The Reawakening, Part IV
「再起 - パート4」

by Max Volume
Max Volume著

Curt's life was a mess. Arthur was not speaking to him and Brian was trying to fuck with his music. He wasn't sure how all of this had come about. Both Arthur and Brian thought that he had some sort of agenda ... Brian had actually used that word ... to his face.

Curt had not even known that Arthur and Brian had ever met, although *meet* might not accurately describe that train wreck. He had to do something. He sat with his head in his hands. He would sit there in that room until he came up with a plan ...


Step 1: Brian
ステップ 1:ブライアン

Curt sat in the conference room, rehearsing his speech silently. Brian walked into the room, hands on hips, a scowl on his face.

Curt took a deep breath and began, "Thanks for seeing me, Brian. I'm sorry about what happened last week. It was all a misunderstanding. I had no idea about your confrontation with Arthur. In case you're interested, we aren't together anymore. I would like to make it up to you, if I can ... to show you that I can meet you halfway .. after all, all I have now is this album. I'm willing to give an interview, an exclusive, and I'll show up for a press conference. How about it?"
「会ってくれてありがとう、ブライアン。先週の件は謝るよ。みんな誤解してたのさ。お前とアーサーが一悶着あったなんて、思いもよらなかったんだ。お前が気にするって言うなら、俺たち(アーサーと自分)はもう別れるよ。できるなら俺はお前のために埋め合わせ(make it up to/for=埋め合わせをする、償う)をしたいんだ……妥協(meet a person halfway=歩み寄る、妥協する)してもいいって言ってるのさ……とにかく今の俺にできることはこのアルバムだけなんだから。喜んでインタビューも受けるし、独占記事も書かせるし、記者会見にだって出るよ。どうだろう?」

Brian displayed a feral smile. Curt could see that Brian was delighted ... that he felt that he had won.

"Great, Curt. I'm glad that we could settle this. You and I have known each other for too many years to let a nobody like Arthur come between us. I'll have the publicity people call you to make arrangements."

"Thanks, Brian."


Step 2: Publicity Department
ステップ 2:宣伝部門

Curt made sure that he dealt with the least experienced person in the publicity department at Main Man Records. That had been easy. The least qualified person always gets the brunt of the actual work.
メインマン・レコードの宣伝部の中でも、最も経験の浅い社員が自分の担当者になるようにカートは手を回した(make sure that=必ず(……するように)手配する、計らう)。そういうヤツを見つけるのは、しごく簡単なことであった。最も無能な人間ほど、あれこれと実務を押し付けられ(たくらみに気づく時間がないほど)(bear/take/get the brunt of~=〜の矢面に立つ)てしまうものだ。

Arrangements were made. Smiles were exchanged. Hands were shaken. The sequence of events agreed upon were as follows: exclusive interview to be conducted by a young journalist from the Herald,
2.a press conference, attended by aforementioned journalist, to take place immediately before the interview.

Curt couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the young publicist sitting across from him. He was so pleased that Curt was being cooperative, too naive to be suspicious of Curt's motives. Curt thought that he might even be hoping for a promotion to a non-working position as a result.


Step 3: Arthur
ステップ 3:アーサー

Curt wrote a long letter to Arthur, attempting to explain the situation. He also revealed some of his plan, just enough to make Arthur willing to play his part.

He slid the letter under the door to Arthur's apartment, waiting by the door until he heard footsteps advance and retreat.


Step 4: Press Conference
ステップ 4:記者会見

Curt arrived at the press conference, dressed in the clothes provided by Main Man Records and coiffed by the trendiest hairdresser in New York. He was going to give them what they wanted ... and so much more.

He answered questions with the proper *rock star* attitude, with just the right mix of swagger and charm, even provoking a laugh or two. The suits were in heaven.

He kept his eye on Arthur, who sat in the back, not asking any questions, looking uncomfortable. Eventually the question for which he had waited, the inevitable question was asked.

"What about your love life, Curt? Everyone wants to know if you're involved with anyone."
「あっちの方はどうなんです、カート? 付き合っている人がいるかどうか、みんな知りたがってますよ」

Curt grinned, playing to the audience, giving them what they wanted.

"Yes, I am. As a matter of fact I am very much in love with someone. He's a journalist with the Herald, ... Arthur Stuart."

There was a stunned silence. Arthur's head jerked up, his eyes burning a hole through Curt. The suits jumped up before any more questions could be asked and concluded the press conference. In less than five minutes, Curt was alone in the room, with the exception of one person sitting in the back.


Step 5: Interview
ステップ 5:インタビュー

Curt got up from conference table. He stood waiting for Arthur to look up at him. He waited a long time. Arthur finally did raise his eyes and gaze at Curt as if he were trying to gage his intent. Arthur stood and walked to the front of the room, eyes blazing.

"Do you realize what you have done?"

"I think so."

"Brian is never going to let you record another album with Main Man Records."

"Fuck Brian."

"What about me, Curt?"
「僕はどうしたらいい? カート」

"Do you really care that people know?"

"Not really... but that's not what I'm asking."

"So what's the problem?"

"The problem is that I have been an ass and I don't know how to make it up to you."

"Well, there are a couple of things that you could do."

He pulled Arthur into a fierce embrace, crushing his mouth with his own. They leaned back over the conference table touching each other roughly, fumbling with bothersome clothing. Pants around his ankles, Curt climbed over Arthur, taking his very erect cock into his mouth.

Arthur emitted a ragged gasp and turned to place a bite on one the legs kneeling by his head. He grabbed Curt's ass, pulling him down until he could taste the saltiness that was Curt.

"What's the other thing?"


"You said that there were a couple of things that I could do."

"Oh, ... I want you to move in with me. That way, the next time we have a fight, I won't have to go to so much trouble just to talk to you."


Curt hit his shin against one of the many boxes which littered the apartment. What could a man who owns almost nothing put into so many boxes?, he wondered.
アパートの部屋中に取っ散らかっているおびただしい荷箱の1つに、カートは向こうずねをぶつけてしまった。ろくな荷物も持たない奴が、こんなに沢山の箱に、一体何を詰め込んだのだろうか? カートには理解しかねた。

In the dark living room, Arthur was standing by the window, his nude silhouette inviting as he looked out into the night. Curt, too, stopped to take in the view, running his eyes over the slender, supple body. He removed his clothes and moved up behind Arthur, inhaling his scent, ... fondling, ... kissing, ... reclaiming him.

Life was good.

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