When Memory Fades - part one
記憶が癒える時 - 第1部

by J. Kallen

For Curt

Course and jagged hands
A fiery
Voice in my head
Oh sultry nature
My Lover
I'll be thy Muse
So change me
And caress me
Til you mold me
For your own body
And pagan use

- Arthur Stuart
- アーサー・スチュワート

I ran out of the bar, away from the smoke and the decadence of alcohol. I had the pin in my hand, still wet in my palm, a mixture of beer and my own spit. I shoved the pin in my jacket pocket and ran. I couldn't allow Curt to leave, not again. Out on the street I searched.

I heard his voice call from behind me. I shivered, the tingle extended to my fingertips and I felt a rush of blood come to my cheeks.

"So this is how your turned out. I've always wondered about you," Curt said. I was stunned to hear him say that. All these years. That night was amazing. Me, sex on a rooftop. Ugly me, Arthur Stuart, who could have known that I was capable of such things.

Curt was an iridescent flicker in my memory. His skin accepted me the awkward schoolboy. His hands moved through me where no one cared to touch before. It was ultimately all so brief.
カートは僕の思い出の中で虹のようにきらめく微かなともしびだった。野暮ったい高校生にすぎなかったこの僕をその肌で受けとめてくれた。それまでは誰一人触れたいと思う人のなかった(care to〜=〜したいと思う)僕の身体の至る所にその手は触れてくれた。たとえそれがほんの束の間の出来事であったとしても。

"I didn't think you remembered me," I said.

Curt smiled generously and extended his hand, low at waist level. His smile was small and gentle. I was induced by him. In all the pictures I had of Curt Wild and Brian Slade, Curt always had a look of insatiable lust in his eyes.

Yet he was looking at me, his eyes a calm steamy blue. I reached out and he took my hand, he was warm and I blushed as if his heat traveled to my face. Our fingers created a dovetail and we began to walk. It was a cool night with chatter still echoing in the air.

"Are you O.K.?" Curt asked.

I laughed out loud.
"Yeah. I can't believe this is happening. I didn't think you'd wait for me. Did you know that I'd come looking for you?"

I said. I was stumbling, I heard myself. I was embarrassed and turned my head toward the gravel.

Curt nodded.
"You can't hide your innocent face, not even now."

He stopped me under a streetlight and pulled me close. He traced my face with his fingertips. My hands clung on to his waist and I closed my eyes at his proximity.

Curt abruptly stopped and held me, pinned my arms against me and clutched my back.
"What's wrong?"
I asked.

Then I saw the problem. A stark white limo crawled like an apparition beside us. It never stopped but a tinted window lowered and I saw Tommy Stone peering at Curt.

"Don't worry," Curt said.

"I'm not worried, " I said and kissed his cheek.

Curt released me and placed his arm on my shoulder. The limo drove away. I got desperate and grabbed a hold of him and whispered into his neck.
"Please Curt."

I said his name and to say it knowing he was right in front of me made me want to cry out. I controlled the urge.
"Let's go somewhere, please."

"All right. My place?"


Curt hailed a cab and I was lost. Lost between the lights of the city blurring into one another and sound of the uneven road rumbling below the cab. Curt lit a cigarette and maneuvered his other arm around my shoulder.

Like a little boy holding on to his favorite teddy I wrapped myself around him and reveled in the joy of touching him. Yes. To feel him again and inhale his scent. I held on to him, his warmth, it felt like being tucked into bed on a chilly winter's night.
小さな男の子がお気に入りのテディ・ベアにしがみつく(hold on to=すがりつく)ように、僕は腕を巻き付けてカートを抱きかかえ、カートに触れる喜びに耽った。ああ、そうだ。再びカートを感じ、その香りを吸い込みたくて。僕はカートに、まるで凍える冬の晩に寝具に包み込まれるかのようなカートの暖かさに、すがりついた。

The cab stopped.
"We're here," he whispered. He brought me to his loft. Curt flipped a switch and all the lights seemed to flicker on, he dimmed the lights quickly.

I wanted him baldly. I knew I was taking a chance but if this was going to be a one night stand I wanted everything I could get. I tugged at him and pulled off his leather jacket.

He shook it loose and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me flashing out his tongue looking for mine. I gave it up to him. Curt's arms were so robust, so tight around me I felt my knees buckle.
カートはジャケットを振り落とすように脱ぐと、その腕で僕を包み込み、僕の口を塞ぎ、僕の舌を探り出すようにすばやくその舌を差し入れた(flash=move quickly)。僕はカートが奪うに任せた(give up to=譲り渡す)。あまりにもたくましいカートの腕で、あまりにもきつく抱き締められ、僕の両膝は今にも折れそうだった。

"Come on baby," he said. He held my hand. The arrogant stare that I had associated him with didn't exist in his tepid glance. He undid his hair and led me to his bed. I pulled off my jacket and he helped me with my shirt.

I got into his bed and indulged myself in his scent while Curt undid my pants and pulled them to the floor. Curt straddled my waist fully clothed. I allowed his lips to smother my face, his hands in my hair. He moved on to my neck and bit me roughly. I shifted away.

"Make love to me Curt."

He stared into my eyes, I was scared for a moment, scared he would tell me to leave.
"Are you my whore or my lover."
Curt said.
「お前は淫売か? それとも俺の恋人のつもりか? どっちなんだ?」

I grew hot.
"Whatever you'll take me as. I'll be your whore if it means that you'll take me now and make love to me."

Curt shut me up with a tilt of his head and a rather stern look.
"Be my lover and we won't have to worry about time."

He leaned onto his side and held me to him. One arm cradling my shoulder and one of his legs over both of mine. I had never felt the sensation of someone sheltering me until that moment.

Then I did something I could have slapped myself for. I fell asleep! When I awoke I had a strange feeling that I was shoved into a cab and sent home. But Curt's arm was still slung over me, his face hot against my neck, he breathed steadily.
やがて僕は自分の横っ顔をはり倒してやりたい気分になった。僕は寝込んでしまったのだ! 眠りから覚めると、僕はタクシーに押し込まれて家に追い帰される、ぞっとするような感覚に襲われた。だが、カートの腕は依然として僕に絡んでいたし、僕の首に熱いくらいのその顔を押し付けて、しっかりと息づいていた。

So this is how it felt like, all those years dreaming and yearning to be Brian Slade because I wanted a piece of stardom. Most of all, I wanted to know how it felt to have Curt asleep beside me.

I knew that night on the rooftop I had become Curt's weakness in my make-up and blue hair. I was a Brian stand in. I was just Arthur now, just boring Arthur Stuart and he was here with me. I relaxed into him.

"I love you," I said out loud. Curt shifted violently in his sleep but he only pulled me tighter to him

"Arthur baby go to sleep," he murmured.

  I started to cry. Really. Finally. Out of pure joy. I don't know how long I was awake but in my hysteria the phone rang softly. Once, twice, the third time the answering machine picked it up with only a beep.

I rolled my eyes, Curt hadn't bothered with an actual message. The unmistakable voice of Brian Slade was on the other end of the line: "Curt, sweetheart. I'd really like to talk to you. Oh my darling please, pick up the phone..."

I realized that Curt was still asleep. My heart began to sing at the thought that Brian's voice didn't rattle him awake.

  Slowly I crawled away form Curt still hearing that slimy ass pleading for Curt, my Curt to answer the phone. I had to find it first and when I did I lifted the receiver. I didn't know what to say so I simply said, "Curt's sleeping at the moment would you like to leave a message?"

To Be Continued...


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