Standard Disclaimer and Story Content Information
Disclaimer: These stories are written purely for enjoyment and not for any financial recompense. They are not meant to violate the ownership of these characters by the appropriate television entities. I retain all rights to my original characters and plots. Some of the stories are written for a mature audience: the story listings contain rating and content information. Please use appropriate judgement.

Author's Notes: This site is in the process of being moved to another server and re-organized. I will try to keep this version up until the new one is completely finished.
This is a rewrite of the ending of James Spader's movie, "The Watcher" co-starring Keanu Reeves, Spoilers!



NC-17, slash

17歳以下は禁止。かつての「X指定」と同等(No One 17 And Under Admitted)・スラッシュ(男性同士の恋愛を描いたパロディー小説)

story contains a sexual relationship between two consenting adult males.


Last Dance

by Jennifer Lyon

White-knuckled hands on the steering wheel squeezed even tighter as he sought for words.

"Tell me what you need."

Griffin's dark eyes focused on him, deep, intense. Special Agent Joel Campbell took a deep breath and tried again to communicate with the serial killer sprawled in the car seat beside him. "You have to tell me what you need, so I can get it for you and give it to you in exchange for Dr. Bielman's safety. What do you need?"

Griffin's response was quiet and certain, spoken as though it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I need you."

Joel's eyes widened in surprise. Despite knowing that Griffin had fixated on him, he hadn't expected that response. His shock must have been obvious. Griffin's expression was a mixture of disappointment and amusement. The former worried him, the latter definitely disturbed him. He didn't know what to say, so he fell silent. Griffin guided him to a stop and led him up an old freight elevator into an old warehouse. The inner door was rigged with a rifle. Joel waited patiently for Griffin to disarm it; his goal was what awaited them inside.

Polly was alive! Thank God. He'd assumed she was, but it was still a relief to see her. She was bound to a chair, her mouth gagged with duck tape. Her eyes were wide and terrified; sweat dribbled down her skin. Around her feet, a pool of liquid - gasoline by the smell - glistened in the faint, artificial light.
ポリーは生きていたのだ! 神よ感謝します。ポリーの生存を信じていたとはいえ、自分の目でポリーを確認できたことでジョエルはいくらか安堵した。ポリーは椅子に縛り付けられ、口は帆布テープで猿ぐつわされていた。目は見開かれ、恐怖におののき、肌からは汗が滴り落ちていた。ポリーの足元には - 臭いでガソリンと分かる - 液溜まりが出来ていて、微かな人工光に照らされてキラキラ輝いていた。

He expanded his view to the rest of the room. Mostly bare, it sported piles of open and spilled gas cans and candles -- way too many candles. The flames flickered far too close to the pools of fuel.
部屋全体にジョエルは視野を広げてみた。閑散として、ほとんど何もない部屋だったが、蓋が開けられ、中身が漏れている夥しい数のガソリン缶や蝋燭 -- それにしても過剰な数の蝋燭だったが -- を自慢げに見せびらかせていた(sport=誇示する)。そして液溜まりのすぐ近くでは、炎がゆらめていた。

Joel opened his mouth to speak, but Griffin slugged him hard. He went down, stars spinning before his eyes. The floor hit him with a hard shock to his bones. He slipped briefly into unconscious, then woke, groggily, to find Griffin dancing close to Polly.

Griffin moved with athletic, rhythmic grace. He didn't fit the picture Joel had subconsciously formed in his mind over the past few years. He was, as expected, a young white male; handsome, in a sultry, yet boyish way that would appeal to women. But he was dark, straight raven-black hair framing a fine-boned, fair skinned face, highlighted by limpid near-black eyes. Joel had somehow expected a California boy, blond and blue-eyed. So much for expectations. He should have known better than to have any.

Realizing that Joel had come around, Griffin stopped his dance long enough to drag Joel over to a bare wooden chair and sit him down. He began talking again, fervently, moving back and forth between Joel and Polly. He was back on the same track - how close he felt to Joel, how much they belonged together. The only shock came when Griffin drew Polly into the conversation, stripping away the tape from her mouth just long enough to get a single confession.
ジョエルが接近して来たのに気付いたグリフィンはほんの一瞬だけ、ダンスを中断した。が、それでもジョエルを引き摺り、白木の椅子に無理矢理座らせるのには十分だった。グリフィンはジョエルとポリーの間を行ったり来たりしながら、再び熱っぽく語り始めた。グリフィンはお馴染みの戯言を繰り返した(was back on the same track=繰り言を言う) -- いかに自分がジョエルに親近感を抱いてきたか、いかに自分たちが似たもの同士(belong together=同じ穴のむじな)であるかと。そしてただただ驚いたのは、グリフィンがポリーを会話に引き込もうと、かろうじて一言発せられる程度にポリーの口からテープを剥がしたことであった。

She thought that he and Griffin were dependent on each other for life fulfillment.

She hadn't told him that in any of their therapy sessions. He had thought she understood how he was trying to free himself from this nightmare, from Griffin. But then he remembered one of the very last questions she had asked him in their last session.

"He misses you. Do you miss him too?"

He'd paused, just a telling instant too long, then asked her what the hell that meant. And then had quickly escaped her reply on the excuse of a ringing cell phone. It was a question he didn't know how to answer. A question he didn't *want* to answer. But Griffin had him cornered now and there was no escape, especially with Polly's life at stake.

The gun - his gun - was pointed at Polly's chest. She couldn't restrain a whimper of fear, it struck at Joel hard. This was his fault. He'd involved her. After Lisa, he should have known better than to let anyone close, even a therapist, especially a therapist. Desperate to stop this, to avoid another death laid at his feet, he stumbled out of chair and towards Griffin and Polly.
拳銃が -- グリフィンの銃が -- ポリーの胸に突きつけられていた。恐怖に耐えきれずすすり泣き出したポリーの姿に、ジョエルの胸は激しく痛んだ。何もかも自分のせいなのだ。自分がポリーを巻き込んだのだ。リサの一件で、十分肝に銘じるべきだったのに。何人たりとも、カウンセラーでさえ、いやカウンセラーだからこそ、自分の側に近付けたりしてはならなかったのだと。今度の犯行はどんなことをしてでも阻止しなければ、自分の足元に死体が転がるようなことは2度とあってはならないと……。ジョエルは椅子から転げ落ちるようにして、グリフィンとポリーの間に躍り出た。

"You won't do this," he told Griffin fiercely. "We both know you won't." Those limpid dark eyes focused on him, but the gun never wavered.

"And why do we know this?" Griffin demanded.

"Because you can only kill her once," Joel told him, silently praying that his guess was right.

It was. Griffin laughed and dumped Polly back down into her chair. As he secured her, slapping the tape back over her mouth and making sure she couldn't move, he smiled up at Joel through a wing of black hair.

"You think you know me very well, don't you?"

"Not as well as I thought I did," Joel answered with rueful honesty. "But still enough to know that she's not really important." He took one more step forward, only to be halted as Griffin brought the gun to bear on Polly's head.

"That doesn't mean I won't kill her," Griffin warned with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"Why bother?" Joel asked, spreading his hands wide. "She served her purpose. You wanted to bring me here, to you. So here I am. Right here. Focus, man, concentrate on me." Without daring to move a step closer, he spoke with fierce intensity, meeting and holding Griffin's gaze, trying to pull the man away from Polly, closer to him.

Griffin was drawn a couple of steps away from Polly, towards Joel, the hand holding the gun sliding widely through the air between them.

"*Now* you want me to concentrate on you?" Griffin responded. "I never stopped. You're the one who ran away and left me, remember!" Joel was stunned by the sincerity of the hurt in that velvet voice, those deep eyes. He'd never quite believed that Griffin actually meant anything he'd said. He'd thought it was all just another game. Eyes widening, his mind racing as he struggled to readjust his thinking, his reactions, he sought for a believable answer and found himself falling into the truth.

"I know, I ran away," Joel admitted. "Lisa died because I made a terrible mistake and I couldn't face that."

  "You felt guilty," Griffin emphasized.

Joel nodded. "Yes."

"And that's the only reason you left?" Griffin asked, dropping the gun to his side as he came closer. He seemed to be waiting for something; Joel was clueless what to say. He had to keep Griffin's focus on him, had to make him happy. Joel splayed his hands wide, his voice dropping low, husky, as he settled, yet again, on painful truth.
「で、それだけか? お前が逃げた理由というのは」
そう尋ねるとグリフィンは、銃を持つ手を脇に降ろしながら、近付いて来た。グリフィンはさっきから何かを待ちかねているようだった。何を言うべきかジョエルには皆目見当がつかなかった。だがジョエルにはグリフィンの関心を自分に惹き付けておく必要があった。グリフィンの機嫌を損ねるわけにはいかなかったのだ。ジョエルは両手を広げた(注:これも相手を宥めようとするジェスチャー)。声は細くなり、掠れた。この上さらに(yet=さらに)、辛い真実を甘受しようと(settle on=甘んじる)……。

"I was scared," he answered.

That scored. Griffin smiled sadly.

"I know," he said. "You already admitted that to her," he glanced back at the white-faced, sweating Polly. Then he turned back to Joel. "But do you know, really, what you were afraid of? You never told her. I'd like you to tell me."
「だが、お前は本当に知らないのか? お前が何を恐れていたのかを。あの女に決して打ち明けてないことがあるだろう。俺はそれを言ってほしいんだ。お前の口から」

"I..." Joel stumbled, not sure if he could even answer that question for himself. Griffin tucked the gun into his belt, then moved closer to Joel, reaching up to touch his cheek with a surprisingly gentle finger. Joel winced, but forced himself to stand still. Griffin's voice was a throaty murmur.

"You can tell me. We've shared so much of ourselves already. Trust me."

"I was scared of you. Of me," Joel whispered, the words tumbling out in a bitter flood. "Even after Lisa died, all I could think about was you. Even when I grieved for her, it was you I could see when I closed my eyes, not her. Not your face, I didn't know what you looked like, but your presence. Every night, I dreamed of you and me and Lisa, but you most of all. It scared me; *I* scared me."

"So you ran away," Griffin said softly, stroking Joel's cheek. Joel swallowed hard, licked at his arid lips. He nodded.

"I do understand," responded Griffin. "I didn't fully realize myself until you were gone just how important you were to me. Sure, I knew you mattered - that's why I had to kill Lisa when she came between us. But it took being without you to truly understand how much I had come to need you." Griffin smiled wryly, his palm caressing Joel's cheek, his breath warm on Joel's skin as he came in closer. "It scared me too, at first, until I recognized that it was simple fate. We were meant to be together. Two halves of a whole. That's why I always felt so empty, so cold, until you entered my life and why our years together were the best of my life. It's why I followed you here. Do you understand that, Joel? Can you see it now?"
「俺自身だってまだ完全に理解していたわけじゃなかったんだ。お前がいなくなるまでは。俺にとってお前がどんなに大切な存在だったのかを……。そりゃあ、俺にも分かっていたさ。お前がかけがえのない存在なんだ(matter=大切な)ってことは。 -- だからこそ俺はリサを殺したんだ。あいつが俺達の間に割り込んできたから。だが、お前がいなくなって初めて、俺は心の底から実感できたんだ。お前がどれだけ、俺にとってなくてはならない存在なのかを」
「俺だって最初は怖かったさ。これが俺たちの定めなんだと割り切るまでは。俺達は一緒になる運命だったんだ(be meant to be=英:〜することになっている)。2人で一人だったのさ。そのせいで俺はいつだってひどく虚ろで、無性に寒くてたまらなかった。お前が俺の人生に現れるまではな。だからこそお前と知り合ってからの年月は、俺にとっちゃ人生最良の時だったんだよ。というわけで俺はお前をここまで追いかけてきたのさ。理解できたか? ジョエル。もう分かったのかよッ?」

Joel's eyes closed as he spoke the answer he knew Griffin wanted to hear. Yet, it wasn't saying the words that tore at him - he'd have said anything to keep Griffin happy and Polly alive. Lying wasn't the problem. It was the twisted echo of truth behind the lies that haunted him. Were they even lies at all?
ジョエルは目を閉ざした。グリフィンが聞きたがっているであろうその答えを口にしながら。だが口にしたところで、自分の胸が痛むということは決してなかった(tear+at=引きむしる)。 - 確かにジョエルはグリフィンのご機嫌を取り、ポリーの命を救うための甘言を吐いた。こういった状況で嘘をつくのは方便だ(=本当に問題なのは言い繕ったつもりが実は本音を言っていたということ)。が、嘘の裏に隠された真実から絞り出されたような声がジョエルを苛んだ。果たしてそれが偽りだとお前に言い切れるのだろうか? と。

"Yes, I understand. I made a horrible mistake. I should have known that I couldn't leave you without leaving a part of myself behind."

"Yes, you should have," Griffin responded. "I'm happy you realize it now."

"I do." Joel confirmed, the two words catching hard in his throat.

"Then I forgive you," Griffin said. His thumb touched the edge of Joel's mouth, then he pulled away. Reaching for the CD player on the nearby table, he turned up the sound. Swinging back around towards Joel, he swayed with the beat of the music.

"Dance with me, Joel," he demanded, stretching out a long, supple arm, offering his hand. "I've always wanted to dance with you."

Joel hesitated. "I don't dance," he said, shaking his head.

Griffin danced closer, the hard beat of the drums echoing in his footsteps. He extended his hand further, almost touching Joel's chest.

"I'll show you. Just take my hand and follow me," he insisted.

Joel stared down at the hand in front of him, his stomach twisting in his gut. This was a sure failure. He'd never been particularly graceful under good conditions. Now, he was likely to fall flat on his face and really piss Griffin off. But Griffin was waiting, his face set, determined. Joel bit at his bottom lip and reached up to take the offered hand.
目の前に差し出されたその手をジョエルはまじまじと見下ろした。胃の奧がキリキリと痛む。ハッキリ言って失敗だった。状況が芳しいからといって、ジョエルにとっては取り立てて感謝したいほどではなかった。というのも、今のジョエルときたら、顔からバッタリと床に倒れてしまいそうな(flat on his face=lying stretched out with his face on the floor)気がして、それがグリフィンの不興を買いや(piss off=うんざりさせる)しないかと危惧したからだ。だがグリフィンは待っていた。有無を言わせぬ顔で。下唇を噛むとジョエルは手を伸ばし、差し出された手を取った。

That won him another blazing smile. Griffin drew him in close, twining one his fingers through Joel's while settling his other hand on Joel's shoulder.

"Relax and feel the music," Griffin advised warmly. "You're too damned uptight. I'm gonna have to teach you how to chill out a bit." Chuckling, he guided Joel backwards and around sideways. "Just relax."
「お前、エラくガッチガチじゃないか。まずは肩の力を抜く(chill out=俗:落ち着く)ってとこから教えなきゃならないようだな」

Joel shuffled his feet, moving with Griffin, unable to lessen the tension stiffening his body. He stumbled once, only to be caught and held closer by Griffin. Their handclasp fell away as Griffin slid both arms around Joel's back and drew their bodies together. Joel shivered, but didn't protest.
グリフィンに合わせようとジョエルは足をもじもじさせた。緊張を解くことができず、体をこわばらせて。ジョエルは一度つまずいたが、難なくグリフィンに受け止められ、よりぴったり抱えられる結果を招いただけだった。グリフィンの両腕が絡み付くようにジョエルの背中を滑り降り、互いの体を押し付けるようにギュッと引き寄せるにつれて、繋がれていた2人の手は解かれた(fall away=はずれて落ちる)。ジョエルは身を震わせたが、拒みはしなかった。

They danced more smoothly like this, Joel letting his feet follow Griffin's. The man was tall, which made things easier. Joel would have had to look upwards to meet his eyes. He was more comforting staring, instead, at a black leather-clad shoulder and the strands of raven hair that brushed against it. Griffin guided him around in a tight circle, sliding large hands up and then down his spine. Joel tensed again, struggled with the need to fight or flee.

The gun was tucked in between them. He could reach for it, shoot Griffin, rescue Polly... His throat clutched, his stomach roiled. Griffin was quick, smart, agile. If Joel failed, if he wasn't fast enough, sure enough, it could cost his life. Polly's life. And if a bullet missed, hit wrong, struck one of the pools of kerosene, the entire place could go up in flames. Or if one of the sputtering candles went over...

Could he take the chance? Should he? Polly was depending on him. She'd trusted him, given him her faith, given him the short-lived strength to take up his life again. The cost of that was two more dead women, their throats sliced open. He'd failed both Ellie and Jessica, as he had so many other victims over the years. Now, Polly was the one at risk. He couldn't bear the thought of failing her, too.
自分にこのチャンスが活かし切れるのだろうか? このチャンスを活かすべきなのだろうか? この手にポリーの運命が掛かっているのだ。ポリーは自分を信じてくれた。信頼を寄せ、気休めとはいえ(shortlived=一時的な)もう一度人生をやり直す(take up=始める)よう力づけ、励ましてくれた。その代償として、新たに2人の女性が殺され、喉をパックリ切り裂かれた。エリーもジェシカも自分の落ち度だった。今まで何年にもわたって数多くの犠牲者を出してきたのと同じように。そして今やポリーも同じ危険に晒されていた。もはやジョエルには耐えられなかった。この上ポリーまで失うことになるなんて……。

The truth was stark and cold. He didn't dare take the risk of fighting Griffin. Not here, not now, not like this. His only choice was to Griffin what he wanted; to draw him away from killing Polly. To make the trade for her life worthwhile.
が、現実は厳しく(stark=ありのままの)、冷淡だった。ジョエルはあえてリスクを冒して、グリフィンと闘う気はなかった。(闘うなら)この場ではなく、今ではなく、こんな風に、ではないだろう。ジョエルに残された唯一の選択肢は、グリフィンが望むことを叶えてやる(注:正しくは"choice was to give Griffin"。giveが抜けている)ことだけだった。すなわち、ポリーの殺害からなるべくグリフィンの関心を反らし、ポリーの命を賭けるのに相応しい取り引きをするだけだったのだ。

Joel barely stifled a raw chuckle. Griffin wanted him and that wasn't such a difficult trade to make in the final analysis. Joel considered himself a poor trade for her, but it was Griffin's choice. Griffin could have what Griffin wanted. Hell, Joel had given up caring whether he lived or died a while ago. He'd been living on inertia, just barely surviving, trying to drug himself into oblivion with Seconal and the migraine meds, yet never quite succeeding. If Griffin wanted the wreck of a man he'd become, it was an easy gift to give, just as long as it saved Polly's life.
思わず笑いがこみ上げるのを(raw=desperate)ジョエルはほとんど抑えられなかった。ジョエルは最後にこう分析した。グリフィンの望みは他ならぬこの自分だ。そして、それは決して受け入れ難い取り引きでは無いと……。ポリーを救うためなら、どんな惨めな取り引きだろうと、自分の身を捧げるくらい、ジョエルは厭わなかった。が、それはグリフィンが決めることだった。グリフィンは自分が欲しがっていたものをもはや手に入れたも同然だった。それに所詮、自分の生死など、ジョエルにとっては、もうどうでもいい事だった。惰性で生きているだけで、かろうじて死なずにいるにすぎなかったからだ。セコナル(注:レッド・デビルなどと呼ばれるオレンジ色のカプセル。鎮痛・睡眠薬。含有されるバルビツレール酸が中枢神経を抑制する。常習使用すると耐性が生じ、中毒症状に陥りやすい。正規の処方量の10倍の量が致死量。 オーヴァードース事故が多数起きている)や偏頭痛薬などの、いわゆる薬の力というやつを借りて、どうにか忘れようとするのだが効果はサッパリだった。もう既に破滅した男の身をあえてグリフィンが望むというのなら、くれてやることなど少しも惜しくはなかった。それでポリーの命が救われるのなら……。

Once the decision was made, Joel found the tension draining away. His body went limp, slumping against Griffin. He slid his hands from the man's side to the long plane of his back, dropped his head against the curve of Griffin's shoulder. He took and released a deep breath, letting it all go. Letting Griffin's lean strength hold him up.

"There, that's better. Relax," Griffin murmured in his ear, the voice accompanied by a rush of warm, moist breath against his skin. He tensed briefly, then relaxed again. Griffin's embrace tightened and they swayed to the beat of the music without moving far across the floor. A hand moved up to cradle the back of his skull, fingers weaving through his hair. The other slid across the length of his back, the touch amazingly soothing.

Griffin's cheek rubbed against his own, the faint edge of razor stubble sharp against his own unshaven skin. Joel's own hands splayed across broad shoulders, the black leather smooth over the warm flesh underneath. It felt good, too good, to be held like this. It had been long, sheer months since he'd felt the closeness of another human being. Yet, his stomach twisted sharply in his belly, for this should have felt wrong. He should feel repulsed instead of comforted. His gut clenched harder and he pulled back, just enough to put an ounce of breathing room between them. He looked up and his eyes were caught.

Griffin's gaze locked his own, froze him. There was so much intensity blazing at him from those shadowed orbs; passion fired by an emotion Joel feared to name but couldn't escape. No one had ever looked at him like this before, no lover, not even Lisa. No one had ever made his knees go weak with a glance.

Joel wrapped his mouth around the name, "Griffin," even as he knew it might be the wrong one. It had been an alias, but it was the only name he knew for the man holding him upright. So he whispered it as a question. "Griffin?"
口にしようと思ったその瞬間(even as=文:ちょうど〜の時に)、その名前が本名ではないかもしれないと思い直して。それはあだ名だったのだ。が、それが、今のジョエルが知り得る唯一の名前であった。倒れぬよう自分を支えてくれているこの男の……。なのでジョエルは尋ねるようにこう囁いた。

That stole a smile. "Yes, Joel," came the tender, if amused, answer.

"Griffin," he repeated, more firmly, only to see that firmness lost as the man's face hardened with purpose. He knew what was coming, even had time to take a long slow breath. Yet, he couldn't have moved another muscle; he was hypnotized by his knowledge of what Griffin planned.

Dark-lashed lids slid down over Griffin's eyes as he bent his head closer, downwards. Without even realizing, consciously, that he did, Joel tipped his head back against the hand that still supported it, his lips parting as he let out a deep breath, an exhalation that was caught by Griffin as he lowered his mouth onto Joel's.

The initial touch was fleeting, tentative, but it gave way almost instantly to a demanding pressure. Joel gave way, his hands clutching fistfuls of black leather, as his mouth was penetrated and ravished. The dance of tongue on tongue replaced the last faint motions of their feet, abandoning the exterior music for the pounding of blood in veins and arteries. Joel's nerves jangled, heat burning along synapses, stripping away any last pretense, stoking a fire in his groin.
はじめの内こそ、サッと掠めるように軽く、ためらいがちに触れていたが、それが貪るような口づけへと変わる(give way=transfer)のに大して時間はかからなかった。ジョエルはくず折れた(give way=yield=屈する)。黒いレザーを思いきり握り締めながら、口腔内に侵入され、蹂躙されるがままに。足は最後にほんの僅かなステップを踏んだきり、踊るように絡み合う舌へと道を譲った。周りの音楽は、血管の中で激しく鼓動する血潮にかき消された(abandon〜for…=〜をやめて…にする)。ジョエルの神経は高ぶり、神経節を火のように熱い電流が流れた。なけなしの自尊心は奪い取られ、股間がカッと熱くなった(stoke=火をくべる)。

Teeth clashed as Griffin took an almost painful handful of Joel's hair and ground their mouths together. A salty sting of blood leaked from lips caught against enamel points. Joel didn't know if it was his own or Griffin's or both, a mingled flavor with musk and remnants of earlier meals. His lungs struggled, fighting for air and he had to pull away, just enough to gasp loudly for air. Griffin's chest heaved against his own, as the man met the same need. But it was a transitory problem, one that vanished into another searing kiss, was resurrected and lost again - and again - the desire for contact, for touch and taste, over-ruling it.
ジョエルの髪の毛を、痛々しいくらいにつかめるだけつかむとグリフィンは、お互いの唇を擦り合わせようとした。が、歯がぶつかってしまい、刺すような痛みとともに唇から滲んだ血がエナメル質を覆った。ジョエルには区別がつかなかった。それが自分の血なのか、グリフィンのなのか、それとも2人のものなのかどうか。麝香の薫りとその前に取った食事の残滓が入り交じって。空気を求めてジョエルの肺は必死にもがいた。とにかく息をしなければと、ジョエルは強引に体を引き離し、思いっきり喘いだ。自分の胸の上では、グリフィンの胸が激しく上下していた。この男も同じ必要に迫られていたのだ。だが、それは今だけの問題にすぎなかった。再び焼け付くような口づけにかき消され、蘇ってもまたすぐにかき消された - 何度も何度も - 一緒にいたい、触れ合い、味わいたいという衝動が、息苦しさを打ち負かした(overrule=却下する)。

Later, the kisses wandered, Griffin kissing, suckling, biting at every contour of Joel's face, dipping to seize an earlobe, finally seizing the skin above a pulsepoint in the throat and marking it. The quick sliver of pain only served to further the shattering ache of desire. Joel's hands seized upon thick strands of hair, pulling, urging, demanding, satisfied only when Griffin's lips came down, hard, on his own again. This time he wasn't submissive to the kiss, he sought and took access to the other man's mouth. His temples pounded even as dizziness flowed over him, blood fleeing downward to throb in his groin.

A strong hand took hold of his ass, pulled him in closer, rubbing their bodies together and Joel moaned into Griffin's throat. His legs, bereft of control, gave way easily as Griffin bent him downwards. Joel clutched at him for support, head falling backwards as Griffin took to his neck again, suckling on the exposed skin. He groaned aloud, dropped his head forward to press his mouth against the silken top of Griffin's head, and abruptly froze as his eyes fell on the woman watching them, her eyes wide over a taped-shut mouth.
力強い手がジョエルの腰をつかむと、グイッと引き寄せ、互いの体を擦り合わせ始めた。ジョエルのうめきがグリフィンの喉笛に掛かる。足はコントロールを失い、たやすく屑折れてしまい(give way=collapse)、グリフィンはジョエルを床に付きそうなくらい、後ろにのけぞらせた(注:このdownwardsはbackwardのニュアンスを含む)。倒れまいとグリフィンにしがみついたジョエルが首を仰け反らせると、グリフィンは再び首筋を攻め、露になった皮膚に吸い付いた。叫ぶようにうめくとジョエルは頭を前に投げ出し、グリフィンの絹のような頭のてっぺんに唇を寄せた。その瞬間、ジョエルは凍り付いた。自分たちを睨んでいる女性が視界に入った途端に……。テープで塞がれた口の上で、その目は大きく見開かれていた。

Polly. Oh hell. He'd forgotten everything in the blazing storm of desire that Griffin had fired in him. Guilt struck like a bucket of ice cold water. That reaction communicated itself to the man holding him. Griffin brought them back upright, Joel still clinging to him.

"Joel?" Griffin demanded in a raw voice.

Joel looked back into Griffin's face, staggering as he was met - again - with the power of the man's desire for him. He'd never known just how seductive it could be to be so wanted. No - call it honestly - to be so loved. It was hard, unbelievably difficult, not to lose himself again in the intensity of that emotion. To simply surrender to the force of Griffin's need. But he forced himself, clinging mentally to strands of guilt, pain and resolve.
グリフィンの顔へ視線を戻したジョエルは、自分への欲望をたぎらせている男のあまりの迫力に気圧されて - またしても - たじろいでしまった。ジョエルは今まで知らなかった。一途に求められることがこれほどまでに自分の心を締め付けるものだとは。いや - 正直に呼ぶなら - 一途に愛されるというべきだろう。こんなにも強烈な感情の嵐の中で、再び(注:前は何度かひるみながらも、抱き合って何とかダンスし通せたことを指している)自分を失わないようにするのは容易なことではなく、信じられないくらい困難なことであった。グリフィンの激しい欲望の威力に屈してしまうのはいともたやすいことであった。だが、ジョエルは無理矢理自分を叱咤した。罪悪感や苦痛や決意が綾なす心の糸に、必死ですがりつくようにして。

"Not here, not like this, please?" he asked plaintively. Now Griffin's regard moved beyond him to their surroundings, even twisting around to Polly, before returning to him.

"You want me to let her go," Griffin said, making it a statement not a question. Joel bit at his bottom lip, nodding, then wincing as his teeth hit a bruise.

"Please," he pleaded. "For me, please."

Griffin's expression hardened and gave way in subtle shifts of muscle and bone. "Does it really mean that much to you?"
グリフィンの表情は強張っていたが、自然と筋肉や骨が綻び出す(give away=yield)のを抑え切れなかった。
「絶対に他意(that much=それだけ)は無いな?」

Joel nodded.

"If I let her go, will you stay with me tonight?"

Joel nodded again. Griffin waited, wanting more. It was all too easy to give.

"Yes, I promise. I will stay with you tonight." His entire lower body throbbed as he spoke. If truth were told, he'd give this anyway. Maybe demand it. Yes. He needed this as much as Griffin did, may heaven help them both. He could only pray that Griffin didn't quite sense that singular truth, but the spark in the dark eyes fixed on him stirred doubt that he could hide anything from this man. And if Griffin knew that he would get what he wanted whether Polly lived or died, that left no reason for him to release her. Desire twisted harshly with guilt, searing Joel with an agony he knew would never leave him if she died.

Griffin's quick kiss was tender, surprisingly gentle. "As you wish, beloved," he said, words warm against Joel's cheek. "Once you and I are in a safe place, you may call your colleagues and tell them where she is."

Hope, relief, flared within Joel. His blue eyes widened as he pulled his head back and looked up at Griffin from a slightly safer distance.

"Promise?" he asked.

"You have my word," Griffin responded. "I've never lied to you, Joel, and I never will."

Truth rang in his words and Joel accepted it. What else could he do? But he knew with shame that Griffin had never been the one running from honesty. Griffin had never been the one denying his reality, burying it in dreams until he could no longer sleep. Hiding behind a haze of drug-induced stupor. Barely living, not quite dying, running more from himself than from anyone or anything else.

"I know," he replied, offering up his acceptance with open blue eyes. Desire flared in Griffin's responding gaze; fired between them again, an explosion built on an unexplainable, impossible chemistry. Griffin took one more kiss, hard, searing, then let Joel go. Joel staggered, almost falling to his knees on the kerosene-dampened concrete floor. Fighting for balance, at least physically, he finally found his feet and stumbled towards Polly. There, he did fall to his knees on the floor, beside her.
ジョエルは答えた。承諾したことを示すようにその青い目をじっと見開いて。応じたグリフィンの瞳が欲望の色に染まった。再び2人の間に情熱の炎がたぎり、説明できない、起こるはずのない急激な連鎖反応(chemistry=2人の間に突然生まれる強烈な性衝動)が起こった。グリフィンはもう一度、火傷しそうなくらい強烈に唇を奪うと、ジョエルを解放した。よろけたジョエルは灯油でまみれたコンクリートの床にもう少しで膝を付くところだった。どうにかバランスを保ったジョエルは、少なくとも肉体的にはだが、やっと自分の足で歩ける(find one's feet=赤ん坊などが立てるようになること)ようになると、よろけるようにしてポリーへと近付いた。ポリーの傍らまで来ると、ジョエルはついに床にひざまずいた。

She looked at him, eyes pleading, terrified, worried, above her taped mouth.

"It'll be OK," he promised hoarsely. Reaching up, he swept strands of hair away from her eyes. "He's going to let me call the Bureau to come release you once we're safely away."

She shook her head, fiercely, trying to communicate silently that he was wrong. He shouldn't do this. But Joel returned her gesture.

"Don't worry about me," he urged. "He won't hurt me. He loves me. Just sit tight - you'll be out of here soon, I promise."
「あいつは僕に危害を加えたりしない。あいつは僕のことが好きなんだ。じっと座っててくれ - すぐにここから出られるから。必ず」

A low moan fought free of her gag. Somehow Joel knew it was an attempt at his name. He stroked her cheek one last time, then pushed himself to his feet.

"Be safe, Doc," he told her before turning away. Behind him, at the door, Griffin was waiting, a duffel bag hoisted over one shoulder, his other hand held out towards Joel.

Joel took a deep breath and walked over to the other man, reaching out to take the offered hand. Griffin's finger closed tightly on his own, drawing him through the doorway. Joel didn't even look back once. His choice was made with the finality of inevitability.

He made the call from a pay phone on the street. They were excited to hear from him, panicked, confused. Joel talked rapid-fire, spitting out the information. Find Polly Bielman, he told them, don't worry about me. Find her! They agreed, then demanded his location. He hung up on the question. Griffin was waiting, watching, silent and strangely approving.
街頭の公衆電話からジョエルは電話を掛けた。ジョエルの声を聞いた同僚たちは、興奮のあまり、慌てふためき、混乱しまくっていた。機関銃のような早さでジョエルは情報を洗いざらい説明した。ポリー・ビールマンを見つけだせとジョエルは連中に指示した。自分のことなら心配はいらないから、ポリーを発見するんだ! と。了解すると同時に同僚たちはジョエルの居場所を尋ねてきた。ジョエルは返事に窮した。グリフィンが待っていたからだ。こちらを観察しながら、黙ったまま、妙に満足げな様子で……。

Joel came back to him, drawn like a moth to the flame. He didn't understand Griffin - was slowly coming to the realization that he'd really known nothing of the truth of this man, despite the long years of studying his handiwork. But Griffin knew him with almost psychic certainty. That was yet another previously hidden piece of the puzzle. A puzzle that was a man that was a bizarre kaleidoscope of hate and love, violence and tenderness, rage and laughter. All of which was echoed in their relationship, light and darkness fragmented into a million glittering pieces, sharp and biting to the touch yet surprisingly beautiful upon regard.
ジョエルはグリフィンの元に戻ってきた。蛾が炎に吸い寄せられるかのように。ジョエルはグリフィンが理解できなかった - が、ようやく悟り始めた。自分は本当にこの男の正体を何一つ知らなかったのだと。長年ヤツの手口を研究してきたにもかかわらず。だがグリフィンのほうは自分のことを知り尽くしていた。まるで念力でも使ったかのように正確に。それこそが、以前には分からなかった「パズルのピース」だったのだ。パズルの正体とは、愛と憎しみ、暴力と慈愛、憤怒と愉悦とが入り交じった奇妙な万華鏡である、この男そのものだったのだ。それらはすべて、2人の関係の間で響き合い、光と闇が砕け散り、数え切れないほどのキラキラと輝く破片に分解した。触れればチクリと突き刺さらんばかりに鋭いが、見た目はゾッとするほど美しかった。

He found himself smiling, chuckling, as he got into the car, this time into the passenger seat. Griffin glanced at him, reflecting his amusement, even as he questioned without words.

"I was just thinking..." Joel responded, leaning back as the car jerked forward. Griffin drove with ruthless precision, sliding effortlessly through Chicago traffic.

"About what?" Griffin asked, his tone warm and indulgent.

"Us. This weird love-hate thing we've got going."

Griffin's laugh was rich as red wine.

"I suppose it is a bit unusual," he commented.

"A bit?" Joel responded wryly. Blue eyes met brown and mirth let loose. Both men laughed until their bodies shook, Griffin somehow maintaining control of the car. Joel finally released his incipient hysteria into shuddering deep breaths.
皮肉げにジョエルは言い返した。その青い双眸が茶色のそれに迎えられた途端、堪えていたものが一気に吹き出した(let loose=爆発させる)。2人とも体を揺すって笑い合ったが、どうにかグリフィンは手元を狂わせずに車を操縦し果せた。が、ジョエルのほうはとうとうヒステリー発作を起こし始め、引きつけたように息を荒げた。

"Hey, take it easy," Griffin said, concern sharpening his voice. "I want you with me tonight, not back in a hospital."

"I'm all right," Joel reassured him, strangely feeling the truth of it. "Where are we going anyway?"

"A little place of mine just over the border in Wisconsin," Griffin replied effortlessly. "It's not much, but it's private."

Joel nodded, stretching out his legs beneath the dash. "How long?"

"A couple of hours. Get some rest."

Joel grimaced wryly. Sleeping wasn't exactly his forte of late, if it had ever been. He doubted that it would come now of all times. Still he closed his eyes and listened to the sound of the car on the road...
ジョエルは皮肉げに顔をしかめた。このところ(of late=最近)のジョエルは必ずしも眠るのが得意ではなかったからだ。前は得意だったとしても(譲歩のif)。しかもこんな状況の時に眠くなったりするものかどうかジョエルにははなはだ疑問だった。それでもジョエルは目蓋を閉じ、道路を走る車の音に耳を傾けるよう努力した。

It was to his shock that he came awake with a start to deepening darkness and a warm kiss on his lips.

"Time to wake up, Sleeping Beauty," Griffin said. It took Joel a moment to focus, to remember, to realize where he was.

"What?" he muttered, rubbing at sleepy eyes.

"We're here." 'Here' was a small log cabin sitting alone in an isolated grove of trees. There was a small pond just visible through the bare branches; the rest was a dusty dirt road and long open fields stretching for as far as his eye could see.

"Come on inside. I'll make some coffee. I picked up some dinner on the road. Hope you don't mind fast food.

"Hardly," Joel replied. His stomach responded with a powerful rumble. He glanced down at it, then looked up to find Griffin grinning at him. Griffin swooped down to kiss the tip of Joel's nose, then leapt from the car.

Joel followed him inside, shivering with the chill of the falling night. He stood, uncertain, in the center of the single room. Griffin, on the other hand, moved with confidence, powering up a generator, turning on lights, kneeling down before the fireplace.

"You can sit down," he called out over his shoulder as he loaded some small logs and kindling into the maw of the stone hearth. Joel took a deep breath and did as instructed, settling down on an old, frayed, but well-padded sofa. He sank down into the cushion, air whistling out between his teeth. Griffin was a dark form bent down before the fire as it exploded into life - it threw red highlights into his ebony hair. Joel watched him watch the fire for a moment, then rise gracefully to his feet. He watched as Griffin shed his leather jacket and paced across the room, a long, lean predator. He watched as Griffin set hamburgers and french fries onto blue plates and recovered dusty bottles of beer from below the sink.
石造りの暖炉の火口に小降りの薪をくべ、火を起こしながらグリフィンは肩越しに声を掛けた。深い安堵の溜息をつくとジョエルは言われた通りに、古くて擦り切れてはいるが、クッションのよくきいたソファーに腰を降ろした。クッションに身を沈めると、歯の間からフッと息を漏らした。火の前に屈み込んでいるグリフィンは、逆光で影になっていた。火は瞬く間に燃え上がった(explode into life=suddenly comes to life:活気づく) - その黒壇のような髪の毛に映え、赤く輝いていた。ジョエルは眺めていた。しばしの間炎を見つめ、やがて優雅に立ち上がったグリフィンを。ジョエルは眺めていた。皮のジャケットを脱ぎ捨て、部屋を横切っていくグリフィンを。背の高い、スラリとした肉食獣であるその男を。ジョエルは眺めていた。ハンバーガーとフライドポテトを青いお盆に載せ、埃まみれのビール瓶を台所のシンクの下から取り出すグリフィンを……。

"It'll warm up in here soon," Griffin told him, placing the plates and drinks down on the scarred wooden coffee table, then joining Joel on the couch. It sank beneath his weight, tilting Joel towards him. Their shoulders brushed, sending an electric jolt through Joel's body at the contact. Griffin held out one bottle and this time, unlike earlier -- had it really been the same day? -- Joel accepted it with a soft thank you.
そうグリフィンは声を掛けると、無数の傷がついた木製のコーヒーテーブルの上にお盆と飲み物を載せ、身をくっ付けるようにしてジョエルの脇に腰を下ろした。グリフィンの重みのせいでソファーが沈み込み、ジョエルはグリフィンのほうへと傾げた。肩と肩とが触れ合い、そこからジョエルの体にゾクリと電流が流れた。グリフィンは瓶を差し出した。それにしても今回は、前回とは大違いだった(注:前回は部屋に通された途端に殴られたが、今回は歓待されたため) -- 本当にこれは同じ日の出来事なのだろうか? -- 軽い感謝の念と共に、ジョエルはそれを受け取った。

"You're welcome, always," Griffin told him, taking a deep swig of his own drink. "Oh, that's good. It's been quite a day."

"You can say that again..."

"It's been quite a day..."

  Griffin chuckled as Joel grimaced at him.

"Eat your dinner," Griffin ordered in response. And so Joel did. The burgers were greasy, the fries too salty, but he was starving and it went down smoothly on the wings of the chilly, fizzy alcohol. They ate in silence, then Griffin cleared up with quick efficiency.

Joel sat still, nursing the remnants of his beer, until Griffin returned. He put the bottle down and turned to meet Griffin's intent gaze, his heart skipping a beat. Griffin's eyes held his own, pinioning him, holding him as he came in closer. Joel couldn't look away, couldn't close his eyes, even as his body stirred in anticipation. He met Griffin's mouth avidly this time, holding nothing back. This was what he was here for; it had been implicit in every thing they'd said and done this day - and perhaps for many, many days before.
ジョエルはただじっと座っていた。グリフィンが戻ってくるまで、残りのビールをグズグズと飲みながら(nurse=乳を飲む)。瓶を下し、ジョエルが振り向くと、そこには食い入るように見詰めているグリフィンの双眸が待ち受けていた。途端にジョエルの心臓は跳ね上がった。ゆっくりと近付きながらグリフィンは、目でジョエルを捉え、羽交い締めにし、抱きすくめた。これから起こることへの期待に体を震わせたままジョエルは、目を反らすことも、閉じることもできなかった。そしてグリフィンの唇を、今度は貪るようにジョエルは受け止めた。抱き返すことも忘れて。このために自分はここにいるのだと。この日の互いの言動のすべてに、それは暗にほのめかされていた。- そして恐らくそれはずっと前から、幾日も前から……。

Large, hot hands framed his face, thumbs stroked at the edge of his mouth. Griffin's tongue delved deep and Joel met it with his own, tangling, stroking. Joel's hands covered Griffin's, then traced his arms, wrists to forearms to biceps to shoulders. He pressed closer, only to find himself pushed down into the cushions, Griffin a hard, heavy weight upon him.

Griffin's mouth lifted from his, found his cheeks, moved sideways to tease at his ear.

"I want to taste every inch of you, Joel," Griffin growled. "To feel your skin under my hands, watch you writhe with ecstasy as you come in my arms. I want to drink you down, then plunge myself deep within you until we are joined as one." He paused to tongue the crevice of Joel's ear, to bite at his earlobe, a quick, sharp pain that only made Joel moan with growing need.

"Would you like that?" Griffin demanded, abandoning the ear for the hollow of Joel's throat. Joel breathed in raggedly, his mind hazing over with desire as blood rushed to his groin.

"Yesss," he hissed through clenched teeth. "Yes, oh yes." His head fell backwards, exposing the bare curve of his neck. Griffin nuzzled it, suckled, bit and marked the sensitive skin. Joel dug his fingers into Griffin's back and simply held on for the ride, giving way as his clothes were stripped away, tossing aside any last denial with them.
ジョエルは頭を仰け反らせると、艶かしくカーブを描く首筋をさらけ出した。グリフィンは顔を埋めた。その敏感な皮膚を吸い上げ、噛み付き、そして痕を付けた。ジョエルはグリフィンの背中に指を食い込ませ、振り落とされないよう、必死にしがみついた。服が剥ぎ取られていくに任せ(give way=yield, surrender)、なけなしの抵抗すらも服と共にかなぐり捨てて。

Griffin settled back across him, resting his elbows on the sides of Joel's face. The feel of his clothes, soft cotton and denim, felt strangely erotic on Joel's bared skin. He wrapped his arms around Griffin's back, pulling him down, spreading his legs wide to cradle him. He reached up and wove fingers through the straight silken strands of Griffin's hair.

"Aren't you a little overdressed for this?" he said, tugging Griffin's mouth towards his own. Griffin smiled into the kiss, pulling away a long moment later to tip his mouth away while his forehead dipped to touch Joel's.

"Not for now. There's time. Right now, I have other plans." He kissed Joel's forehead, then across his temples, then his cheekbones, lips and tongues tracing every feature. He ran his hands through Joel's dark blonde hair, caressing his scalp, then down to massage the base of his neck.

Hands and lips and fingers and tongue moved in concert now, exploring, mapping, memorizing Joel. The pad of a thumb ran the length of one collarbone and then the other. Teeth followed, lightly grazing. Joel's right shoulder was next, his arm, damp trails of saliva cooling on his skin, down one biceps, into the curve of an elbow, stopping there to suckle at a startlingly sensitive stretch of skin. Downward further, a teeth scratched at the mound of his palm, quickly bruising, soothed with the sweep of a tongue and a kiss. Each finger, in turn, was suckled deep into moist heat, tasted, reluctantly released.

One arm - and then the other - was subjected to the same exquisite torture. Joel's bones felt as though they had morphed into rubber, his skin as though it was afire. Every touch bolted a line of flame straight to his groin. His cock felt as though it burst at any second; he was sure he wouldn't, couldn't, possibly take much more of this. But Griffin was only getting started, and the graze of an eye-tooth on an already hardened nipple was enough to make Joel howl.
片方の手が終わると -- もう一方の手にも -- 今と同じ、丹念で容赦の無い責め苦を科した。ジョエルは自分の骨がゴムに変容し、皮膚が焼け焦げるような幻覚に襲われた。あらゆる愛撫は炎が伝わるように(bolt=move fast/run away suddenly)一斉にジョエルの股間を直撃した。ジョエルのペニスは今にもはち切れそうだった。ジョエルには強い確信があった。恐らく自分はこれ以上望まないし、これで精一杯(take much more of=これ以上耐えられない)だろうと。だが、グリフィンのほうはまだまだこれからといった様子であり、その瞳に射抜かれ、既に硬く尖り切った乳首に犬歯を立てられただけで、ジョエルはたちまち雄叫びを上げてしまいそうだった。

Griffin abandoned his exploration just long enough to swallow that scream, to kiss him into a temporary stay, slowing down, waiting, until Joel was able to breath again. Then the assault continued, teasing every inch of his body from throat to hips, then down one leg and up the other. Griffin found erogenous zones Joel hadn't known he possessed. The lick of a tongue across the inside of his ankle nearly made him come then and there. Yet, somehow, Griffin knew just when to stop, to wait, to ease things off until he could continue. Until Joel was writhing beneath him, mindless, moaning.

Griffin moved up again, drew Joel into another kiss, then rested upon him for a moment. "Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" he whispered, stroking sweat-dampened hair back from Joel's temples. "You glow in the firelight, reflect and outshine it. So beautiful, my Joel, my beloved."

Barely registering the voice, much less the words, all Joel could say was "Please...please..." A plaintive plea that was met with another fierce kiss and then a quick slide downward. Joel thrust his hips upward, silently now, demanding attention to the one needy part of his body that had been, until now, ignored. And at long last, Griffin met that need with passionate surety.
声を発することもできず(register=感情などを表す)、まして(much less=否定文の後で:いわんや 〜どころか〜ない)言葉を紡ぐなどもってのほかなジョエルは、こう訴えるのがやっとだった。

The heat, the slick moisture, the pressure were all Joel could have dreamed of and more than he could have imagined. Somehow, Griffin drew him in deep, his fingers guiding, probing, squeezing, finally pumping to match the suction of his throat. Joel screamed aloud as his body released in one, powerful convulsion, his back arching, his arms and legs jerking, fists clenching. Griffin rode him out, held him down, took all that was offered to him, suckled and stroked until Joel collapsed, darkness flooding in upon him.
ジョエルは夢見てきた。その熱さも、なめらかでしっとりとした感覚も、包み込む力強さも、何もかも。そしてそれはジョエルの想像を遥かに超えていた。深々と呑み込むとグリフィンは、指を宛い、まさぐり、握ったりしていたが、終いには吸い上げる喉の動きに合わせるように上下にリズミカルに扱いた。躯が精を放った途端、ジョエルは悲鳴を上げた。一度だけ激しく身をうねらせ、背中を撓らせたまま、腕や脚を闇雲にバタつかせ、拳をギュッと握り締めるようにしながら。グリフィンは振り落とされないよう(ride out=乗り切る)しがみつき、押さえ込むと、自らに差し出されたあらゆるものを享受し、しゃぶり尽くし、慈しんだ。ジョエルが崩れ落ち、闇に飲み込まれてしまうまで……。

He woke to find himself cradled between a strong, slender body and the fraying, worn sofa cushions, hands stroking his spine and his scalp. Soft kisses rained down on his shoulder, interspersed with quick, near-painful bites. He moaned in response, wriggling beneath the other man's weight. Griffin reached down, around him, to hold him still, to embrace him more fully. It was only then that he realized that they were both naked now, skin caressing skin in slick contact.

Joel turned his head and caught a glimpse of white teeth and coal eyes before his mouth was captured in a now-familiar demand. Accepting that need, reflecting it, was the only response he knew now. Nerves tingled across his entire body as Griffin tightened his embrace, pressed an equally fierce demand down upon the curve of Joel's back.

When they came up for air, Griffin's voice was raw in his ears. "I need you now, Joel." There was no question what he meant; Griffin throbbed against him; silken hardness already seeking entrance. The knowledge of it, the idea, washed over Joel's senses like a strike of lightening, melting him in a rush of liquid heat. Somehow he didn't even need to say a word - Griffin sensed his acceptance, his need - answered it with another searing kiss. Joel sank into it, laying limp as Griffin's large, firm hands explored him again.
もはや疑問の余地はない。グリフィンは本気なのだ。ドクドクと脈打つグリフィン自身がジョエルの躰に押し付けられ、絹のように滑らかで硬い何かが、さっきから入り口を探していた。その正体が分かった途端、まるで雷に撃たれたかのように、ジョエルの感覚は押し流された。溢れるような灼熱の激流の中にその身が溶けてしまったかのように。なぜだかジョエルは感じた。言葉にするまでもないと - グリフィンには伝わったのだ。拒む気がないどころか、欲しくてたまらないのは自分のほうだということが - 再びグリフィンは燃えるようなキスでジョエルに応えた。その接吻の中にジョエルは溺れた。再びグリフィンの大きくて力強い両手にまさぐられ、しどけなく横たわりながら。

Joel couldn't quite understand where Griffin's control came from. He was past ready by the time one slick-coated finger slid inside him. His body convulsed, both fighting and welcoming the invader. He was soothed with long, sure strokes on his own re-burgeoning cock, kisses on the nape of his neck, a low whisper of 'breathe my love.' He breathed deep, let it go, and let the tension flee. As it went, the probing finger slid deeper, breaching his final defenses until it hit upon the center of his being and he exploded, screaming aloud. Again, Griffin soothed him, then sent him flying again on pulsating waves of ecstasy. Yet, that slender, periodic touch wasn't enough - he needed more and he shouted out the demand in a voice that broke on its own power.
ジョエルには到底理解できなかった。どうしてグリフィンはこれほどまでに自分を律することができるのだろうかと。潤滑剤が塗られた指がジョエルの体の中に挿し込まれた頃にはもう、とっくに受け入れる用意が出来上がっていた。侵略者に抗いたい気持ちと喜んで迎え入れたい衝動がせめぎ合い、ジョエルの体は激しくわなないた。そんなジョエルをグリフィンは宥めた。たっぷりと時間をかけ、再び力を増したジョエルのペニスに、確実な愛撫を加えながら。ジョエルの首筋に口づけ落とし、「いい子だから、息を吐くんだ」と甘やかに囁きかけて……。ジョエルは深々と息をすると、抵抗を止め、緊張を逃がした。弛緩するに連れて、まさぐるような指が奧へ奧へと挿し込まれ、ジョエルの最後の守りを突破し、ジョエルの躯の中にある快感の源泉を探り当てた。ジョエルはついに絶叫した。激しい悲鳴を上げて。再び、グリフィンはジョエルを宥めた。そうして絶頂がもたらす痺れるような快感の波にジョエルは再びさらわれた。それでもまだ、絶え間なく与えられる細い指による愛撫だけはもはや満足できなくなっていた - ジョエルはもっとイイものが欲しくて、切れ切れに切迫した声でせがんだ。

The finger withdrew, leaving him gasping in frustration. He reached back, only to have his arms seized, held down, as Griffin's body shifted over his. The emptiness abruptly gave way to fierce, blunt pressure and he sobbed aloud again, his body twisting, jerking as desire struggled with sudden fear and pain struck. Too much, it was too much, he couldn't do this. And yet, he found himself thrusting back, impaling himself on the giant intruder as it seemed to split him open, driving so deeply into him that he thought there'd be nothing left of him.
指が抜き去られると、ジョエルは不満げな喘ぎを漏らした。ジョエルは取り戻そうと手を伸ばし、闇雲に両腕でしがみつき、引き下ろそうともがいた。同時にグリフィンの身体がジョエルの上にのしかかった。喪失感は突然、猛烈で鈍器のような圧力に圧倒された(give way=yield, surrender)。再びジョエルは声を上げてむせび泣き、躯を捩るように、激しくのた打ち回った。突然襲いかかってきた恐怖や激痛相手に、欲望が奮闘している間中……。それはあまりにも強烈だった。あまりに強烈すぎて、耐えられないほどだった。なのに、それでもジョエルは自分から腰を突き上げているのに気付いた。巨大な侵入者に穿たれながら。それは自分を割り広げるかのように、自分の中に深々と埋め込まれたために、ジョエルには一寸の隙も残されていないかのように思えた。

Then it stopped, throbbing deeply inside him, Griffin wrapped around him, in him, over him, kisses and caressing gently easing him as he struggled to breath. Each gulp of air seemed to relax him just a bit, Griffin's sure hands teased nerve endings back into fiery awareness. Finally, the tension fled and he sank downward. It was the one signal Griffin had been waiting for; he moved. Joel's entire body followed, a pleasure deeper, darker, more intense than he'd ever imagined he could feel, shearing through him. Griffin slid away, then thrust back in, Joel rocked back, welcoming him.

Griffin ruled the rhythm, manipulating Joel with a control that seemed nearly inhuman. Joel gave himself up to it, riding the waves of pleasure as they crashed over him, each one coming just a bit closer to drowning him. Griffin's fingers closed on Joel's wrists, digging in deeply, holding down, holding him close, teeth tearing at the side of his neck. Strangely, in the end, it was Griffin who screamed when Joel finally fell, his body pouring its very essence into Joel's even as they tumbled into oblivion.
まさにグリフィンのペースだった。ほとんど超人的とまで言える自制心でジョエルを思うままに操った。ジョエルは身を委ねた(give oneself up to=没頭する)。快感の波に乗り、その波が自分の上で砕けるに任せて。それぞれの波がほとんど間近に迫り、もう少しでジョエルは溺れそうだった(come close to 〜ing=もう少しで〜するところである)。グリフィンはジョエルの手首を指でしっかりと捉え、指を深く食い込ませ、押さえ付け、きつく抱き締め、ジョエルの首の脇に食らいついた。奇妙なことに、ジョエルがとうとう陥落した時、最後に叫んだのはグリフィンのほうだった。グリフィンの体がジョエルの中に精を注ぎ込んだ瞬間、2人は忘我の中に落ちていった。


Joel was barely coming awake when he felt something cold tighten around his already sore wrists. He murmured, trying to turn over, open his eyes and come to awareness.

"Ssshhh," a now familiar voice rumbled in his ear. "Stay still."

Joel snapped fully awake, abruptly realizing that his hands were cuffed behind his back.

"What the hell?" he questioned, wincing as the effort to speak rubbed harshly against an already raw throat.

"It's necessary," Griffin told him, gently stroking sweat-soaked strands of hair back from Joel's eyes. "They have to think you're the victim here, so they don't punish you."

Joel blinked up at the shadowed face hovering over his own. "I don't understand. Why would anyone punish me?"

"You'd never be allowed to return to your work if they thought you were willing in this. Our love is beyond their comprehension."

"Work?" Joel questioned. "To hell with my work. Griffin..."

A finger pressed firmly against his lips, silencing him.

"Don't say that. What you do is who you are and I need you to be you."

Joel wasn't in the least bit sure he understood that, or anything else that had happened. Exhaustion, satiation, soft throbbing of remembered fulfillment, remnants of desire all stirred within him. Did this really need intellectual definition? His body said no; all it cared about was Griffin's continued closeness. Yet, his mind was beginning to function again, and it had far too many unanswered questions to be totally ignored.
ジョエルは果たして自分にそれが理解できたのかどうか、まるで自信がなかった(not in the least=ちっとも〜ない)。あるいは、何が起こったのかすら、おぼつかなかった。全力を使い果たした疲労感、十分な満足感、思いを遂げたという記憶による微かな胸の動悸、変わらずに今も自分の中で燃え続ける欲望の残滓……。この感覚を理屈で説明する必要など本当にあるのだろうか? ジョエルの体は否と叫んでいた。専らジョエルが心を砕いているのは、いつまでもグリフィンの側にいること、ただそれだけだった。それでもジョエルの頭脳は再び回転し始めていた。そして顧みられることなど決してない、答えてもらえる当てのない無益な問いをいつまでも紡ぎ続けていた。

"What about you? What are you planning to do?" he asked, winning a tender, wry smile in return.
「それで、君はどうするつもりなんだ? 何か当てでもあるのか?」

"Retire. Try something new. Who knows? It's a big world out there," Griffin replied with apparent calmness, but Joel could sense the tension strung beneath the casual words.

"You're leaving me," Joel stated, unable to keep the sudden burst of pain out of his words. It startled him, but not Griffin.

"I have to," Griffin whispered, closing his eyes briefly. "Otherwise, I'll change you or destroy you and I can't let that happen." He shook his head as Joel tried to respond. "No - I'm right about this. You're my light, Joel, and I won't bury you in my darkness. I love you too much." He smiled forcibly, his eyes gleaming. "We had our last dance. That's why I came to Chicago - to dance with you one more time. It was beautiful, so wonderful, and I hate to let it go, to let you go, but it has to be. I know that now; I guess I always did."
「いいや - この件に関しては俺は間違っちゃいない。お前は俺を照らす光だ、ジョエル。お前を引きずり込むわけにはいかないんだ、俺の心の闇の中に……。俺は愛し過ぎてしまったんだ、お前を」
「俺達は終わりのダンスを踊った。そのために俺はシカゴまでやって来たんだ - お前ともう一度踊るために。あんなに美しく、かけがえのない体験は初めてだった。だから俺だって手放したくはないんだ。お前を失いたくはない。でも、こうしなければならないんだ。今になってみてようやく俺も分かったのさ。俺は結局、こうしただろうって……」

He kissed Joel, then swiftly covered his mouth with a strip of cotton cloth. After tying it firmly around Joel's head, stopping him from speaking, Griffin leaned forward again to kiss him through the barrier.

"I'll call them just as soon as I can. They'll get here fast. You'll be all right, just let them think the obvious. The truth -- that's ours alone, our own precious secret. I love you, Joel, for always. I'll be waiting for you in the next life and beyond. And you'll come to me again, someday. Maybe then we'll be luckier than we were this time around. Until then, live well, my love."
「連中にはできるだけ早く電話するよ。ヤツらなら、すぐでもここにたどり着くだろう。何も心配いらない、連中が考えることなんて知れてる。真実は - 俺達だけのものだ。俺達だけの大切な秘密さ。愛してるよ、ジョエル。いつだって。来世だろうが、その先だろうが、俺はずっとお前を待ってる。そしてお前もいつか、俺のところに戻ってくるんだ。その時には多分、俺達の関係も、ちったぁマシになってるだろうよ……今よりはな。その時まで、元気で暮らせよ。愛しいジョエル」

Joel closed his eyes as Griffin pressed one final tender kiss into his forehead and then moved away. He lay still, heart pounding, as footsteps moved away and a blast of cold air came through the briefly opened, then closed door. He could hear the car's engine start, roar and slip away, leaving him alone. Even if he could have spoken, he wouldn't have known what to say.

If Griffin had given him the choice, would Joel have gone with him? The answer to that terrified him. He was far too sure that he'd have pleaded to go. But Griffin had taken the choice away with him. He was left behind with conflicted emotions and shattered sensibilities. Griffin had said that he didn't want to change Joel, but the truth - as Joel already knew - was that Joel had already been changed.
もしグリフィンが自分に選択肢を与えてくれていたら、自分はグリフィンに付いて行っただろうか? その答えは、ジョエルを震撼させた。ジョエルには分かり切っていた。一緒に連れてってくれと自分は必死になって哀願するだろうと。だが、グリフィンは自分から選ぶ権利を奪ってしまった。ジョエルは葛藤し合う感情と、何も感じることができない痺れたような感覚を抱えたまま、その場に取り残されていた。グリフィンはジョエルを変えたくないと言った。だが、本当は - ジョエルはとっくに知っていた - 今さら元の自分にはもう戻れないということを。

The collision of their lives had been cataclysmic. Perhaps Griffin was right and it had been meant to be. Joel didn't know. All he knew was that everything he thought he'd known about himself had been turned upside down. His laugh was a rush of moist air caught in cloth as he closed his eyes and settled down to wait for the coming 'rescue.'

"Live well too," he echoed in his thoughts, finally accepting that one last truth. "Live well and goodbye, my love."


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