Email address
a wish






velvet goldmine




new, complete


6-18-99 (my son's birthday!)


Archive author
Archive email address
allslash, yes




saraid@wf.netsequel to 'the freedom'


things don't go smoothly, but who expected them to?


angst. curt angst, to be specific


thanks to nicky for helping me figure out where this is going, and for making this old (currently) hetero bitch remember what it was like to be young and playing around you're a sweetheart. there will be more...

この話の行方をはっきりさせ、私のような古いタイプ(今でも)のノンケ女に、若い人の気持ちを思い出させてくれたニッキー(nicky->Nicky) 、ありがとう! 君は本当に頼りになるイイ女だわって、これまだ続くんだけど。

make a wish

"I don't want to go."
Stopping in the doorway, shirt half buttoned, belt hanging unfastened from trouser loops, in stocking feet, Arthur half-turned to stare at his lover, bewildered.

When he spoke his accent was stronger, the way it got when he was stressed.
"You said you would go."
Sitting on the small bed, looking at his hands, which were tugging at fingers and picking at cuticles, Curt didn't look back up at him.

"I changed my mind."
Sighing, Arthur closed his eyes and rubbed at them with one hand, trying to decide if he was more disappointed or angry. Or should he just be worried?

After he'd tracked Curt down to the little hole-in-the-wall pub he owned and ran, and they had gone back to his place to relive that one night, he had gotten up the next morning and gone to work, and Curt had vanished.

Worried, Arthur had checked the bar, where he was greeted with surly looks from the bartender, and the house, which was been locked up, and then he'd given up, thinking the other man had bolted, frightened by the memories or too hurt to face him and them together.

A week had passed and he stopped calling the bar, and, incidentally, stopped talking to people at work, which had led to a discreet inquiry from Lou. Catching him in the hallway after work, his editor had stopped him with touch to his shoulder.

"Arthur, that piece you did on English pubs in New York was great. We've had calls from subscribers saying how much they enjoyed trying some of them out."
Not looking at him, Arthur tucked his hands into his pockets and waited for a chance to escape, so he could go home and brood.
「そいつはどうも(Ta=Thank youの幼児語)」

"It was so good they want you to think of some more like that. Check into a couple of other areas. Any ideas?"
Looking at the floor, he answered quietly.

"I thought to do one about all those little galleries - not like an art critic, but just a guy's view."
"I like it."
When the older man didn't say anything else, Arthur finally looked at him. Lou was frowning.

"Are you okay, kid?"
Lifting one shoulder in a sketch of a shrug, he didn't answer verbally. It wasn't enough for Lou, who took a step closer.
"I mean, are you *okay*? You've been even quieter than usual lately."
「大丈夫かい? 坊や」

It wasn't mentioned, but Arthur heard the words 'ever since that Tommy Stone thing'.
"Yeah. Fine."
He answered steadily, meeting the dark eyes that were graciously concerned about him.

"You spend too much time alone."
Lou pronounced. When Arthur didn't respond, he sortof smiled, a little uncomfortable, and there was a touch of understanding in his eyes.
ルーはそう意見した。アーサーが返事をしないでいると、ルーは(sortof->sort of)多少、気まずそうに、僅かに微笑んだ。その目は分かっているといいたげだった。

"Go out, meet somebody. Get a date. Bring somebody to the dinner next month, you know you're welcome to. Everyone else does."
Dropping his gaze back to the floor, Arthur shrugged again.

"Nobody to bring."
Patting him on the back Lou passed him, he'd apparently said all he could.
"Well. Good night, Arthur."
アーサーの背中を軽く叩きながら、今のルーはこう言って立ち去るのがせいいっぱいだった。 「じゃ、おやすみ。アーサー」

When he had gotten home from work a little while later Curt had been there. Crouched on the floor beside his apartment door, hair in his eyes, leather jacket on despite the heat of the hallway.

They went in and made love and Curt said he was sorry for running out and could they see each other again. And Arthur, primed, perhaps, by Lou's words, asked him to go to the annual company dinner, which, then, had been six weeks away. Curt had said yes.

Crossing to the bed, Arthur went to his knees and gripped Curt's thighs, which were tight with tension.
"Then you don't have to."
Ducking his head, he looked beneath the curtain of hair and into the changeable eyes.

"I won't try to make you do anything you don't want to."
"But you want me to."
Turning his head away, Curt pulled his hands back, out of Arthur's space, and put them on the bed beside himself. His hair tickled Arthur's nose and the kneeling man stifled a snort, which made Curt turn back and laugh roughly.

"I love your hair."
To prove it, Arthur tangled both hands in it. Curt had come over to pick him up only to find Arthur half-dressed, while Curt himself had shed his usual jeans and tee-shirts for blacks slacks and a black button-down shirt with a high priestly collar - and his leather jacket.
証明してみせるかのように、アーサーは両手をカートの髪の毛にからみつかせた。アーサを迎えに来たカートは、アーサーが半分盛装しているのに気づいてしまったのだ。かたや、カートはと言うと、いつものジーンズとTシャツの代わりに、黒いパンツと黒のボタンダウンシャツ - 聖職者のような高い詰め襟の - にレザージャケットを着ただけだった。

Tugging at the hair, Arthur pulled Curt's face down and kissed him.
"Could you tell me why?"
He asked when they broke apart, breathing a little faster now.
"I don't like crowds."

"They won't know who you are."
Arthur guessed at the problem.
"I don't understand why you don't want anyone to know - but I won't give you away."

"They know about you?"
Tilting his head, Arthur's hands still holding it, strands of dark gold hair spilling over them, Curt had that little-boy-lost look that touched Arthur so deeply.
"Most of them. They don't care, mostly."

"You really want to go?"
Arthur sighed.
"But I can go without you. Or stay here. We could do something else, maybe go back to your place."

"I'll go."
Curt said, suddenly, quickly, as if afraid he wouldn't get the words out.
"Just - don't leave me alone, okay?"

Unhappy to see this vulnerability surfacing, but determined to do everything he could to reassure him, Arthur kissed him again, and this time Curt opened his mouth and leaned into it, kissing voraciously, until Arthur had to pull away, knowing his mouth was going to be bruised.

"I'll be ready in a minute."
He said, going into the bathroom, only to have Curt follow him, reaching for a comb on a shelf, and using it to straighten his hair while Arthur took care of personal business.

A pinch to his butt made his protest, but he grinned and gave himself the obligatory shake before turning to slip his arms around Curt's waist.
"Thank you."
"For what?"

Traces of the time the American had spent overseas showed up occasionally, especially in that 'whot.'
"Just thank you."
Arthur repeated.
このアメリカ人(カート)が海外(イギリス)にいた名残が時たま、かいま見れられることがある。特に「何?(whot = what)」という時の発音などに。

"The cab will be here soon."
"I'm ready."
Curt gave him a quick, tender kiss, and again Arthur felt his reluctance. Was he afraid to go? Was he ashamed of what he was now, or of who he had been? Or did he just not want to be seen with Arthur?
カートはアーサーに、素早く、優しいキスをした。その瞬間、アーサーはやっぱりカートが気乗りしていないのだと気がついた。カートは行くのが怖いのだろうか? カートは今の境遇を恥じているのだろうか? それとも、単に自分と一緒にいるところを見られたくないだけなのだろうか?

He got an inkling of the problem in the cab. Curt sat stiffly, away from him, a cigarette dangling from his fingers. When he spoke, Arthur almost jumped, it was so unexpected.
"Didya tell anyone you were bringing me?"
「お前、俺を連れて来るって誰かにしゃべったのか?(Didya->Did ya)」

"I told my boss that I had a date."
Drawing the syllables out in classic Cockney style, Arthur tried to read Curt's eyes, but the man wasn't looking at him.
"Why? D'ya think I just want ta show you off?"
「でも、どうして? 僕が君を見せびらかしたいんじゃないかって、(ta=to?訛りなのかスペルミスなのか不明)そう言いたいわけ?」

The answer came quickly, and Curt turned, reached a hand for him.
"It's just that, I'm trying to get past all of that, y'know? Who I was, and the way I was. When people know, they look at me and they see the junkie, the queer who got shock treatment. They don't see me, not the way I am now."

"I never saw that."
Clasping the hand tightly, Arthur caught his breath.
"You were beautiful and I never dreamed someone like you could want me....You changed my life."

"Could -"
Looking away, Curt's voice broke and Arthur fought the urge to draw him close and hold him like a child. When he looked back his eyes glistened.
"Could you return the favor? I'm so fucking messed up here. I haven't had anybody important in my life in so fucking long... "

"That's all I want to do."
Now Arthur did draw him close, cradle his shaggy head against his chest, petting him tenderly.
"Just let me. Please let me."

  Closing his eyes with a sigh, Curt relaxed into and accepted the embrace, let himself be held for the rest of the drive. The dinner was being held at the Four Seasons, in the ballroom, like always.

Stepping through the arched double doorway, presented with a glitzy, over-decorated room, Curt hesitated and Arthur slipped his hand into his own and squeezed gently.
"When they ask who I am, what're you gonna tell them?"
Curt whispered into his ear.

Frowning, Arthur realized he hadn't thought that one through. He turned his head and leaned close, whispering to Curt, his lips brushing his ear. The hand he held tightened.
"What's your middle name?"

It was said with a shrug and a half-grin.
"Then I'm here tonight with Curt Nicholas, who owns a pub. We met when I was doing research for that article. Right?"

With relief Curt agreed. Then he raised Arthur's hand to his lips and kissed it before releasing it.
"Let's go."

"Arthur Stewart and guest."
Handing over his invitation, Arthur saw the doorman's eyes flicker over them with mild interest, then it was returned and they were waved in.

Music was being provided by a string quartet, and the rows of circular tables were dotted with name cards held up by teeny steel racks. They had only just stepped into the room when Kate, the senior writer from his department, waved from a table near the front.

Her husband sat beside her, with Lou across from her and George, the other writer, a black man in his forties, beside Lou. There was a pretty, petite young black woman beside George, and Lou's wife, of course.

Giving Curt's hand a last reassuring squeeze, he released it and headed for the table, pausing to be sure the other man was coming. After hesitating a few second or two Curt caught up to him, their shoulders bumped, and they walked between the widely-spaced tables. When they got close Kate spoke up cheerfully.

"Arthur! What a surprise to see you here! I thought you hated these things."
"Your seat is right there."
George pointed to the one next to Kate as Arthur stopped, and Curt slipped around him, pulled the chair out, which made him smile.
「アーサー! ここであなたに会うなんて思わなかったわ! こういうところが苦手な人だとばかりに思ってたのに」

"Thanks, mate."
He sat, feeling the eyes of the others on him, knowing that Curt was sitting beside him and that he had moved his chair closer than necessary.
"This is Curt Nicholas."
"Hello, Curt, it's nice to meet you."

Kate offered her hand and he shook it, mumbling a polite response.
"Thought the food would be here by now."
George said, craning his neck, looking for a waiter. His date shook her head and spoke to Arthur.

"I liked the article you wrote last year about the Rock-and-Roll Hall of Fame. The way those guys lobby to get in, I was really surprised, that they would do that. Especially the ones who used to be so anti-establishment."

"Thank you."
Giving her a quick grin, he held out his hand over the table and she took it. Hers was tiny and delicate.
"I'm Stephanie, George's fiancee."
"I didn't know he was engaged."

A waiter finally saw George's look and trotted over to take drink orders.
"Scotch rocks, double."
Curt said, looking at the table again.
"A Guiness, please."
Sliding his leg over a little bit, Arthur pressed his thigh to Curt's and the other man flicked his eyes up to meet Arthur's dark ones.

"Have you two been dating long?"
Stephanie chirped, making Arthur turn his attention back to her. He noted that Lou and George were watching Curt closely, which was probably making him more self-conscious.

"A few weeks."
Arthur answered, bumping Curt's leg with his own as the drinks arrived. With the glass in his hand the blond seemed to feel more comfortable, he looked up and graced Stephanie with his trademark crooked grin.

  "I have a pub. He gave it three stars."
"Just three?"
Kate teased.
"That's what I said."
Curt sipped and settled back in his seat, facing the table now, his leg pressed to Arthur's.

"I wanted a four, but he said my bartender is unfriendly."
"He is."
Arthur asserted.
"Doesn't like me."
"I know just what you mean!"
Stephanie chattered.

"But when we were in Germany last year *all* of the bartenders were like that, so maybe it's European thing....Arthur, you're from London, right?"
He nodded, and then felt something warm on his thigh. Curt's hand, resting there, rubbing slightly.

"They're rude in London, too."
Lou said, joining the conversation at last.
"Before the food get here...I'll be right back."
Kate said, pushing her chair back.

"Steph, Carol, shall we abandon the men for a moment?"
On cue Lou, George, Kate's husband, and Arthur stood, followed quickly by a startled Curt. They waited until the women had left and then sat again, the conversation turning to the latest baseball scores, which left Curt silent and Arthur only adding a comment or two.


(concluded in part 2)


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