
by Ghostwriter (

Master & Apprentice. All others please ask first.


Angst, POV, First Time

葛藤、オビ=ワンの視点から見たお話(POV=Point Of View)、初体験もの


17歳以下は禁止。かつての「X指定」と同等(No One 17 And Under Admitted)

This story contains scenes of sexual expression between two consenting adults who happen to be of the same gender. If you are under 18 or are offended by such material, please read no further.


This story takes place directly following TPM. Major spoilers ahead.


Obi-Wan struggles to cope with his loss by remembering a precious moment he and his Master shared.


Greatly appreciated at


Lucas owns all things Star Wars - I'm just borrowing for a bit. No copyright infringement is intended.

著作権に関する留意点:スター・ウォーズに関するすべての権利はルーカスに属します。 - 私はちょっと拝借しただけなんです。権利を侵害するつもりは全くありません。

A big thank you to my beta reader, Mary W, who was with me every step of the way on this one!


June 1999

A part of me died today. Despite all my control, I still find myself staggering from the loss. It doesn't matter how well we condition ourselves, or how many times we are witness to such circumstances; it doesn't even matter how strongly the Force flows within our bodies. Nothing ever truly prepares us to face death.

Not like this...

Jedi Knights must not allow fear to guide their way, for that is the easiest path to the dark side. Fear must be purged; released in favor of the patient, logical mindset of a Jedi.

Yet, a part of me still knows what fear is; part of me has lived with it for a very long time, hidden in the deepest recesses of my heart.

One of us...Master or Apprentice...dying in the other's arms...

'It is the way of all things, Padawan,' you had told me when I was but a child.
'An inescapable destiny that each of us must face when the time is right.'

Destiny can be very cruel. As a Jedi, I must accept this. I must let go of the pain and anger, and refocus myself in the present. Yet, my effort to do so has left me weary and confused.

Our bond was strong - far stronger than most. The Council had cautioned us, but we chose to follow our hearts instead. The consequences are now mine alone to bear...will I be strong enough?
私たちの結束は堅かった - これ以上ゆるぎない団結などあり得ないほど。ジェダイ評議会は私たちに警告した。しかし、私たちは自らの心に従うほうを選んだ。今、私は一人残された。自らが選んだ結果に耐えるようにと……だが、私はそれに耐えられるほど強くなれるのだろうか?

Your funeral pyre still smolders as I approach, dark wisps of smoke twisting slowly skyward. I reach my hand out, eager to connect in some way - any way - with what remains of you, my beloved. The heat that emanates is still strong, wrapping around my skin as I hold my fingers suspended above the ashes.

A wave of remorse begins to wash over me once more, but this time I fight it, allowing precious memories to surface in defense. Moments of joy and happiness surround my spirit as I close my eyes to the devastating sight before me. I feel myself smiling gently as I remember...


Obi-Wan sensed his Master's presence the moment Qui-Gon entered the adjoining room. The young Apprentice scrambled to erect a mental privacy shield, his effort to do so deliberately careless.

Obi-Wan smiled as he felt a sudden wash of embarrassed amusement from the elder Jedi before he felt his shields being discreetly augmented from the other end. Everything was working brilliantly.

Fingers gently teased heated flesh, stroking lightly here...then there. The young man's body was alive with sensations as he purposely fought to keep himself unfocused.

He could have easily kept his emotions from broadcasting to the rest of the Jedi population - he was a very well trained Apprentice, after all. But, the art of seduction - as written by Obi-Wan Kenobi - included very carefully timed lapses of control...
他のジェダイたちに打ち明けてしまいたいという衝動を我慢することなど、オビ=ワンにとっては、いともたやすいことだった。結局は、オビ=ワンもまた、非常に訓練された弟子だったのだ。だが、これもまた誘惑の技巧の一つだったのだ - オビ=ワン・ケノービが編み出したのだが - 極めて慎重に時を選んだ上で、こんなふうに理性を失ってみせるというのも。

The young man smiled once again as he continued to stimulate himself, gentle surges of pleasure rippling through his body. A steady rhythm guided his path as the fingers of his other hand sought out more flesh to fondle lovingly.

Students at the Temple were taught not to be ashamed of their bodies from a very young age. The close proximity in which a Master and Apprentice worked and lived would leave little room for modesty as the students grew older.

A young person's budding sexuality was addressed with patience and honesty by the older Jedi. The time of sexual awakening was also a time of great awareness in the young students.

The more in tune they were with their bodies, the deeper their connection to the Force. For this reason, the exploration of all the body's pleasures was highly encouraged by the elders. It was their first true taste of bliss in a universe filled with infinite possibilities.

Breathing ragged...his pulse quickened to match the speed of his hand. Bold images of carnality danced behind eyes closed in rapture...


The Force spiraled around the young Apprentice, wrapping him in its embrace as his body tensed, every muscle straining with the effort.

A half-sob escaped Obi-Wan's throat as his body finally ascended toward climax. He hovered on the edge for an eternity, trembling from the experience until he could no longer hold back. His body jolted as the sudden surge of intense pleasure overtook him, his life force spilling in quick, hot spurts over his hands.
肉体がついに絶頂に向かって一気に高まるその瞬間、オビ=ワンの喉から半ばすすり泣きにも似た声が漏れた。オビ=ワンは永遠にも感じられる自我と忘我の境でさまよい、甘美な感覚(experience=sensation)におののき、もはやこらえきれなくなった。突然、溢れるような強烈な快感に襲われ、オビ=ワンは身をガクガクと震わせた。たちまちオビ=ワンの生命のほとばしり(life force=sperm:女性がそれによって生命を宿すところから「精液」を表す)が溢れ、手の上に熱いものを放出させた。

Using all of the skills he possessed, the young Jedi allowed his shields to falter slightly, sending a powerful wave of pure sensation cascading through the link he shared with his Master the moment he reached orgasm.

Somewhere in the distance his senses registered a strange sound, sudden and loud, but by then he was far too engrossed in the pleasure of the moment to think coherently.

Gradually his hands slowed, ecstasy ebbing away in a gentle wave of relaxation. His entire body felt exhilarated; strengthened and whole. For an instant he'd been one with the with the Force.

With one last, shuddering breath, the young Apprentice came back to reality. His body still trembled from the experience as he leaned back against the wall behind him, a soundless sigh of contentment slipping past his lips.

A few moments of blessed peace passed before Obi-Wan heard the distinct sounds of movement in the next room, strange and muffled. He strained to listen more closely. It almost sounded as though his Master were rearranging the furniture in some fashion. Curious...

It only took a few minutes for the young man to wash himself and dress before venturing in to the main room of their guest accommodations. The first thing he saw was his mentor on hands and knees mopping water up from the floor.

Obi-Wan asked softly.
"Is everything all right?"
The elder Jedi turned to look at his Apprentice, more than one emotion swirling in his brilliant blue eyes.

"Yes, Padawan."
The last word held a definite mixture of amusement and frustration.

"What happened?"
Qui-Gon's robes had been discarded off to the side, and the front of his sand colored tunic was darkened with wet spots. The Master's dark leggings were wet, as well, presumably from kneeling in the water that was now resting in puddles on the floor. Obi-Wan moved to help his mentor, fetching a handful of dry towels from a nearby basket.

"The pitcher slipped from my hands as I tried to ready the wash basin."
The older man's eyes didn't leave the form of his Apprentice as he continued to speak.
"I hope the D'elani won't take offense at my clumsiness."

Obi-Wan forced himself not to smile - or even think about smiling for that matter. He sensed his Master's scrutiny, both physically and mentally, and knew, without a doubt, that he'd been the cause of Qui-Gon's momentary lapse. It was all part of the chase; a game Obi-Wan had been playing for the better part of a year now.
オビ=ワンは笑いを必死にこらえた - というより、こんなことを笑っていいのか悩んでいた。オビ=ワンはマスターが念入りに自分のことを観察しているのに気がついた。肉体面と精神面の両方で。そして、今回のようなめったにない過失をクワイ=ガンが犯したのは間違いなく自分のせいなのだということをオビ=ワン自身も知っていた。それは追いかけっこのようなものだ。オビ=ワンがこの一年の間中、興じているゲームの一種だった。

"They seem a very amicable race, Master. I doubt one broken pitcher and a bit of spilled water will phase them much," the young man responded as he knelt beside Qui-Gon, passing several towels to the Jedi.

Qui-Gon accepted the towels, a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Amicable, indeed. Did I neglect to mention their code of punishment includes being publicly bound and flogged for any minor misdemeanor?"
  「友好的だ、いかにも。が、言わなかったかな? デ・ラニの刑罰法規では、どんなにささいな軽犯罪であっても、公衆の面前で縛られ、鞭打たれるということを」

"An outdated practice inspired by a precept that even the current First Minister admits needed revising several centuries ago."

The Jedi Master observed Obi-Wan calmly, his small smile gradually widening.
"You've done your homework well, my young Padawan."

"As boring as I find this diplomatic research to be, I understand its importance, Master. To step into any negotiations unprepared would be unwise."
The young Apprentice gazed back at his mentor, allowing a small sparkle of mischief to brighten his eyes.

"Yes," Qui-Gon responded, turning back to the task at hand.
"You're learning the skills of diplomacy very well. I think perhaps you could benefit from a few additional exercises in matters of control, however..."

Obi-Wan bit back another smile as he looked away quickly, feigning embarrassment.
"Yes, Master."
His words were soft and acquiescent. It was an adequate performance, but one the young Jedi knew wouldn't fool his mentor.
笑いたいのを悟られないように(bit back=suppressing)オビ=ワンはすぐに目をそらせ、当惑している振りをした。

The relationship between Master and Padawan learner was a very deep and symbiotic one. Years spent in each other's presence lent itself to a very cherished emotional bond between the two that was nothing less than sacred. Very little could be kept hidden.

There was no doubt in Obi-Wan's mind that his Master knew exactly what he'd been up to for the last year. Yet, Qui-Gon had never spoken to him regarding this issue. The elder Jedi had calmly accepted Obi-Wan's carefully disguised advances without acknowledging them in any way.

Unfortunately, the Jedi Code remained silent on matters of the heart. Apprentices often formed romantic attachments to their Masters at some point in their training. It was a natural reaction to the closeness of their bond coupled with the awakening of their young bodies into adulthood.

In turn, Jedi Masters were carefully instructed in ways to handle such delicate circumstances; to gently encourage their Padawans to reach outward with their hearts rather than inward. There were no written rules that stated a Master could not become involved with his or her Padawan learner, but such a choice was adamantly frowned upon by the Council.

Obi-Wan considered the variables as they finished cleaning up the floor. Qui-Gon's silence on the issue could mean any number of things. It could be his way of dissuading his Padawan by simply not acknowledging what was happening...or it could be a sign of consent.

By not putting a stop to his Apprentice's actions, the older man could also be implying, 'I feel the same, Padawan, but now is not the time.'

In any case, Obi-Wan Kenobi had no intention of stopping his pursuit of Qui-Gon Jinn...not until there was absolutely no hope of being able to express the affection he held so dearly for the Jedi Master.

"That should do it," Qui-Gon stated, leaning back on his heels to inspect their mopping job.
"Now I must change clothes if we are to be at the reception on time."

"I will take care of the rest, Master."

"Thank you, Padawan."

The Jedi Master squeezed his Apprentice's shoulder affectionately as he stood. Obi-Wan watched him leave, a dull ache beginning somewhere deep inside his heart. How much longer would he have to wait before a definitive answer would reveal itself?

Patience... he reminded himself. It was the greatest virtue of a Jedi. But, even a Jedi's patience has limits...

The D'elani reception was colorful, aromatic, and rather lively compared to most the Jedi duo had attended. The food and drink were exceptional, as was the entertainment.

Last minute negotiations took place toward the end of the celebration, solidifying a treaty that would insure peace between the three races that inhabited the planet.

It was a major accomplishment for all involved; one that left both Jedi in very good spirits as they finally took their leave of the D'elani delegation.

The twin moons shone brightly, guiding their path as they strolled peacefully through the palace gardens toward their accommodations. The Force was at peace here, filling both of them with a wonderful sense of purpose and contentment.

It was a moment Obi-Wan wished would last forever. Stolen glances in his Master's direction revealed a level of serenity written on the elder Jedi's face that his Apprentice had rarely seen. It moved the younger man's heart to see his beloved so at peace.
オビ=ワンはこの時が永遠に続くようにと祈っていた。マスターの方を盗み見ると、年上ののジェダイは、弟子がめったに見たことがないような、心からくつろいだ表情を見せていた。最愛の人が顔をなごませているのを見て、若い男はとても嬉しく感じた(move one's heart=make one feel a vey strong emotion)。

"It has been a good day, Master," Obi-Wan finally ventured, breaking the silence between them with his soft words.

"Indeed it has, my young Padawan. Our efforts here have been a success. Many will benefit from this treaty."

"What happens now?"

Qui-Gon took a deep, meaningful breath, relishing in the sweet scent of the surrounding flora.
"Now we go back to Coruscant to receive our next assignment."

As if on cue, a D'elani representative approached them from the direction of the palace.
"Ambassadors," he greeted respectfully.
"Your transport has arrived safely and is stationed in Bay Twelve. You may depart at your convenience."

"Thank you, Chancellor."
Qui-Gon bowed slightly and spread his hands in the traditional D'elani gesture of thanks.

"May the blessings of Mi'ira keep you safe on your journey," the Chancellor replied, offering the same gesture to both Jedi.

It is, indeed, a blessed evening, Obi-Wan thought to himself as he watched the D'elani retreat back to the festivities. Perhaps it's a sign that the time is finally right...

"Right for what, Padawan?"
Qui-Gon's words snapped the young Apprentice back to reality. Obi-Wan turned to stare at his Master, a rush of adrenaline signaling his embarrassment.
「何に最善だと言うのだ? パダワン」

He'd been broadcasting his thoughts once again, only this time it hadn't been intentional. The look on the elder Jedi's face was one of genuine, innocent curiosity, but hidden in the depths of his blue eyes was a tiny ripple of emotion that didn't escape Obi-Wan's attention.

He's baiting me... the young man thought with amazement. Qui-Gon's eyebrow quirked slightly, indicating that he'd heard that particular thought, as well.

Taking a deep breath, Obi-Wan decided that perhaps a bit of truth was in order before any further thoughts were inadvertently revealed. With any luck, his honesty would bring an end to the questions that had plagued his heart for so long...

"I have been trying to determine the best time and method for seducing you, Master."

The words slipped from his lips so effortlessly that, for a minute, he wondered whether he'd even spoken them at all. He expected to see a swirl of emotions on his Master's face; surprise, anger, confusion, possibly even pity.

He expected the movements of a nervous individual attempting to rationalize the thought process of a confused Padawan...he even expected the standard lecture on the proper relationship of a Master and Apprentice. Many things could have happened in that moment...but none of them did.

Instead, Obi-Wan continued to look deep into the eyes of his Master, who, for all intents and purposes, didn't look phased by his Padawan's confession at all. Not a single muscle moved on his regal face, nor did his eyes betray any inward emotion. He was, after all, a Jedi Master.
その代わり、オビ=ワンはマスターの瞳の奧を見つめ続けた。が、マスターは全くといっていいほど(for all intents and purposes=in almost every way)パダワンの告白に動じる素振りを見せなかった。王者のように堂々としたマスターの顔の筋肉はピクリともせず、その目は心の感情をさらけださなかった。結局のところ、彼もまたジェダイ・マスターの一人なのだ。

It seemed like an eternity before Qui-Gon moved to speak, though only a few moments had likely passed.
"Seduction is a very delicate process," the older man replied thoughtfully, his voice wrapping gently around the young Apprentice.

"I'm pleased to know you think yourself ready for such an endeavor. You will undoubtedly find a wealth of experience awaiting you down this particular path. Be mindful of what you feel and cherish all experiences, young Obi-Wan, for each moment only happens once."

It was probably the kindest, most tactful rejection anyone had ever received. Obi-Wan should have felt some kind of disappointment. There should have been pain and anger surfacing from his wounded heart.

After all, his love for the older man ran deep, and he'd waited so very long for this moment. Instead, he simply felt numb, the shock of realization deadening all his nerve endings.

The touch of his Master's hand upon his shoulder brought him back to the moment. The elder Jedi squeezed gently in a silent gesture of appreciation, the learned face finally reflecting the regret that lay in his own heart.
"We should be on our way, Padawan. The Council will be expecting us."

Obi-Wan responded instantly, his voice matching the soft tones of his mentor's.
"Yes, Master."

The rest of their walk was spent in silent contemplation, the peaceful sounds of the night fading quietly into the background.

Once on board their transport, Obi-Wan retreated to a remote section of the ship to meditate. At least that was his plan. As it happened, his thoughts were too jumbled to allow any kind of inner peace. He sat staring at the table in front of him, wishing that he'd never revealed his true feelings to Qui-Gon.

He could have lived with the possibilities; with the dream that one day his Master might return his affection. Yet, the young Jedi knew it was best that the situation had finally been brought into the open.

One cannot live a lifetime wrapped in fantasy. That was as dangerous as it was non-productive. Time would heal the wounds that had been so gently opened by his Master.

Obi-Wan took a moment to think about the elder Jedi. Qui-Gon was the kindest, gentlest person he'd ever met. He'd felt so honored when the older man had accepted him as his Padawan learner...the chance to learn from Qui-Gon Jinn was the best reward any Jedi hopeful could ask for.

The Jedi Master had let his Apprentice down in the kindest way possible, and for that Obi-Wan was grateful. But, the look in Qui-Gon's eyes as he'd touched his Padawan's shoulder... He may have been projecting regret to the younger man, but his eyes had told a far different of unspoken love; one of a destiny that must be accepted despite the song of their hearts.

Obi-Wan took a deep breath as his thoughts clarified, the turmoil clearing long enough for him to see the truth his Master had been trying to convey. Qui-Gon's feelings mirrored those of his Padawan, but as a Jedi, he expected the younger man to accept what fate had dealt them.

Patience, understanding, and acceptance were the ways of a Jedi - Qui-Gon had spent much time teaching these things to Obi-Wan. But, there was something else the older man had unconsciously taught his pupil, as well; an attribute that set Qui-Gon Jinn apart from all the other Jedi...something the young Apprentice never knew burned just as deeply within him...until now.
忍耐と理解と受容。これこそがジェダイへの道なのだ - 長い間それをクワイ=ガンはオビ=ワンに教えてきた。だが、無意識のうちに年上の男は別のことを教え子に植え付けてしまっていた。それも、クワイ=ガン・ジンを他のジェダイと差別するような特質(注:つまり反抗心)を……若い弟子が決して知らない、弟子の心の奥深くにしまった何かを……今この瞬間。


The door to Qui-Gon's quarters slid open for Obi-Wan as he approached. The young Jedi's shields were firmly in place, not a hint of his intentions visible on the outside. He found his Master sitting calmly, reading information off the desktop terminal. The older man looked up, meeting expectant eyes once more.

"Are you all settled in, Padawan?"
he asked.
"It will be a few days before we reach Coruscant."

Obi-Wan didn't answer. Instead, he slowly stepped forward until he was beside the elder Jedi, one of his hands reaching out to touch the bearded face of his Master. Qui-Gon allowed the contact, even while sending a gentle warning through their shared link. Padawan...

"Yes, Master..."
Obi-Wan responded out loud, his touch turning into a caress.

Carefully, the Jedi Master pulled away and stood up, his imposing form overshadowing that of his Apprentice.
"Your actions are unwise, Obi-Wan."

"Perhaps," the younger man agreed, allowing his shields to finally dissolve. Qui-Gon's eyes widened as the full depth of his Padawan's feelings swept over him like a gentle tide. Obi-Wan caught the action and responded immediately, his hand reaching out once more toward the man he loved. But, the Jedi Master stepped back, gently evading the younger man's touch.

Determination rose from the depths of the Apprentice's heart, forcing his legs to move forward. They moved slowly like that for several heartbeats, one forward, one back, until the feel of the bulkhead behind Qui-Gon's back stopped them both.

Obi-Wan reached out once more, his fingers making contact with his Master's cheek before the older man calmly turned his face to the side, averting his eyes, as well. The young Jedi's hand then found its way downward until it rested tenderly above Qui-Gon's heart, the strong pulse he felt only feeding his desire further.

"Tell me to go away, Master, and I will," Obi-Wan stated softly, trying to catch his mentor's eye.
"Tell me you honestly don't feel the same as I do; that your heart doesn't plead with you even as I speak. Tell me this and I will leave and not mention it ever again."

"The Council would not approve, Obi-Wan."
The older man's voice was tight.

"No, they would not approve. But, I also know they would never try to interfere. They are creatures of flesh and blood just as we are. Love is not above the realm of the Jedi - we are all capable of stumbling into its embrace. For some, like us, it's an inescapable destiny we must face and rejoice in...or turn away from and suffer. Can you not feel the life bond between us, Master?"
「確かに許さないでしょう。けれど私は、評議会が決してそのようなことに介入しようとしないこともまた知っています。彼らとて私たち同様、血と肉からなる神の創造物です。恋愛沙汰はジェダイの領域外の事柄なのです - 私たちは誰しも、愛する(愛の抱擁によろめく)ことを許されているのです。中には、私たちのように、それに対面し、享受することから逃れられない運命の者もいるのですよ - 運命に逆らえば、傷つくだけだ。マスター、あなたは私との間に魂の絆を感じないのですか?」

Qui-Gon finally turned to look into his Padawan's eyes. The young Jedi saw a flicker of hope and renewed respect in their depths.
"Inescapable destiny..."
the older man repeated, amusement slipping into his voice.

"Yes...words you, yourself, used to describe death to me when I was younger," Obi-Wan continued, his thumb gently rubbing against the fabric of Qui-Gon's tunic.

"Death and and death. You said it was all intertwined, and that the most precious moments were those found somewhere in between. You told me to live each day with no regrets, allowing the Force to guide my way. I am doing so now, Master. Regardless of what happens, I will rest knowing I followed my heart."

Obi-Wan watched expectantly as his Master's face transformed from a mask of unreadable control to one that reflected the love he'd witnessed earlier in those beautiful blue eyes.
"How did you become so wise, my young Padawan?"

"I had a very good teacher, Master."
The young Jedi's reply brought a smile to both their faces.

"Tell me, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon continued, his smile disappearing suddenly.
"Have I done all I possibly could to dissuade you from this course of action?"
「私はすべてを尽くしたのだろうか? お前にこの一連の行為を思いとどまらせるためのあらゆる努力を」

The young man took a moment to think on the matter before responding, "Yes, I believe so."

"Good...then the Council can't say I didn't at least try."
The words were spoken with such affection that it nearly took Obi-Wan's breath away. Before he could even blink, the Jedi Master's mouth had lowered, lips brushing tenderly against his own. Obi-Wan leaned into the kiss, wrapping his arms around the man who had given his life such purpose.

Long moments were spend in gentle exploration...hands, lips, and tongues all moved together until they finally parted for air. More stolen kisses followed as they blindly made their way toward the bed chamber, articles of clothing dropping to the floor along the way. By the time they'd reached the softness of Qui-Gon's bed, there was nothing separating the flesh of their bodies.

Seconds turned to minutes, and minutes stretched into hours as the two lovers rediscovered each other in ways neither would have believed possible. Obi-Wan straddled his Master's hips, needing to memorize every inch of the older man's body. Qui-Gon relished the scrutiny, allowing his Padawan to touch him everywhere, searching out those places which caused the greatest amount of pleasure.

The younger man smiled as his Master squirmed underneath him.
"I didn't realize Jedi Masters were allowed to be ticklish?"

"We're all flesh and blood, as you say, Padawan. Some things are unavoidable."
Before Obi-Wan could respond, he found himself lifted and then gently pinned underneath the elder Jedi. Qui-Gon kissed his Apprentice deeply, grinding his hips against the younger man's. Flesh against flesh...

A shudder ran through Obi-Wan's body as he felt his Master's hardness against his own, the friction causing incredible sensations to race through his groin. Master...

I'm here, my love... Their thoughts intertwined as seductively as their bodies.
"Show me what gives you pleasure, Obi-Wan," the older man whispered, continuing to rub himself against his lover's body. The young Apprentice groaned loudly.
「どうしたら気持ちいい? オビ=ワン……」

"Anything, Master...."

Anything? Amusement flooded through their link, bringing a grin to both their faces. Obi-Wan traced the Jedi's back with infinite gentleness, fingers once more teasing sensitive flesh. Qui-Gon reacted by tightening his hold on the younger man, a mischievous sparkle igniting in his eye.
どんなことでも、だって? 精神結束を通して急におかしさがこみ上げてきた2人は思わず顔をほころばせた。その感じやすい肉体を指でもう一度じらすようにしながら、オビ=ワンはジェダイの背中を限りない優しさを込めてなぞった。それに対して、クワイ=ガンは若い男を強く抱いて応酬した。悪戯っぽく目を光らせて。

  Reaching up, Obi-Wan quickly touched his lips to his Master's once more, effectively diffusing any further thought of retaliation. Both of them relaxed into the kiss, their bodies melding even closer together. Instinctively, the young Padawan raised his legs, wrapping them around the Jedi Master's waist in a simple gesture of implicit trust.

Passion mounted as Qui-Gon took the younger man's lead, maneuvering his hips upward and bringing his penis to rest against the entrance to his lover's body. Both men stopped breathing, then, the older Jedi waiting patiently for permission to continue. Their kiss had silently ended, two sets of blue eyes locked onto each other.


The unspoken plea was all Qui-Gon needed. Together, they concentrated on the Force that surrounded them, allowing it to guide their movements. With slow, gentle pressure, the two bodies came together as one, the Force providing the necessary lubrication.

Obi-Wan shook with the intensity of the experience, his breathing already ragged. A sharp burst of pleasure shook him as Qui-Gon pressed against his prostate deep inside. The older man smiled as his Apprentice moaned and shuddered beneath him.

"This is what life is all about, Padawan," he whispered seductively into Obi-Wan's ear.Always remember to enjoy each precious moment... With that thought, Qui-Gon began to thrust his hips gently.

The younger man cried out softly, reaching out to his Master as the build-up began in earnest. Loving fingers traced his lover's shoulders and chest, feeling the strength of powerful muscles rippling beneath the surface.

Qui-Gon watched the younger man's expression as he moved within him, the pleasure he saw there bringing tears to his eyes. Again and again their bodies met, rocking slowly with their rhythm. There was no rush. Heated flesh rubbed against more heated flesh, sighs and whimpers of pleasure echoing through the bed chamber.

Qui-Gon leaned down, capturing his Padawan's lips once again, his right hand gently caressing the young man's body until it reached Obi-Wan's aching erection. The Apprentice moaned into their kiss as his Master began to stroke his penis in a rhythm that matched the one they shared farther below. The sensations drove Obi-Wan to the brink of unconsciousness, his body not quite believing what was happening. Master!!

Patience, Padawan, came the reply, the thought a mental caress. Enjoy what you feel...

Their kiss grew more passionate as the moments passed, the steady tempo of their bodies feeding their feverish desire. Obi-Wan grabbed desperately at the bed sheets, the pleasure he felt nearly unbearable.

Quiet murmurs of love and excitement eventually added to the charged atmosphere as they finally parted for air. Their voices became indistinguishable in the darkness, one quietly begging for release; the other promising nothing but more torturous pleasure as the moment stretched into an eternity.


I'll catch you, my love...

Master...I can't...

Don't try... A brilliant flash of mutual affection projected through their link, causing them both to gasp out loud. Thoughts melded together until it was impossible to tell where one of them began and the other ended.

Their rhythm became frenzied as their bodies finally took control, racing toward the the first threads of ecstasy. Obi-Wan's erection slid deliciously inside Qui-Gon's experienced grasp, the sensation pushing him right to the edge even as the older man continued to plunge deep inside of him.

They clung to each other tightly, gasping and panting, until their frantic movements finally triggered the release they both desperately sought. Obi-Wan came with a howl, bucking reflexively against his Master. Qui-Gon felt the warmth of his Padawan's release against his chest just as his own orgasm exploded deep inside his lover's body.

The two shuddered together for long moments, their muscles relaxing gently until the pleasure was but an echo of the incredible experience they'd just shared.

Their breathing gradually returned to normal as they continued to hold each other, settling slowly. Hands and lips once again sought flesh to caress, the comforting touches bringing a new level of peace to their intimacy.

I love you, Qui-Gon Jinn... The young Jedi's thought forced a lump to his Master's throat, leaving him unable to speak out loud.

I love you, too, Obi-Wan. Nothing will ever change that...nothing...

The memory forces tears to gather behind my closed eyes, remembered joy fading quickly. The smell of burned wood and ashes assaults my senses, a painful reminder of what I have lost. You used to tell me that for each door that closed, a new one would open. I trusted you my entire life without question, so I must believe in the wisdom of your words even now in the midst of my grief.

"Master Obi-Wan, sir?"  
A voice calls quietly behind me. I turn to find young Anakin Skywalker watching me carefully from the steps which lead to the funeral chamber.

His face is filled with confusion and sadness, yet I see hope resting just beneath his youthful exterior. Is he the open door you were speaking of, Master? Will he truly bring balance to the Force, this Chosen One?
その顔は戸惑いと悲しみに満ちていた。それでも私はその若い外貌に希望を見出した。マスターよ、あなたが語っておられた「開かれるドア」とはあの者のことなのでしょうか? アナキンは真にフォースに調和をもたらすのでしょうか? この者こそが選ばれし者なのですか?

He looks at me now, his eyes bright and alive...they remind me so much of yours.
"Will we begin my training soon, Master?"
「すぐにトレーニングを始めますか? マスター」

My heart swells as I remember my duties. I am no longer an Apprentice. I am now a Jedi Knight, and Anakin is my own Padawan learner. The responsibility is daunting. I sense the same shadow of danger hanging over the boy that Master Yoda did, but perhaps the future will be less complicated than we foresee.

Taking a deep breath, I speak quietly to my Apprentice.
"I think perhaps today is a good day for new beginnings, my Padawan."
Anakin smiles at my encouragement - he can barely contain his excitement.
私の励ましにアナキンは微笑む - 興奮が抑えきれないといった様子で。

His Padawan haircut catches my eye, the tiny, short braid hanging loosely behind his right ear. It reminds me of the one thing I have yet to do before the door behind me closes forever.

Reaching inside my robe, I retrieve my own braid which I have recently removed from the rest of my hair. It represents a great deal of my life; all the knowledge and experience that I gained under your careful guidance.

I allow my fingers to brush across the strands once more before I lay it amid the smoldering ashes, watching in wonder as a tiny spark ignites the braid before my eyes. For a few precious seconds, the flame of your funeral pyre is renewed. That part of me will always belong to you, my Master.

A moment of silence follows before I finally turn to Anakin once more. He is waiting expectantly...patiently. I smile as I close the distance between us, my hand tousling his hair affectionately.

I look forward to this challenge; to be able to pass on what you taught to me. I will honor your request with all my heart, Master. He is my destiny now...

~ finis ~ 終わり

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