"What . . . ?"

"That's some mouth you've got, Mulder."
Krycek slipped one hand around both Mulder's wrists and brought the other down to stroke a thumb across Mulder's lips.
「君ってやつは、なんて色っぽい(some=very good)唇をしてるんだ、モルダー」

  "You know what it makes me think of? Angels. Mangoes. Rain. Hot, dirty things I'd like to do to you, like for you to do to me . . . "
「この唇を見て僕が何を連想したか分かるかい? (清純で美しい)天使や、(甘く熟して瑞々しい)マンゴーや、(しっとりとさわやかな)雨さ。いやらしい、汚らわしいことを君にしたいと思ったんだよ。君が僕にそうしたいと思っていたようにね……」

  As his whisper trailed off, Krycek raised his thumb to his own lips and licked it, then brought it back to Mulder's mouth. Mulder flushed as Krycek ran it over his lips again.
"You want me to do those things, Mulder?"

  Mulder squirmed under Krycek and closed his eyes. He could hardly remember his own name, much less how to speak. His brain had seeped out of his ears the moment Krycek had climbed on top of him. Summoning all his strength, he nodded, slightly, against the sofa cushions.

"Good, Mulder. Because I don't think I can resist that mouth much longer."

Lying there with his eyes closed, Mulder felt Krycek moving forward on his knees, still straddling Mulder's body and holding his hands above his head. He stopped when he reached Mulder's upper chest.
//Oh no oh no no yes no yes yes yes . . . //

"Open your eyes," Krycek whispered hoarsely.

Mulder took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Krycek knelt over his chest, his knees wedged under Mulder's extended shoulders, his balls hanging not six inches from Mulder's chin. Mulder took the sight in, the rosy balls with their dusting of dark blond hairs--funny, he'd expected brown, even black hair here.

  Then the thick, throbbing erection, curving smoothly up Krycek's belly, filled so tight with blood that the foreskin was stretched back behind the dark velvety head. Mulder's mouth went dry at the proof of Krycek's desire for him jutting from the light curls of his groin.

He lifted his eyes further and took in the smooth skin of his belly //Oh, god, I remember// and his chest, again covered with sparse light curls, baby fine.

Reaching Krycek's face, Mulder swallowed nervously. In the dim light he could see green eyes searching his own face, watching his mouth. Mulder licked his lips, self-conscious under the close scrutiny.

Krycek groaned and took his own cock in his free hand.
"See this, Mulder?"
He pulled it close to Mulder's face, pressing down on Mulder's wrists with his other hand.

"This is what you do to me."
Mulder felt his own erection throb as Krycek gently stroked the velvet tip against his cheek, moving it slowly toward his mouth. He gasped as the hot, smooth head slid across his lips, nudging tentatively at his mouth.

  "Mulder, do you know that your mouth was made to suck a cock?"
Krycek rubbed his erection over Mulder's lips as he spoke.
"This curve here--" he placed the head of his cock against the center of Mulder's lower lip--"I've dreamed about this spot."

  Mulder's heart beat faster at Krycek's words. Anticipation, fear, and excitement struggled for control of his mind; his body belonged to Krycek. Did he trust him? Did it matter?
クライチェックの言葉に、モルダーの心臓は早鐘のように鳴り出す。期待と恐れと興奮とに魂を翻弄されて。もはやモルダーの躯はクライチェックのものだった。果たして自分はクライチェックのことを信じたのだろうか? いや、信じる信じないなど、どうでもいいことなんじゃないか?

  It would be so easy to shut off his brain for just a little while and do what felt good. This felt good. He might regret it tomorrow, and he might pay for it for the rest of his life, but this was going to happen tonight.

Krycek pressed forward slightly, and Mulder readily parted his lips to take Krycek's cock into his mouth. It was heavy and hot against his tongue, the swollen head seeking the slick wetness within.

Mulder covered his teeth with his lips and gave a hard suck, swirling his tongue about the thick tip. Krycek threw his head back and groaned loudly.
"Ugh . . . that's it . . . take it, baby."

Mulder's head was spinning, and once again it was as if he were watching himself from above. He saw his own eyes fall closed and his mouth open wider to allow to Krycek to push farther in. He saw himself abandoned to a force greater than his own consciousness.

  As Mulder took in more of his cock, Krycek released his hold on Mulder's wrists and brought his hands down to cradle Mulder's head. Burying his fingers in the short hair, he angled Mulder's head so that his cock slid deeply into the back of Mulder's mouth. Mulder groaned, aware that Krycek would feel the vibrations against his cock, and placed his hands on Krycek's hips.

  Wrapping his fingers about the smooth, firm flesh, Mulder set a rhythm of push and pull, opening his throat as far as he could to Krycek's thrusts. Krycek jabbed forward against Mulder's tongue, filling his mouth again and again with hot, hard flesh.

  They rocked together for a few minutes, Krycek pumping steadily into Mulder's mouth, until Krycek's thrusts became spasmodic and his breathing grew more labored.
"Not yet, Mulder."

  He pulled back until only the head of his cock remained in Mulder's mouth.
"Want to make it last."

As he slowly settled back so that the head slipped out between Mulder's lips, Mulder gave him a final lick across the glans. Krycek paused a moment, holding Mulder's head as if he'd plow back into his mouth and finish then and there, then shivered and let him go.

  Letting his head fall back against the cushions, Mulder smiled up at the dazed look on Krycek's face.
"You speechless, Krycek? That's a first."
「口もきけないようだな、クライチェック? 無口なお前なんて初めだよ」

  Mulder himself couldn't believe the easy tone he was able to take with him now. Having a man's cock in your mouth could do that, though.

Krycek shook his head and shifted back down Mulder's body a bit, stopping over his waist. When he spoke, his voice was still breathless.
"You don't do anything by halves, do you?"
He grinned.
"I'm definitely impressed, Mulder."
「君は何事も徹底的に(by halves=中途半端に)やり通す性質なんだな?」

  He leaned over to grab the condoms from the table beside the sofa. Mulder watched the easy movement, noting how Krycek's sweaty body caught the light of the silent television. He was amazed at how graceful the man was, naked. He'd never have guessed.

  When he looked up, Krycek was holding the strip of Trojans, an incredulous look on his face.
"Mulder, these condoms expired eight months ago."
He started to laugh, his body shaking over Mulder's.

  Mulder blushed. He didn't really need Krycek to know how long it'd been since he last got lucky.
"Shut up, Krycek."

  Krycek laughed harder and showed Mulder the date stamped on the condoms--November, 1993.

  "Don't you have any?"

  Krycek solemnly shook his head.
"Of course not. What kind of guy do you think I am? You think I came over here to get laid?"
「持ってるわけないだろう。僕のことをどういう男だと思ってたんだ? 僕が寝るためにここにやってきたとでも言いたいわけ?」

"Yes, I do."
Mulder lifted his flagging erection to Krycek's ass, feeling himself twitch back to life in the sweaty cleft.

Krycek ground himself against Mulder, hard.
"Well, for once you're wrong, Agent Mulder. But I'm willing to take a chance if you are."

  With that, he tore open a condom and pulled it out. Mulder was about to stop him, try to call it off, when Krycek reached down behind his back and began rolling the condom onto Mulder's cock. Nimble fingers stroked him back to full rigidity as Krycek deftly fit the latex snugly over his shaft.

"What? . . . Oh, god . . ."
Mulder found it difficult to speak.
"Krycek . . . I thought you wanted to be on top."

Popping the lubricant open, Krycek grinned.
"Mulder, in case you hadn't noticed, I am on top."
「モルダー、(in case=ここでは譲歩「たとえ〜であっても」のif=even if/though)君が気が付いてなくても、僕はもう上に乗っかってるんだけど」

He reached back with one hand and slicked Mulder quickly, then rubbed his fingers behind his own balls. Lifting Mulder's cock, he scooted backwards until the head was poised at the entrance to his body.

Mulder moaned as the blunt head of his cock nudged up against the hot, slippery spot. Krycek wiggled his rear a little and bounced back against the intruder.
"C'mon, Mulder . . . c'mon," he chanted.

Mulder held himself there in anticipation for as long as he could, then his hips lifted of their own volition and he drove the tip of his cock up into the tight opening.
はやる気持ちを押さえてモルダーはじっと限界まで堪えると、やがて自ら(of one's own volition=自分から進んで)腰浮かせて、その狭い入口にペニスの先を潜り込ませた。

Krycek closed his eyes and grimaced, baring his teeth. Then he bore down, pushing back against Mulder's cock until the ring of his anus gave a little and the head slipped completely inside him. Krycek smiled.

Mulder sighed at the delicious pressure against his cock. Reaching for Krycek's hips, he pushed up slowly into that heat. In response, Krycek leaned forward a little and steadied himself by grabbing Mulder's shoulders.
"Mulder . . . oh, Mulder . . . fuck me, Fox."

  Mulder barely heard what Krycek had said. He was so lost in the tight heat of Krycek's ass that all he could do was push harder, pressing up until there was nowhere else for him to go. With the entire length of his cock buried in Krycek's body, he looked up at Krycek's sweaty face.

He saw the face of an angel caught between ecstasy and agony, hanging between heaven and hell. Krycek looked so completely different here, like this, that Mulder wondered if he really was the same person.

Then Krycek began to move, and thought became impossible. He rocked forward, then back, fucking himself on Mulder's cock. Mulder caught his rhythm and continued it, stabbing upward when Krycek pushed back, pulling his hips down into the sofa as Krycek rocked forward.

  Each time Krycek pushed down, he twisted his hips slightly and shuddered, and Mulder knew he was angling himself so that the head of Mulder's cock brushed against his prostate.

  As they grew more frenzied, Mulder slid his hands from Krycek's hips around to his cock. Erect and throbbing even during penetration, it stood out proudly from his body, dripping a long strand of clear fluid to Mulder's belly.

  Mulder cupped Krycek's balls in one hand and wrapped the fingers of the other around the tight shaft. Krycek cried out as Mulder squeezed his balls and ran a thumb over the head, smearing slick precum around the glans and behind the ridge of the foreskin .

  He had a beautiful cock, the veins standing out pale blue in the foreskin, the head emerging from the sheath rosy and dark and full. Still driving into Krycek from below, Mulder squeezed his cock tightly, loving the way the firm, smooth skin rubbed hotly in his palm as Krycek thrust.

  After only a few more strokes, Krycek was straining, muscles standing out in his thighs as he clamped his fingers on Mulder's shoulders. Then he was dancing above Mulder in the jerky motions of orgasm.

  His mouth fell open and his head rolled against his shoulders as Mulder watched, fascinated. Suddenly, he pressed down hard on Mulder's lap and began to wail. His nails dug into Mulder's skin as the thick semen poured out of his cock in uneven spurts that landed on Mulder's chest and stomach.

  As Krycek came, Mulder felt the contraction of muscles on his cock, the convulsing heat making his balls tighten and his cock fill.

  Then he let go, and he was bucking below Krycek, shooting up into him with the full force of orgasm. Krycek hung on to his shoulders, riding the wave of Mulder's climax and pushing himself as far onto Mulder as he could.

  Finally the moment passed, and Krycek fell forward onto Mulder's body, boneless, sweaty, heaving. His semen slid between their wet torsos, creating a sticky seal.

  Shifting carefully, Mulder reached beneath Krycek's thigh to hold the condom to the base of his softening cock as he withdrew. Krycek sighed as Mulder pulled free, his face pressed to Mulder's shoulder.

  Mulder felt the condom carefully as he stripped it off.
"You were lucky. It didn't break."
Stretching out, he dropped it into the wastebasket beside his desk.

  Krycek turned his face toward Mulder's, still resting his cheek against Mulder's shoulder.
"They usually overcompensate on those expiration dates, you know."
His voice was sated and sleepy, his eyes drowsy.

  Mulder touched Krycek's hair gently, ran a hand over his back.
"Still, that was an insane thing to do, Alex."
He couldn't seem to make his voice sound disapproving.

  "Come on, Mulder. I know you're clean."
Krycek yawned.
"Besides, if anything had happened, you'd have felt guilty enough for both of us. We'll get some new ones next time."

  "How . . ."
//Next time?//
"How do you know I'm clean?"
Mulder turned his head to see Krycek more clearly.

Krycek lifted unguarded eyes to his face.
"I trust you, Mulder."
Then he nuzzled his face against Mulder's sweaty neck.

  Mulder swallowed words that caught in his throat. He had a sudden feeling that this was the beginning of something, and he realized once again that he'd be paying for this night for a long time, one way or another. But it was too late to be careful now.

  He cupped Krycek's dark head and stroked his flank. He couldn't believe how well they fit. Mulder tested his feelings, as if testing a loose tooth with his tongue. He felt good. And it was the first time he'd felt good in a long time.

Finally Mulder spoke.
"Krycek, why do I get the feeling that you'realways on top?"

Krycek's laugh was muffled by Mulder's shoulder.
"Don't you have a bed in this place?"

Ten minutes later, Krycek was clean and dry and sleeping naked under a sheet on Mulder's bed. Mulder stood in the doorway, dazed, watching the even rise and fall of his chest in the moonlight. Mulder felt like he'd been over Niagara Falls in a barrel. How was it that Alex was able to take this whole situation in stride?
10分も経った頃にはもう、クライチェックはさっさと身支度を整え、モルダーのベッドの上で裸のままシーツにくるまって寝息を立てていた。モルダーは戸口に立ち、ぼんやりしたまま、月明かりに照らされながら規則正しく上下するクライチェックの胸を眺めていた。モルダーはまるで樽に入れられてナイアガラの滝の上に立たされているような心境だった。なのに何だってアレックスは、いざという時(situation=急場)になると、あんなにもやすやすとやってのける(take〜in one's stride=苦もなく障害を飛び越す)ことができるのだろう?

  There was a lot more to him than Mulder had realized. Moving silently to the bed, Mulder slipped under the sheet and pulled his pillow out of his partner's sleepy grasp. He was starting to look forward to uncovering the truth about this man.

~ fin ~

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