parts 1-4
by Kirby Crow

ヨナへの道(注:「神は慈悲深く、命令に従わない者でも、心から悔い改めれば、セカンドチャンスを与えるものである」という教訓話である旧約聖書のヨナ書に由来する。ヨナが辿った道をクワイ=ガンとオビ=ワンも辿るという意。神は預言者ヨナにニネベの町の邪悪な人々に、改心しなければ天罰が下ると説得に行くよう命じるのだが、ユダヤ人の敵国アッシリアの首都、ニネベの民を救うことをヨナは拒否し、神と自らの義務から逃げ出すために船に乗る。そのため神は暴風雨を起こし、船は沈没しそうになる。船員がくじ引きで神の怒りを買った自分を選び出すまで黙っていたヨナは、「私が神の命令に背いたせいだ」と船外にその身を投げ出す。嵐は収まり、ヨナはクジラに飲み込まれてしまう。命令に従わなかったことを後悔したヨナは3日後にクジラから排出され、ニネベに向かう。しかし神がヨナとニネベの人々に示したような慈悲を示す代わりに、ニネベの人々が改心したにも関わらず、ヨナは最終的にニネベの滅亡を望んだ。この作品の最初の3パート<First Blush, First Touch, First Kiss>はオビ及びクワイの「自分の気持ちに対する気付きと逃避(マスターは自分で嵐を招いていながら、自分からは何もしない)と受容」を表し、ヨナの「自らの義務の拒否と理解」になぞらえている。最後のパート<First Love>では文字通りの比喩から作者はさらにひねりを加えている。神のニネベの民への慈悲をヨナが理解できずに、丘でニネベの町が滅びるのを待っていたヨナに神はトウゴマの蔓で日陰を作ってやるが、せっかく伸びたトウゴマをさらに神は、一日で虫に食べさせ、枯らせてしまい、落胆と憤怒を覚えるヨナを照りつける日の光で苦しめるのに対して、オビだけがまだ自らの盲従の愚かさを理解できずにマスターに叱咤される点は同じだが、神はあくまでもヨナに「子の父に対する絶対的な服従」(ヨナは神の所業を見て、自らの手で創造したニネベを滅ぼさなかった神の慈悲を悟る)を強いたのに対して、オビは(slashものによく描かれる理想的な対等なパートナーシップの現れである)「自らの意志で行動を選択する」に至る点が異なっている。作者によれば、作者が先日見た、映画『スタートレック II - カーンの逆襲』(オリジナルシリーズ:TOSの第22話「宇宙の帝王」:Space Seedの続編にあたる)に登場した『白鯨』のエピソードにも刺激されたそうで、人間の力を越えた巨大な存在である「くじら」が昔から文学作品にフィーチャーされていることに非常に興味を持ったのがきっかけになったと語っている)

Star Wars: TPM- Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan - rated PG/ angst, suggestion of sex.

スターウォーズ:TPM(ザ・ファントム・メナス)−クワイ=ガン/オビ=ワン−PG(Parental Guidance:親の同意が必要)指定/心理的葛藤もの、セックスを連想させる表現あり

MA,SWAL only

MA(Master&Apprentice:師匠と弟子サイト)、SWAL(SWA-L SW Slash Archive:スターウォーズ・スラッシュ集サイト)のみ

Author's Notes
A 4-part series of initial movements and advances before our heroes become lovers, occurring a year before the events of TPM
Obvious "Rob Roy" river/standing stone scenes. I owe Blockbuster mucho moolah because oxide does wear off video if you fast-forward/rewind that many times.

映画「ロブ・ロイ」(注:クワイ=ガンを演じたリーアム・ニースンが主演するハイランダーの話)に登場する川や切り立った巨岩の情景の明らかな引用箇所があります。『ブロックバスター』(カービーがお世話になっているレンタルビデオ屋らしい)には大変お世話になりました(mucho moolah=スペイン語much money)というのは、(私のように)高速の先送り、巻き戻しを何度もくりかえすと、酸化物によってビデオがとても痛むからです

characters portrayed within belong to George Lucas and Lucasfilm. However, this story is mine.


on-list or email. YES. PLEASE.
Many thanks to Destina Fortunato,for the use of her wonderful line;
"Expected, it is, for a Padawan to desire his Master."



parts 1-4

by Kirby Crow

First Blush

You have seen my body before. The naked form is nothing to be ashamed of. On many worlds there are, I know, nudity taboos, but such things are reasoned out of the young Padawan at the Jedi Temple.
お前はかつて私の肉体を見たことがあるはずだ。裸の身体自体は何ら恥ずべきものではない。現存する多くの社会で、ヌードがダブーとされているのは事実だ。だが、ジェダイ寺にいる若きパダワン(修行中の弟子)ならば、そのような事柄は合理的に対処(reason out=理論的に〜を解決する)するものだ。

Certainly I never allowed you to indulge in such pruderies once you came under my tutelage. A demure Jedi is laughable.

So why did you blush?

We spent the night wrapped in our cloaks on the shore of a swift river. The night was balmy, with a gentle wind scenting of evergreen, and the stars wheeling above. Certainly nothing to complain about.

In our many missions together we have slept on bare rock and in mudholes, on cliff tops and sandy beaches, huddled together for warmth, sharing the same breath. We have practiced and fought and bled together. I've dressed your wounds and you've dressed mine.

I daresay you know my body almost as well as I know it myself. Yet, this morning, when I strode naked from the hip-deep water of the river, your cheeks went pink and you turned away. Was it because of my physical state? Did you think I was aroused?
恐らくお前は、私以上に私の体を熟知していることだろう。なのに、今朝、腰まで浸かる深さの川から私が(性器を)むき出しのまま歩いてきたとき、お前の頬はうっすらと紅潮し、お前は私から顔を背けた。そうしたのは私の肉体がある状態を示していたせいだったのか? お前は私が欲望に駆られたとでも思ったのか?

Alas, at my age those waking states are less than commonplace. Unlike you, my young Padawan. There have been mornings I could have told the time by gauging the angle of your sundial.

I needed to relieve myself, was all. Next time I'll know to do it in the water if you're around. I suppose I looked as foolish as any man does who's waving it in the wind, so perhaps it was only the loss of my dignity that embarrassed you.

A Padawan does tend to have an inflated opinion of his Master. I should have spoken to you about it then, but there was fish for breakfast, and we were to rendezvous with our landing party shortly, and the moment passed. Soon, it was forgotten.

Until now, when all those warning signals are coming back to haunt me.

First Touch

You shied away from my body today. In a way, it was ridiculous. Seen through another light; tragic. A monumental failure on my part, watching impotently as the fabric of trust between us is shredded.

We were in the isolated practice ring at the very top of the western wing of the academy, high above the ramparts of the city. A dim chamber of iron and wood, with a red circle painted on the floor.

You had always preferred this ring because the younger Padawan's avoided it, and there was more room to practice the more advanced leaps and jumps that you loved to try.

  I have touched you a thousand times; turning your shoulders to the proper fighting stance, moving your fingers up the hilt of your lightsaber, correcting the tilt of your chin so that your eyes remained centered on your opponent. But today, as I stood behind you and watched you move through the intricate phases of swordplay, I called for you to halt.

Trained student that you are, you froze in your fighting posture, awaiting my correction. I approached you from behind, chiding you softly, and reached around you with both arms, grasping your wrists and turning them outward.

  "It's not an axe, Obi-Wan. Grasp your weapon lightly. Control. Finesse. Skill. That is the way of a master swordfighter. Not brute force. Relax into your lightsaber. Think of it as the difference between a whip and a bludgeon."

  I was speaking softly, little more than a whisper, for my lips were so close to your ear that nothing more was needed. And then you shivered and turned your face slightly away from me.

Turned away. From me.

I think I was too shocked to confront you. It hurt, as if you had denied me as your Master to the entire Jedi council. I stepped back, confused but hiding it.

"Continue," I commanded, in a voice I hoped was steady.

  You began again the complicated dance, stepping forward, back, a parry, a thrust, and then a weak defense. Again, you needed correction, and for the first time in our relationship I hesitated giving it to you.

Nonsense, I scolded myself. Would you neglect your duty because of one moment of awkwardness? Foolish old man. I stepped forward to correct you, placing my hand on your waist to move your right hip back just a fraction of an inch, and then I felt your spine go taut.

Something went through you like a cold draft, a shiver that twitched the muscles of your jaw, made you set your teeth and - almost imperceptibly- withdraw from me again.
冷たい隙間風のように身を震わせる何かがお前の中を通過した。それがお前の顎の筋肉をひきつらせ、お前の歯を食いしばらせ、そして - ほとんど気取られないくらいだったが - 再び私からお前を遠ざけた。

I felt it, too. The electric snap of attraction that ignited between us, male sexuality, crackling and vital, vibrant with life. You mentally withdrew from me and severed the connection, a solid slamming down of your mental shields.

My hand tightened on your hip. I glanced at your face. Your eyelids were heavy, almost drooping, your lips parted. I watched your tongue dart out to lick your lips, a surprisingly pink tongue with a pointed tip, and suddenly my throat went tight.

I released you abruptly and moved back as if to avoid fire, which is exactly what I was doing.

I called out, and stepped away until my back was against the wall.

You failed the rest of your practice miserably, until I shook my head impatiently and sent you in search of a bath and a meal. You left, your shoulders slumped in failure, and I knew that it was my fault you felt that way. Expected, it is, for a Padawan to desire his Master.

I had taken all the classes, listened to the experienced advice of the Master's. I knew how to handle those burgeoning feelings in you, what steps I should take to discourage them and redirect them to other avenues.

So why did I not do any of those things?

Ten years ago the younger man I had been would have shorn this budding problem off the vine, and we would have moved forward in your training with the matter behind us. Yet now, Padawan...

Now I awake on a winter morning and my joints ache. I gaze into the small mirror in my quarters and I see a grizzled, gray beard. I see small lines at the corners of my eyes. I see old, Obi-Wan. I suppose the likelihood of your desiring me had faded to an impossibility in my mind, so that when it finally happened, it seemed like a miracle.

  I want to be wise. I want to be prudent and understanding and compassionate of your need. Instead, all I am is grateful.

  Now, suddenly, something is between us that had been absent before. Something is There that had never been. And it's wonderful, Padawan.

But now you're beginning to avoid my eyes. Whenever I move too close to you or allow the warmth of my breath to reach your skin, there is a strained presence lurking beneath it all, a firebreak of dry timber begging for a match.

An intense awareness of the other's body, languid and almost erotic in its surety, made ponderous by our denial. Words seem useless now. The silence of what we will not speak drowns us out.
他者の肉体を激しく意識し、実体に恋いこがれ、性欲同然の感情を抱くことは、お互いが拒絶することによって、さらに一層重苦しいものになってしまった。言葉など、今では何の役にも立たないだろう。我々が徒に黙して語らぬことが2人をますます無口にさせた(音をかき消す=drown out)。

I have to do something...

First Kiss

What a tangled dance this is.
事態はなぜこれほどまでに紛糾してしまったのだろうか(注:作者によるとtangled danceは互いが気持ちを口にできず、目や態度で示し合う緊張した状態を差しているそうである)。

A week, perhaps more, of tension, days of averted eyes and listening to your breath quicken at night through the thin wall that separates my room from yours. I have lain with my cheek against that hard wall listening to you, Padawan.

Knowing what you were doing to yourself to make those sounds. Pressing my hand to the wall that divides us, eavesdropping with the Force and almost feeling the desperate, abandoned manipulations you inflict on your body.

Almost a punishment, an urgent, pounding rhythm. And at the end - always the feelings of guilt and shame, filtering through the Force like chilly tendrils of mist, and for what?
まるで自分を罰するかのように、切迫した、激しく刻むリズム。そして最後は -- いつも、罪と恥の感覚が、凍えるような霧の巻髭のようにフォースを通じて伝わってくる。一体何の罰のためにお前はそうするのだというのだ?

We barely speak anymore. I should have known not to order you to another practice session so soon after your failure. I should have sent you to the common ring to practice with the other young ones for a change, but no. I insist that you come to the private ring where there is no chance of our being disturbed or interrupted.

Sometimes I believe there is a streak of masochism in me.

You arrive at my summons, not wholly willingly. You're late, and when you enter there is a mutinous set to your chin that bodes ill for both of us. Without preamble, I order you to begin.

I watch your body flow effortlessly through the first level of movements, then the second level, and the third. The fourth level is reserved for experts, of which you are fast becoming.

I cross my arms and lean standing against the wall, watching you.

Your eyes are slitted in concentration, your lips set in a hard, white line as you ignite your lightsaber and move through impossible contortions, fantastic leaps, and all I can think of during this amazing display of artistry is that your lips are more appealing when they're relaxed.

I wonder what those soft lips would feel like under mine. I wonder what you taste like.

And in that second, you falter and misstep only half an inch, but your ankle folds under you and you fall ignominiously to the floor. Your lightsaber clatters away, doused and powerless. You shoot me one long, scorching glare of accusation, and I realize that you have heard everything.

Have you ever known me to tell a lie, Padawan? I don't mean the shadings of politics or the necessary disguises of a Jedi mission. I mean a lie.
お前は私が嘘を付いていたことを前から知っていたのか、パダワンよ? それは、ジェダイの使命を果たすために、わざと政治的に隠蔽したり、便宜的にあざむくのとは違う。私は確かに(間違った目的で自分の気持ちをごまかす)嘘をついていた(前文のmeanは「意味する」、次文のmeanは「意図的に〜する」)のだ。

I will not offer you a lie now. I step forward and extend my hand. You take it out of habit, I think. Rising and brushing one hand down your spotless tunic, and it is a second or two before you realize I'm not letting go.

I tug on your hand, pulling you away from the practice ring. I don't seem to be able to speak. I have no way to tell that I couldn't stop now if I had to. No way to tell you that, come heaven or hell, fire or flood, I





  I lead you to the practice mat in the corner, and once we are there I back you up physically against the wall. I don't ask. I simply crowd you with the bulk of my body until there is nowhere else to go.

Your breath hitches in your lungs as I pin your shoulders against the iron wall, looking down on you intently, striving for a grip on your emotions. I brush my fingers the length of your cheek, testing, soothing.

But you don't need soothing. You don't need convincing. You're as ready as an Alderaan whore on Midsummer's night.

"Take me,"you hiss in a honed voice like pins and knives and everything sharp I've ever known. Butchery would cut less shallow than your voice.

There is a voluptuous, desperate surrender in you that frightens me. You would accept anything from me right now, Padawan. Any treatment at all. Any abuse. Oh, Padawan, do you forget your training so easily?

As I circle my arms around you and hold you tight you seem smaller, fragile even. The trembling need prisoned inside you makes you appear brittle, as if you would shatter from one touch.

I caress the muscles of your back through your tunic, fingers digging into the small of your back, the better to feel that deep, sensuous curve. Up, up, along the sides of your ribs, around to your shoulderblades, and then I am pulling your tunic off and casting it to the floor.
私はお前の胴着の上からお前の背中の筋肉を愛撫する。お前の腰のくびれた部分(the small=細い部分)に指を埋め、その深く、官能的なカーブの感触をより一層(the+比較級=それだけいっそう〜。この場合のtheは副詞)味わえるように。上へ上へと肋骨の脇を辿り、最後には肩胛骨に達する。やがて私はお前の胴着を取り去り、それを床に投げ捨てた。

So smooth, the line of you, like water-polished marble. I draw you to me as I pull us both down to the mat. You shudder as your naked back touches the cold surface of the rubber mat.

Even my thoughts grow inarticulate. Slide up the length of your body and lie upon you, form fitting form, uneven in length but perfect in craving as we shift and slide for a symmetry that will pleasure us both. Gasping as I find the curve that gives the most ecstasy, sinking into you.

I kiss you, hard and demanding, biting on your lips, pushing your mouth open insistently with my tongue. You open to me, and I mimic with my tongue what I'd like to do to your body. Long, slow thrusts of my tongue deep into the warm hollow of your mouth, grazing the entrance to your throat, and I feel you begin to quake beneath that kiss.

I am wrapped around you like a jungle vine, my hands in the arch of your back, pulling you up to me, wandering lower to caress the firm roundness of your thighs. I want to pull your legs up around my waist, to drive myself into your body, to veil myself in you and become lost.
私はお前にからみつく(be wrapped around=wrapped myself around)。まるで密林のブドウのように。反り返える背中に腕を回し、間近に抱き寄せ、お前のがっちりした丸い腿を愛撫しようと下方へずれる。腰に巻き付けようとお前の足を抱え上げ、お前の身体に私自身を打ち込み、お前の中に埋もれ、溺れてしまいたかった(lost=すっぽり挿入してしまう+理性を失う)。

This sweet, aching, unfulfilled need continues until you begin to make frantic sounds against my lips, small gasps for breath and muffled, distressful moans, and it's only then that I realize I'm grinding my hips against yours, and that my hard cock is painting a warm line of wetness between us.

I have not climaxed, but I could. I could, and then I could leave you here on the floor unsatisfied. Untainted, really, by any tangible sexual act. I could stop now, and the damage would be minimal.

Or I could continue, divest you of the remainder of your clothes and of your quiet dignity, turn you on all fours and take you like an animal on the practice mat. The picture of that leaps into my mind, of the chaste lines of your body spread for me as I thrust brutally into you.

It is that image, I think, that stops me. I break the kiss and look down on you for several moments, seeing the emotions flit past in your eyes; passion, uncertainty. Fear. It is the fear that devastates me. How could you be afraid of me?

In one swift movement I push myself up and away from you. I stand over you and look down and you are there on the floor, spread wide. Open and obedient and pliable with need.

Too pliable.

I spin abruptly on my heel and stride away, the click of my boot heels dropping like nails into the silence, and the door does not close fast enough to shut out your choking sob as you curl into a ball of misery on the floor.

First Love

Days pass without a spoken word or a message from either of us to the other. You attend your classes, and we pass in the halls, and between us there is this silence so wide it cracks my heart. You nod deferentially at me when we meet.

I turn to watch you walking away, and there is a line of agony in your spine that eats at me. You don't accuse me before the Council, even though a single mental image from you, revealed to the Master's, would earn me a severe reprimand and probably remove me from your training forever.

The image of me on top of you on the practice mat, swirling movements of my lips against yours, my tongue exploring your mouth. Lying between your legs and pushing my lust at you.

I know what the Master's would say to that.

Another day passes, and at the end of it, as the sun is slanting a deep, golden hue through the small window in my quarters, the door chimes softly. I hesitate, wondering if I should send you away. But there is no advantage in delay, and I promised myself I wouldn't lie to you.

"Enter," I call out, standing and facing the door.

You duck under the lintel, which is made purposefully small to remind a Jedi of his humility, and you never come back up. You don't stand in my presence, but instead cast yourself without pride to the floor in front of me and kneel there, waiting. The door whispers closed.

"Obi-Wan, stand up"

You do not obey. You say nothing. You only kneel with your forehead touching the floor.

I strive for a gentler tone.
"What is it, Padawan?"

Again, there is silence, and I realize your logic behind it. Of course. What can you possibly say?

I have always been the teacher. There is nothing to say because I already know what's wrong. I know your side of it, and I know mine. I have all the answers, because I am the Master and you are the Apprentice.

The blame is mine. Any and all deficiencies in a Padawan's training belong to the Master, and this fault, this glaring flaw I see in you now, Padawan - I am responsible.
非は私にある。パダワンの訓練に至らぬ点があれば、それは、どのようなことでも、すべて、マスターに責任がある。そして、今回の過ち、今、お前が見せる、この目を背けたくなるような不始末は - 私のせいなのだ。

This surrender, this utter, uncaring acquiescence. I could beat you, lash you like a dog, and you would take it, because of your love and your confusion and your desperate, clinging need to please me. It is wrong.

I have to break the cycle of submission my own weakness has created, for if you will submit to me you will submit to another, or to the Dark Side. A Jedi must never submit in this manner, except to the Force.

"Stand up!"
I snap at you harshly, and that penetrates the fog of misery that surrounds your mind.

"Look at me," I command. In this, it seems, you will comply. Your face is wretched, your thoughts closed away from me, trapped in your own pathos.

"What do you want from me?"
"I asked you a question. Answer it."
"I can't."

There is a gentle defeat in your voice. I've never told you how much I like the sound of your voice, for compliments of that sort lead to vanity in a Padawan. Your voice has a cultured ring to it that you did not learn from me, but from the other Master's.

An accent on certain words that convinces me there must be noble blood in you somewhere. There is, too, a somber dignity about you, and that you did learn from me. It boils my blood to see you cast it away now. Guilt is not the least part of it.
特定の言葉に現れるお前のアクセントには、確かにお前には何か高貴な血が流れているにちがいないと私に思わせるところがある。それに加え、お前には重々しい威厳さえも漂っている、それは私からお前が学んだことだ。今、お前がその威厳をかなぐり捨てているのを見ると私の血は煮えくり返りそうになる。お前の犯した罪は私を少なからず(not the least=かなりの)怒らせる。

"Then I'll answer it for you."
I reach you in one stride and grasp both your arms, dragging you up to me. I shake you so hard that I hear your teeth click, but still there is no defiance from you, only an instinctive motion to turn your face away. I won't allow it. I grasp your chin in my hand and force you to look at me.


I crush that title under my lips before I can hear it. I don't want to hear it. I can't. Not knowing what I have to do now.

"Is this what you want from me?"


"Is it? Think carefully, boy."
I know that my fingers are digging into your jaw, that I'm bruising you. I feel the familiar tickle at the edge my mind, your mental touch to me, and I thrust you back savagely, closing my mind to you.
「そうなのか? よく考えるのだ、若造よ」

"I think-"

"You think? Do you?"
The scorn in my voice flays you. I see you shrink from it, from me, and I can't allow myself to care.
「思うだと? お前がか?」

"I don't know if you canthink anymore. You come to my quarters, on your knees, begging me like a kicked animal. After everything I have taught you, how dare you beg?!"
「お前に物事をまともに考えられる頭があるのかどうか、私が知るわけがなかろう? 第一、お前は、私の宿舎に来て、ひざまずき、足蹴にされた獣のようにただただ懇願するだけだったではないか。お前に全てを教えたというのに、どの顔下げてお前はあんなにも安易に請い求める真似ができるのだ(How dare you=よくもまあずうずうしくも〜できるものだ)?」

I loose my hold on you and draw back my hand. You sway, standing, too shocked even to flinch, so that you take the full weight of the backhanded slap in the face.

The blow knocks you to the floor. You try to stand, and I shove you back with my foot. You fall across the narrow bed, and for a moment you turn away from me and bury your face in the covers, too ashamed even to look at me.

But I can't allow that either, Padawan. It's not your shame I want, but your anger.

Yes, I know, and to hell with what the Masters say. Not all shades of anger are evil. In fact, sometimes, nothing less will do.
そうだ、他のマスターたちがどう言おうと構いはしない(to hell=not give a damn)。どんな時も怒りを表してはならないというのは間違っている。時には、そうする(怒りをあらわにする)ことが一番得策だということもあるのだ。

I seize your wrist and twist your arm high behind your back, closing my ears to your cry of pain and betrayal. I'm kneeling behind you, and it's a disgrace that I'm hard at a moment like this, but I am, and I make sure that you feel it pressing against you.

My lips are to your ear.
"Is this what you want, little Padawan?"
「お前のほしいものはこれか? パダワンちゃん」

And a pure flood of gratification surges through me as your elbow swings back and connects with my jaw with a solid and audible crack. I see stars and collapse, away from you, dizzy but triumphant. Then, with a thrill of alarm, I hear the deep thrum of a lightsaber ignition.

Perhaps I've gone too far.
多分 私(の侮辱ぶり)は、あまりに度が過ぎたのであろう。

You're already across the length of the room from me, your weapon drawn in a defensive posture. I raise my hand in a gesture of control. Energy hums throughout the room, but it is contained. It is a warning, my pupil. I've never used the Force against you, Padawan, and I don't want to now. Don't make me.

"Well done," I say, my voice pitched to tones of control.
"Now... approach me as an equal, Obi-Wan Kenobi"

A widening of your eyes as I re-open my mind to yours, a small, sharp intake of your breath, and in the space of one instant to the next you comprehend it all.

You douse your lightsaber and slowly come to me, kneeling beside me on the floor next to the bed. Your smile is wry.

"I was pathetic, wasn't I?"


"I was," you insist.

I lean back against the mattress of the bed.
"You were simply in need, and I had failed you. I had to make it right."

You rub the flaming print on your cheek.
"It seems odd to be thanking you for this, but thank you, Master."

A silence falls. I see that you're too mortified to break it, so I must, because only half of the problem has been resolved.

"Obi-Wan, look at me."

You do, and then it is you who becomes the aggressor, who moves forward to straddle me and takes my face in his hands. Your hands are not large, but they lack nothing in strength. It feels strange to be receiving and not giving, but the look in your eyes tells me that -for once -you will brook no opposition.
お前は私を見つめた。そうだ、今度はお前が侵略者になる番だ。お前は私に近寄り、私にまたがり、私の顔を両手で捕らえる。お前の手は大きくはないが、それでいて決して力不足ではない。力を人に加えるのではなく、わが身に受けとめるというのは妙な気分がするものだ。だが、お前の目の輝きは訴える - ただの一度でも - お前はあらがうものを絶対に許さないだろうと。

I surrender and relax, expecting you to kiss my mouth. But your first kiss to me is on the cheek, a tender pressing of your lips to my skin, first one side, then the other. Those kisses are reverent, almost chaste.

I lift my chin higher, expecting to be kissed, but no, you skirt my mouth and press a kiss to my chin, my forehead, to each of my eyelids. You hesitate, then drop a quick, smacking kiss on the tip of my nose.

I can't stop the smile that forces its way up, and swiftly, as my lips are still widening in that foolish grin, you descend on my mouth.

What was that kiss like? Might as well describe what heaven is like. I only know that I never stopped smiling through it, and that seemed to delight you.
そのキスが何に似ていたかって? それは天国がどんなものか、例えるようなものだろう(might (just) as well do (as...)=...するのも同然だ)。私に分かるのはただ、そうしながら私がどうにもほくそ笑むのを止められないのと、そのことがさぞ、お前を喜ばせるだろうということだけだった。

Then it is I who begins to moan as you ply your tongue sweepingly across my lower lip, darting inside to tease my tongue awake as I try to catch you and pull you in deeper, to draw that talented serpent into my mouth and softly suckle on it, to taste the sweetness of you, but you will not be held.

I'm still smiling as you take your lips from me.
"Imp," I say, chuckling as my arms steal around your waist.
"I've often wished that I could do that while you were smiling. You don't smile enough."

"Well, you've had your wish. Are there any other wishes I can grant?"

"The night is young."

"Indeed. And I seem to remember a certain offer you made recently..."
「いかにもそうだ。どうもお前が前に言った申し出("Take me"とマットの上で言ったこと)を私はまだ忘れられそうにないようなのでね……」

"You may test the firmness of my offer anytime, Master," you say, gently nudging my belly with your erection.

I slap your backside lightly, which earns me the singular pleasure of hearing you giggle.

It feels good, this loving banter, and I cherish it because it's like poppies in Midwinter. It can't last. All too soon we will be called back to the roles of Master and Apprentice, in which there can be no equality. I will take this gift of time that is offered me. Force Willing, there will be some ragged end left of me afterward to train you. But even that must come to an end.
実に良いものだ、こういう愛らしい戯れというのは。私はそれを慈しむ。それはまるで真冬の罌粟の花のように、儚いものだからだ。あまりにもあっけなく(僅かな時間が過ぎると たちまちのうちに)、我々は本来のマスターと弟子の任務に引き戻される。そこでは何もかもが対等ではありえない。私は私に与えられた、この時間という恵みを享受する。もしもフォースの意志がそう望まれるなら、(二人が対等に愛し合う関係になった==通常の師弟関係から逸脱して与え、与えれる関係になった上で)お前を訓練した後には、自分はボロボロに朽ち果ててしまうかもしれない。だが、ただのマスターと弟子の関係であっても、いつかは終わりが来るのだ(オビ=ワンが真のジェダイの騎士になる日が来るということ)。

But later. Now you're looking at me and trying to seem older than you are, caressing my chest with an endearing lack of skill, attempting to remove my robes without my assistance.

I lay my hands over your questing ones.

You look up at me, eyes wide and more than a little frightened.
"Yes, Master?"

"We can be equals later."

I see your relief, and also your growing excitement.

"What shall I-oh!"

I grasp the hem of your tunic and tug it gently free. You attempt to reach for me, but I push you back, my fingers splayed against your chest.

"But, Master, I want... I need-"

"I know what you need."

You shiver as I draw my fingers down along the curve of muscle, dipping into the hollow of your belly, scratching teasingly at the stray, gold hairs dusting your skin below your navel. Back up, both hands on you now, pinching the honey-colored nipples.

You arch your back to me, drawing in one swift breath of surprise as I quickly unclasp the fastenings at your waist and claim the hard, wet length of you in my hand.

You thrust your hips forward into my possessive grasp, and suddenly there is a rhythm again to the battle as I draw my palm along your rigid flesh, squeezing the base, flicking my thumb across the head just to hear you moan like that once more.

Your hands are on my shoulders, head thrown back to reveal the ivory column of your throat, your golden Padawan braid trailing down your chest, and I simply have to pull you forward to nuzzle that skin, to gently bite a line up to your ear and capture that velvet lobe between my teeth.

"Obi-Wan," I rumble into your ear.

You gasp and your body stiffens.
"Wait," you whisper, suddenly agitated, pushing your hands against my shoulders.
"Wait! I'm going to... I can't..."
「止めて! このままじゃ、出ちゃい……も、もうダメで……」

I refuse to let you go, one hand moving up to curl around the soft nape of your neck, pulling your mouth to mine.

"You can," I say, before my lips close over yours and a wracking storm claims your body. Hot fluid pours over my hand and forearm, and I swallow the loud moans and cries that issue from you, pulling you closer until you collapse, finally, against me.

その後 - 

"Master... I have done nothing for-"
「マスター……あなたには何もしてあげられなかった(nothing for=nothing for you in return)というのは、どうにも……」

"There is always tomorrow, Obi-Wan. Don't be so greedy for life's gifts."

A soft laugh fills the corners of the dark room, and I know you have heard my thoughts in your mind; that I'm just old enough to enjoy the anticipation almost as much as the sex.

  But I can't hide myself from you, Obi-Wan. In truth, you terrify me. The depth of your love frightens me beyond measure. I am in serious doubt that I am worthy of it.

Let me decide that for myself, Master.

I enfold you in a tight embrace and pull the blanket we share over your shoulders. My arm around your waist draws you back closer into my warmth.

"Go to sleep, Padawan."

"Yes, Master."


This storyline is continued in The Bitter Glass and more of my Q/O and X-Files fiction can be found at Slash Girls .


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