See disclaimers in part one

The Wish 2/2 by saraid
「願い事」2/2 サレイド著

Watching his lover sip his drink, Arthur could tell how uncomfortable he was. It occurred to him that he'd never met anyone like Curt Wild. Onstage, in clubs, he had been confident to the point of arrogance, drawing people to him with the sheer force of his personality.

He had certainly drawn Arthur, ten years ago, but even then the reporter had sensed something else beneath that bravado. The onstage antics that garnered so much attention, the heroin and drinking, to Arthur they meant something else, showed him something other people didn't see.

After the abuse of his childhood, from his brother, family, and the medical profession, it wasn't surprising Curt had developed an outward persona of toughness. But there were moments, like now, when the mask slipped, and he could see how shy Curt truly was.

How much it bothered him to be out of his normal circumstances, away from people he knew. Brian Slade had simply taken Curt into his world, but his world had been very similar to Curt's own.

Arthur was trying to do the same thing, but the world he lived in now had little in common with the world they had both lived in then, to different degrees.

Aware of his scrutiny, Curt tilted his head and smiled at him, a small smile, looking a bit nervous, and finished his drink.
"Here they come."
George said, and Arthur started, half-turning in his seat, seeing the women returning.

"And here comes the food."
Standing, this time Curt stood with the others, husbands and fiancees pulling out chairs, Arthur realized that he had sat there and stared at his lover like gip for five minutes or more.

Lou caught his eyes and there were questions in the older man's that Arthur had no intention of answering.

  The food was good and Curt ate most of his, glancing at Arthur occasionally as he made conversation. The others were careful to direct comments to Curt as well, making an effort to keep him in the conversation, and he made them laugh once with an amusing response.

The speakers were boring and the awards presentation took too long, but it did end eventually, with company gifts being handed out by the waiters. The ladies were all given pretty compact mirrors that lit when opened and the men received matching cases to hold business cards.

Their waiter hesitated when he reached Curt, and Lou, who was closest, lifted one of those out of his hand and passed it to Arthur, who set it in front of Curt because Curt was looking at the table again and had both hands wrapped around his glass, which held a third double shot of scotch poured over ice.

His hair had fallen forward and was hiding his eyes. Unsure what to do, Arthur played with his own case, then Lou spoke up.
"They don't quite know what to do with you."

He shrugged and Curt looked at him, his eyes conveying nervousness and anger at the same time.
"Things aren't the way they used to be, but they are getting better."
"Yes, they are."
Kate agreed.

"Better for women and anyone else who doesn't fit the standard mold."
Not answering, Curt nodded and Arthur smiled at them, sadly, silently thanking them for their support, and Curt finished his drink, one hand returning to Arthur's leg.

It wasn't long after that Kate began making time to go noises.
"Got a babysitter to pay."
Her husband, whose name Arthur still didn't know, explained as he draped her shawl over her low-cut green evening gown.
"More expensive than you might think."

"I can relate."
Stephanie said, and then she and George were leaving. Curt stood, too, a hand on Arthur's shoulder.
"It was nice meeting you."
He said, stiffly, and Arthur stood as well.

Hands were shaken and then they were out front and the doorman was getting them a cab and Curt crawled in before Arthur, collapsing on the seat with his head thrown back and an arm over his eyes.

"You alright?"
Arthur asked, feeling stupid and unsure.
"Yeah, fine."

Curt's other hand lay in his lap, loosely clasping the card case. They were about halfway to Curt's house when he sat up and tapped on the glass, speaking to the driver.

"Let me out here."
The man pulled over quickly and Arthur protested.
"Curt? What's wrong?"
「カート? 何だってこんな……」

The other man climbed out and stood there, holding the door open while Arthur worried that he wanted him to go home alone, that he didn't want to see him again. Had he pushed too hard?

"Aren't you coming?"
Curt's low voice broke through the worry and Arthur was out quickly, while Curt went around to pay the driver. After he pulled out again, Curt came to stand in front of Arthur.

"I'm sorry. I - it just - I was getting, you know, claustrophobic. Needed some air."
"I'm sorry, too."

Carefully, on the lookout for any reluctance, Arthur pulled Curt into a loose embrace, and smiled when the other man nuzzled into his neck, arms going around Arthur's waist, Curt's breath warm on his collarbone.

The street was deserted, there was no one to see them.
"I should not have pushed you to go."
"They're your friends. The people you work with. They were nice."

Curt mumbled, inhaling deeply.
"I hate being like this. It makes me want to go out and score. Heroin makes me feel strong, makes me not care what anyone else thinks."
「ああいうのは苦手だ。抜け出してヤクでもやりたい気分になるぜ(score=get some illegal drugs)。ヘロインをやると気が大きくなって、人のことなんか気にならなくなるから」

  "Do you really care?"
Running his hands through the shaggy hair, Arthur shifted to let Curt rest more of his weight against his chest.

Curt snorted.
"But I feel like I should."

"Not for me."
Arthur said fiercely.
Pulling back, Curt grinned at him.

They walked the rest of the way to Curt's house. Curt had a cigarette, and Arthur admired his hands as he cupped a tiny flame and nursed it to health as they walked, before lighting up.

Then, with one hand holding the cigarette to his lips Curt reached over and took Arthur's with the other.

They exchanged grins and kept walking. Arthur felt silly, but there was a sense of pride as well, and deep satisfaction, to be walking here, with this man. To show publically - even though there was no public around to see it - that he was with this particular man.
笑いながら2人は歩き続けた。自分の馬鹿さ加減に呆れながらも、アーサーは何だかうぬぼれたい気分でもあった。深い満足感すら覚える。今ここを歩いている、この男と一緒に。公衆の面前で見せびらかすことに- たとえ回りには誰も「公衆」と思わしき人々がいなくても - アーサーは、この特別の男と一緒にいるのだと。

By the time they reached the house Curt had regained his usual attitude, climbing the stairs with a toss of his head, tugging on Arthur's hand to hurry him up.

As soon as the door closed behind them he pushed Arthur up against the wall of the foyer, hands holding his head still, kissing him hungrily, his pelvis pressed hard to Arthur's, letting him feel the arousal there.

Curt pulled away and gasped the single-word question, then kissed him before he could answer. When he pulled away yet again and answered it himself.
"Stay. You'll stay."

"I'll stay."
Bemused and very turned on, Arthur allowed himself to be flattened to the wall, his arms tight around Curt's shoulders, grinding their hips together.

With a lunge Curt threw them sideways and they fell together, Curt on the bottom, taking the brunt of the impact, then squirming around to get to his knees, his back to Arthur, hands unfastening his belt quickly. Arthur leaned over the other man, stroking his back and whispering to him.

"Slow down, love, there's no rush. I don't want to hurt you."
But his hands were shaking and his body was taut with need and anticipation, he hadn't done this, with Curt, before.

An aggressive, adventurous man in bed, Curt was usually the one in control. It didn't bother Arthur, he knew himself well enough to be happy with the situation. If he was on the receiving end for the rest of his life he would be well-satisfied.

But here was Curt, on his knees before him, pleading with him in a husky voice that made Arthur think of snowy nights and crowded clubs.
"I need it, man, I need you. Arthur, don't leave me hanging, I need this right now."

Kissing his back and ass, Arthur thought quickly, trying to decide if it would ruin the moment if he left to get the lube and a condom, but Curt was pressing back against him and he took a moment to look around them, at the walls, which still needed refinishing, and the ceiling, hung with new tiles, and the floor that Curt had pieced together himself...

"Not here."
He said, more firmly, standing and pulling Curt up with him, catching the other man's trousers with one hand so they didn't fall.
"Not on the floor, love. Not like that."

"Why not?"
Honestly confused, Curt began zipping up. He met Arthur's eyes for a moment and then looked down again, but not before Arthur saw the shame in them.

"Because you're better than that."
Taking his chin in both hands, Arthur had to tug rather insistently to get Curt to look at him.
"You don't belong down there."

Pulling away, Curt yanked open the living room door and snapped angrily.
"If you don't *want* to, just say so!"

Having half-expected the outburst, though he hadn't been the focus of that anger before, Arthur followed him through the room and into the bedroom, where Curt threw himself facedown on the bed, his head under his crossed arms. Sitting on the edge, he stroked the tense back tenderly.
いままで自分がカートの怒りの対象になったことはなかったものの、短気なカートのことだ。カッとなるのも無理はない。アーサーはカートを追って、部屋を出て、ベッドルームへと向かった。そこではカートがベッドに突っ伏すように(facedown->face down)身を投げ出し、両手で頭を抱え込んでいた。ベッドの隅に座り、アーサーはこわばったカートの背中を優しく撫でた。

"Get out."
Curt snarled, not even looking at him.

  Sliding up to lie down beside him, Arthur wrapped as much of his own body around Curt's tense one as he could.
"Not until you look at me."

With a lunge Curt scrambled away, landing half-sitting against the headboard, arms crossedover his chest, glaring.
"There. I looked at you. Now get out."
突然、アーサーを突き飛ばすと、カートはベッドの棚板に飛び移った。腰掛けるように寄り掛かると、腕組した(crossedover->crossed over)まま、アーサーをにらみつけた。

Slowly, swallowing heavily, Arthur began to unbottton his own shirt with hands that trembled visibly.
"Don't make me, Curt. Please?"
Softly he pleaded, dropping the shirt to the floor and pulling off the loafers he'd worn, followed by socks and belt.

Almost against his will Curt stared at him, eyes getting rounder.
Again, he sounded young, and lost, and frightened.

"Why do you do this?"
"Because I love you, you daft prick."
Grantiing him a soft smile, Arthur finished stripping and then began on Curt, getting his boots off first, while Curt just watched him.

After he got Curt's shirt unbuttoned he went to slip it of, but Curt shook his head.
"Leave it on?"
Amused, Arthur shrugged.

Then he was pulling Curt back down to lie flat on the bed, straddling him, kissing him, and Curt seemed to get over whatever had been bothering him, because he kissed back, his hands running over Arthur's body with a light touch, occasionally stopping to pinch a nipple or grasp a handful of muscle.

Withins minutes they were pushing against each other, Curt lifting Arthur with his hips, his hands digging into the muscles of Arthur's back, his kiss becoming hungry again, brutal.
やがて(Withins minutes->Within minutes)2人はお互いの体を押し付け合った。カートはアーサーを載せたまま腰を浮かせ、アーサーの背中の筋肉に両手を突き立てた。カートは再びむさぼるようにキスをし始めた。まるで獣のように。

Past ready, Arthur dug under the pillows with one hand while the other tried to hold Curt's head still - it was a losing battle - and when he had the tube in hand the man beneath him pulled disentangled himself, the black shirt clinging to his sweaty skin, stark against his pale flesh, and he turned over, went to his knees, gripping the headboard with both hands, head bowed.
すでに十分にたかぶっていたアーサーは枕の下に片手を突っ込むと、もう一方の手でカートの頭を動かないよう押さえつけた - とはいえそれは勝ち目のない戦いだったが(押さえつけてもカートのほうが圧倒的に力が強かったので) - アーサーが潤滑剤のチューブを手に取った時、アーサーに組み伏せられている男は、身を振り解くと - 黒いシャツが汗まみれの皮膚にべったり張り付き、透き通るような白い肌を余計、目立たせたが - アーサーに背を向け、跪き、ベッドの頭部の棚板を両手でつかみ、頭を屈めた。

"You really want it like this."
Arthur said, petting him, kissing his neck and shoulders, sometimes on the shirt, sometimes on skin. One of the shirt-tails trailed down the crack of Curt's ass and Arthur nuzzled it aside, kissing and licking, and Curt rumbled a moan, pushing back.

Quickly taking the hint Arthur prepared himself and then worked on Curt, finding that he was very tight and very hot.
"This is going to be great."

  He sighed into Curt's ear, the other man shifting and panting beneath his hands.

"Come on, do it, man, do it."
With the head of his cock pressing against Curt's hole, Arthur waited, just a minute, his arms going around Curt's waist to hold him tightly.

"Curt, love - are you here, with me? You haven't gone off somewhere?"
Twisting, Curt snarled at him, meeting Arthur's gaze with one grey-blue eye.
"I know who I'm *with*, Arthur. Just fuck me already."
「カート、ねえ - ここにいるのは君なの? 僕と一緒にいるのは。もうどこかに消えてしまったりなんかしないよね」

  Taken aback, even a little bit hurt, Arthur nodded, lay his head on Curt's silk-clad shoulder, and pushed in. Slowly, because Curt keened softly, sounding like he was in pain, but surely because the pain would fade and then it would feel better.

Rolling his head on his shoulders, Curt tipped it back, panting harshly, as Arthur waited for him to be ready, holding himself off by force of will alone. He could feel Curt relaxing around him, softening, accepting him, ad then the other man tightened his grip on the headboard and shoved back insistently.

"Do it."
he bit out.
Unsure what else to say, Arthur answered softly, and then began to thrust.

Each time he pulled out and pushed back in it felt better, and each time Curt loosened up a little more, until he was rocking into each thrust, using the headboard for leverage, and his moans spilled into the air eagerly.

Already halfway to coming, listening to him pushed Arthur the rest of the way and he had to slow down to hold off, but Curt growled at him and shoved back harder, taking him in even deeper and Arthur felt something give way inside himself, and he began to pound at Curt like he'd never done to anyone else, just really giving it to him, fucking him deep and hard, and Curt moaned and thrashed and bucked into him.

The shirt between them was sodden with sweat, the air was thick and hard to breathe, Arthur had to use both hands to hold onto his lover and couldn't reach his Curt's cock to stroke it, but then Curt was howling, like wolf, a long, ululating cry that warbled as he thrashed in the throes of orgasm, and Arthur could do nothing more but slam into him again and again and again until his eyes exploded and his body convulsed and he clung to Curt desperately, afraid of being washed away on this stormtide. 

They hung together for long moments, until Curt's legs gave out and he slid gracelessly to the bed, collapsing, Arthur still inside him and now half on top of him.

"There, love."
Petting back the sweaty, tangled hair, Arthur caressed Curt's face with gentle, trembling fingers, to find a smile twitching on Curt's mouth, which was swollen and puffy from their kisses.

"Is that -"
He had to stop and swallow past the lump in his throat and repeat himself, his emotions in flux, "- Is that what you wanted?"
Curt sighed, turning over, dislodging Arthur's cock but holding tightly to his body, pressing his face to Arthur's chest.
そう言いかけたアーサーは胸につかえるものを飲み下すと、同じ言葉を繰り返していた。感情がほとばしるままに。 - 「これが君がしたかったことなの?」

A sound escaped him, like a sob, and, disturbed, Arthur held him tightly and rocked him.
"I don't know why, I'm sorry, I don't want to be that way, I don't want -"

  His words were cut off by a kiss, Arthur's mouth covering his, Arthur's hand pulling his face up.
"I will give you anything you want."
Arthur said, his voice thick with suppressed tears.

"All ye have to do is ask, love. You can want anything you want."
"I'm sorry."
Curt repeated, curling in tighter, closer, eyes tightly shut, a few tears leakingout anyhow.
カートは何度も言った。ぴっちりと身を寄せ、涙で濡れた目を硬く閉じて(leakingout->leaking out)。

"I'm a fucking basket case, man, how can you want me? I screw everything up...."
「僕はしょうもない無能な(basket case=手足のない、無能力なもの)男だよ、そんな僕なんか頼れるわけないか? 何をやってもヘマばかりしてるし……」

"Nothing is screwed up."
Hiding him tighter, thinking that he was going to be leaving bruises, Arthur rocked and petted while Curt hid his face again.
"I've loved you for ten years, nothing is going to make me stop."

A kiss was pressed to his chest and Curt began to relax, a little at a time. Eventually Arthur got them both laid down, managing to dispose of the condom in the process - on the floor beside the bed - and he held and rocked Curt until his lover finally drifted into sleep, petting him silently, kissing his head and face.
アーサーの胸に口づけし、カートが多少、安心したかのように見えたので、アーサーはカートを押し倒し、その隙にコンドームを片づけてしまおうと画策した - ベッドの脇の床の上へと - アーサーはカートを抱え、揺すった。恋人が眠りにつくまで。静かに愛撫し、カートの頭や顔にキスをした。

  Inwardly he cursed everyone who had ever hurt this man, all of those who had made him feel that he wasn't worthy of love, and again he vowed to prove to him that he was, and that Arthur did love him.

Sticky, sweaty, still tangled in his silk shirt, Curt slept restlessly and Arthur was woken several times during the night by his movements, each time drawing him into an embrace before Curt woke too, holding and petting him until his sleep eased, then sleeping again himself, thankful that it was a Saturday and they could sleep in, then be lazy all day if they wanted to.

  They needed a day of rest, just the two of them. Perhaps they would start on the walls of the foyer, or the living room. Choose paint colors or just watch the telly and drink beer.

When Curt finally woke Arthur was lying on his back, Curt's head on his chest, staring into space, looking thoughtful.
Pushing up on an elbow, Curt frowned when his shirt got caught beneath it and worked at getting it free, not looking at Arthur.

Smiling, Arthur reached to strip him out of the shirt, and this time Curt let him, then lay back, one hand splayed possessively over Arthur's bare stomach.

"I want you to move in."
He didn't look at Arthur as he said it.
"I've got lots of room, and your place is a cave. You can have your own room and everything."

"If you want me to."
Grinning stupidly, Arthur covered the hand on his stomach with one of his own. He could feel the tremor that ran through Curt's.

"That's what weekends are for."
Rolling over, Curt pressed close again. It wasn't exactly cuddling, but more of a needful closeness.

Closing his eyes, Arthur let himself drift. He would keep his apartment at least until the lease was up, and use a bedroom here, he could set it up as an office. And file a change of address with the post office, Curt would like that, it would feel permanent then...

With his face pressed to Arthur's shoulder the words were muffled, but he heard them as clearly as if Curt shouted them.
"I love you too, y'know."

"I know."
He replied, although he hadn't been sure until this very minute. They drifted, drowsy, dozing, until nature called and the day started.

(the end)

(feedback for the starving writer...or i might cry :)


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