alt.startrek.creativeNEW: The Captain's Log 1/2, TOS, K/S [NC-17]

新作:船長の航海日誌1/2、初代スタートレック(The Original Series)、カーク/スポック【17歳以下禁止(かつての「X指定」と同等。No One 17 And Under Admitted)】

日時 (Judygran)13 Mar 1998 16:17:29 GMT

1998年3月13日 16時17分29秒 グリニッジ標準時間(Greenwich Mean Time)

We praise thee, O Paramount; we acknowledge thee to be the Copyright Owner. All the fans doth worship thee, the Studio everlasting.
われらは汝(thee=古:you)、おお! パラマウントを讃える。汝を著作権所有者と認める。すべてのファンは永遠に、汝、スタジオをまさに(doth=古:does)敬い続けん。
We believe that thou shalt come to judge our infringement, We therefore pray thee, treat this as fair use.

The Captain's Log

Copyright 1998 by Judith Gran
著作者 1998年 ジューディス・グレイン

Captain James T. Kirk cradled the brandy snifter in both hands, warming the glowing amber liquid, inhaling the fragrant bouquet with a contented sigh. He held up the snifter and studied the glinting liquid appreciatively.

*One of Bones' better selections,* he reflected, filing the brand name and vintage away in his mind for future reference. He was already feeling a little tipsy from the heady liquor.

Kirk leaned back in his chair, wishing his Chief Medical Officer were there to join him. But McCoy was in surgery, had been for the last several hours, and probably wouldn't finish this evening.

Kirk prayed silently that the surgery his CMO was performing would be successful. McCoy's competence was without equal, but he'd never had to perform surgery that was so ... delicate ... before. Kirk was going to have an exceptionally unhappy crewmember on his hands if the surgery didn't work.

*Thank God I have the best chief surgeon in the Fleet,* Kirk sighed fervently. He pictured himself forced into the role of the French officer in *The Sun Also Rises,* giving the young man a condolence speech, expressing his regret for the supreme sacrifice he'd made for Federation and Starfleet. The thought made him shudder.

*God damn that pompous martinet of an Ambassador, dragging me and my crew into a bloodbath of genital mutilation*, Kirk swore silently. Involuntarily, he found himself looking down at the good-sized bulge in his own trousers, thankful that at least his own private parts had been spared.

All things considered, they were damned lucky that only a single crew member had lost the family jewels before Kirk had persuaded the religious militants to back off and let him negotiate.
すべての点を考慮すればカークと乗組員は、いまいましいほどラッキーだった。たった一人の乗組員が子種(注:the family jewels=「男性性器」を表すスラング。相続人である子孫を残し、家系を遺伝させるため、「家宝」になぞらえられる)を失うだけで済んだのだから。カークは熱くなっている喧嘩っ早い連中(注:後述の「僧侶たち」)に後ろに下がっているよう、交渉は自分に任せてくれと、説得した。

Still, Kirk was worried about the promising young officer who lay in Sickbay, his romantic and reproductive future dependent on McCoy's skill in microsurgery. Morosely, he drained his snifter and rose automatically to refill it from the bottle on his credenza.
それでもまだカークは、医療室に横たわる将来を嘱望された若い士官のことが気がかりだった。 この先、魅力的で繁殖力に満ちた未来が約束されるかどうかは、マッコイの顕微手術の腕前にかかっていた。神妙な顔でブランデーを飲み干すとカークは、サイドボード(注:credenza=脚のないサイドボード)に置かれたボトルからもう一杯注ごうと、無意識の内に腰を上げた。

He hated to drink alone, but Scotty, his other drinking companion, was pulling a double shift tonight in Engineering. And Spock -- Kirk sighed and shook his head hopelessly.

His body flushed with a wave of desire, heightened, he suspected, by the liquor. His errant mind conjured up a vision of Spock, lecturing him on the effect of liquor on dilation of the blood vessels.

Better not to think about his First Officer and how much he wanted him. How much he wished he were here in this room, not just sitting in the chair across from him or locked in concentration over a chess board, but -- he shut the door of his subconscious abruptly, before the wisp of fantasy could escape.

Spock hadn't come to play chess tonight, so he was probably still at work, mopping up the details of this latest mission.
今夜はスポックはチェスをしに来なかった。大方まだ仕事でもしているのだろう。このところの任務にまつわる雑事を一掃しようとして(mop up=一掃する)。

Kirk wondered idly what was taking Spock so long. He'd finished his own log hours ago.

He had just refilled his glass and sat down again when his intercom whistled. He pressed the button and the screen lit up with McCoy's image, tousled but happy.
"Isaksen's fine, Jim," his CMO grinned in obvious relief.

"He's in the recovery room now. Everything's working. I'm going to have a cup of coffee and start on Ambassador Stasko in a few minutes."

Kirk nodded his approval.
"Good work, Bones," he grinned and sank back in his chair, filled with relief of his own. Try as he might, he found it hard to be as concerned about the state of the Federation Ambassador's genitals as he had been about his own officer's.

What kind of bloody fool would sneak away for a *menage a trois* with *both* Prime Ministers -- the highest male and the highest female elected representatives of their people -- and choose, as the place for their libidinous interlude, the rival religious faction's most sacred shrine?
どんな大バカ(bloody=ひどい、べらぼうな)が<両>首相と3P(注:menage a trois=<仏>夫婦と夫の愛人との三角関係を指すが、ここではスタスコ大使と首相夫妻が3人でセックスすることを指す)するためにこっそりと抜け出して -- 両首相とは、その民の代表として投票された、もっとも高位の男性と最も高貴な女性のことであるが -- しかも、その好色な幕間劇を行う場所として、敵対する宗派の派閥の総本山を選ぶのだろうか?

Perhaps the Ambassador was unaware that he'd placed his cock and balls at risk, but certainly he should have foreseen being captured and imprisoned.

  As ever, Kirk and his crew had been called in to bail out the Ambassador and the two Prime Ministers. No one had told the Enterprise crew how strongly the militants felt about the violation of their shrine, and how prepared they were to fight for the privilege of castrating their victims.

Kirk and the landing party had beamed down to find themselves surrounded by a forest of sharp, sharp knives.

Then, after Kirk had applied his most soothing diplomatic balm and they'd gotten the Prime Ministers out undamaged and the Ambassador and crew member back to the ship, Stasko had had the gall to insist that he be the first to undergo reattachment surgery.
そこで、カークは彼お得意の、敵をなだめる外交的なご機嫌取りを駆使し、両首相を無傷のうちに救出し、大使と乗組員を宇宙船に帰還させることに成功した。が、ずうずしくも(the gall to=〜する厚かましさ)スタスコはまっさきに自分が再取り付け手術を受けるべきであると主張したのだ。

Kirk had taken considerable pleasure informing His Excellency that on his ship, priority in medical treatment was dictated by medical factors, not rank or status.

Kirk leaned back, put his feet up, took another sip of his brandy, and willed himself to relax. It wasn't hard--the tart, complex liquid he swirled in his mouth was quite soothing. He glanced down at the bulge in his pants again. Brandy was nice, but sex was a hell of a lot better. Christ, he could use a good lay.
背もたれに寄り掛かり、足を高く上げ、もう一口ブランデーを含むとカークは、なんとかリラックスしようと努めた。それは難しいことではなかった -- 口の中でくゆらせている刺すような複雑な味わいのその液体は、芯から心を和らげてくれるからだ。カークはもう一度パンツの膨らみを見下ろした。ブランデーは素晴らしい。だが、セックスは遥かに(a hell of a lot=very)いい。神よ、我れに良きセックスをさせんことを(lay=セックスの相手、セックス)!

As if obeying his silent thought, his cock stiffened inside his uniform trousers. Kirk looked at it appreciatively. The outline in his pants left no room for doubt that he was extremely well-endowed.

"Hung like a stallion," he could almost hear the voice of the sexy young woman he'd romped around the bed with during his last shore leave on Erogenus III.
「まるで種馬みたい(hung like a...=男が大きなペニスを持った、巨根の。hungだけでも巨根に恵まれた、という意味がある)」

"Really packing."
What was her name--Joy? Yes, that was it. Joy of the million-credit mouth. He smiled as he remembered the look of surprise and pleasure on her face when he took his clothes off and stood in front of her, erect and throbbing.
"That's some serious wood," she'd whispered, awed.
彼女、名前は何と言ったっけ? -- ジョイか? ああ、そうだった。100万クレジット(注:お金の単位)の唇を持つと言われているジョイだったな。カークは思い出し笑いをした。服を脱ぎ、脈打つ彼自身をそそり立たせて、ジョイの前に立った時、彼女が見せた驚きと喜びの表情を思い出して。

Dreamily, Kirk drifted into fantasy. He conjured up the memories of other recent Shore Leave flings. Fondly, he remembered the daughter of the High Presbyter of Arcadia IV--Ciki, she had asked him to call her, knowing he couldn't pronounce the strange combination of consonants and vowels that made up her full name.
夢見るように、カークは空想の中を漂流した。最近、上陸許可を受けた時の「踊る大紐育」(fling=短時間のしたい放題)状態にまつわる別の記憶を呼び覚ます。慈しむように、カークはアルカディア第4惑星の長老の娘 -- チキを思い出した。チキは子音と母音の変わった組み合わせからなる彼女のフルネームをカークがうまく発音できないのを知りながら、わざとカークに自分の名前をそう呼ばせたのだった。

Being with Ciki had convinced him that everything they used to say back in Iowa about preacher's daughters was true--and then some. It was Ciki who had christened his cock with her special name for it, "the Captain's Log."
Kirk grinned, remembering some of the exciting things she had done with his prize member.
チキと共に過ごしてみて、カークは確信した。自分の故郷であるアイオワ州で(back in Iowa=故郷、アイオワで。カークの出身地)牧師の娘に関して言いふらされていたこと(注:田舎であるアイオワの人々は信心深く純朴で貞淑だと思われがちだが、実際は早熟で、牧師の娘でさえ例外ではないということ)は、すべて真実だったと -- 実際は噂以上のものがあったが(and then some=a lot more)。チキこそが、カークの男根(member=penis)にとびきりの洗礼名を授けてくれた女性であったから。

Dreaming of Ciki led to fantasies of Ruth, whom he'd met on Hyman's Planet when they stopped there to repair the ship's mainframe computer. He seemed to have a thing about women named Ruth. And *this* Ruth had, quite simply, the most magnificent tits he had ever seen--or felt.
チキの夢に導かれるように、ルースの幻影が現れた。ルースとは、船内の大型コンピュータ修理のためにヒュウマン星に寄港した際に出会った。カークは、このルースという名の女性にとって、何かグッとくるものがあるようだった。そして<この>ルースという女性こそ、まさに疑いようもなく(simply=plainly、clearly)、カークが今まで見た -- または触れた中で、最も素晴らしいおっぱい(tits=乳房)の持ち主であった。

Lying on top of them was like lying on a pneumatic feather bed buoyed up by anti-gravs. He'd always liked women with good minds, too, and Ruth had an A-1 computer rating, just like Spock ....

  Suddenly Ruth's image was erased from his mind, to be replaced by a vision of Spock, working industriously at the ship's library computer.
*Shit. Can't I fantasize about a woman who doesn't remind me of Spock?*

*Think about a blonde*, he ordered himself firmly. Blondes had never let him down. He closed his eyes and dreamed of Celestina, the blonde Amazon he'd met on Hubris V. She'd towered over him, of course, but he hadn't minded that a bit.

Besides, height didn't much matter in the activities they'd engaged in. He sighed blissfully, remembering her great gobs of wavy blonde hair--how he'd loved gathering it up in his hands when she lay down on top of him.
*A bit of a dominatrix, he reflected, but great God, I loved it.*
それに背の高さなんて、2人が営む行為にとっては、大した問題ではない。カークはこの上もない幸福感に包まれて吐息を漏らした。セレスティナの見事なぐらいに豊かな波打つようなブロンドの髪を思い浮かべて。 -- セレスティナを体の上に載せ、その髪の毛を両手で抱き締めるのがカークはとりわけお気に入りだった。

*I suppose I ought to look at that part of my sexuality more closely,* Kirk admitted to himself sheepishly.
*That must be why I have ... those dreams ... about Spock ....*

"Shit!" he groaned aloud. Couldn't he find a sexual fantasy that didn't remind him of Spock?

He reached down and touched his cock, trying to conjure up a new erotic image. But his mind refused to cooperate. His shore leave memories drifted, and he remembered the evening he'd spent on Starbase III with that lovely psychologist, Fern. The most empathic woman he'd ever met.

Under the spell of her sincerity and interest, he'd broken down and confessed to her everything he felt for his First Officer and friend. She'd encouraged him to follow his heart. And he wanted to. She had him half-believing that Spock returned his interest, too.

Well, it wouldn't hurt to dream a bit, Kirk sighed to himself. He took another sip of his brandy and surrendered to fantasy, not of a beautiful woman this time but of the austere Vulcan who tugged at his heart strings.

He pictured their bodies together. Their two cocks--one pinkish-gold, the other greenish-dun. The Captain's Log, he thought with a lopsided sort of mental grin, and the First Officer's Log.
カートは寄り添い合うスポックと自分の姿を心に描いた。2人の陰茎は -- 一方はピンクがかった金色で、もう一方は緑がかった焦げ茶色だ。船長の丸太(ログ)と……よこしまな考えにカークは内心ほくそ笑む……副長の丸太(ログ)か。

Pictured the two hard rods of flesh connecting, rubbing against each other. Matching each other end to end.

Giddy from the brandy, he played out the metaphor. *The Captain and the First Officer, comparing their logs. Putting them together, reconciling them .... whatever*. God, how he'd love to feel that huge, hot Vulcan cock tight against his own.
ブランデーに酔いしれながら、カークはその(日誌と丸太の)比喩をとことん追求した(play out〜=結果が得られるまで〜をする)。

He was hard now from the fantasy. Just then the sound of the buzzer broke into his fantasies, and he jumped. Quelling his rampant member, Kirk got up and answered, "Come."

The door slid open and his First Officer stood in front of him. Kirk smiled tentatively, embarrassed that he was still in the grip of his erotic fantasy, but overjoyed to see his First Officer. Spock, too, looked uneasy.

"Captain," the Vulcan said hesitantly, "I need to consult you about my log."

End of part 1


Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative

Subject: NEW: The Captain's Log 2/2, TOS, K/S [NC-17]

From: (Judygran)
送信元 (ジュディグレイン)

Date: 13 Mar 1998 16:18:31 GMT
日時:1998年3月13日 16時18分31秒 グリニッジ標準時間

The Captain's Log, part 2/2

Copyright 1998 by Judith Gran
著作者 1998年 ジューディス・グレイン

Disclaimer--see part 1


Kirk stared at his First Officer, struggling to keep his composure. The deep voice seemed to curl around the phrase "my log," driving all of Kirk's lascivious associations with the word deep into his mind--and groin.
どうにか平静を保とうと努めながらカークはその副長を見つめた。まるでスポックの低い声が「私の丸太(ログ)」というフレーズの回りを渦巻いているかのように思われた。その言葉が招いた好色な妄想をカークの心と -- 鼠蹊部に、深く刻みつけながら。

An image of his friend's cock, stiff and green, hovered before him, and it was all he could do to keep his eyes from sinking to look at that part of Spock's anatomy.

"Ah, come, in Spock," he finally said lamely, ushering the Vulcan into the room with an awkward gesture.
"What's the problem?"

Spock strode into Kirk's cabin and took a seat near Kirk's desk.
"I am rather uncertain how to address some of the facts about our most recent mission," he said slowly. He was frowning slightly and Kirk could see that he was troubled.
"Certain aspects of the situation were rather .... delicate."

Kirk returned to the chair he'd been sitting in nearer the credenza. Just listening to Spock's voice made his cock stiffen and he tried heroically to make it subside, without much effect. Clumsily, he realized he'd been inhospitable, and rose again to offer Spock a drink. Uncharacteristically, Spock accepted.

"Ah -- I suppose you're concerned about how much we should say about Ambassador Stasko's ... indiscretions," Kirk murmured, handing Spock a glass of brandy.

"Precisely, Captain," Spock nodded tersely.
"I recognize that we have a duty to report the facts, but I am concerned that the Ambassador may not only dispute our account, but allege that it is defamatory, as well."

"Spock, you're right, as usual," Kirk frowned, picking up his own brandy snifter.
"Stasko has shown a remarkable ability to avoid taking responsibility for his own actions. But that's exactly why we have to report this incident as fully as possible."

"The Ministry of State will do its own investigation," Spock pointed out, clasping his brandy snifter in both hands. Kirk thought about the heat radiating from those hands and found himself --irrationally--envying the glass Spock held.
両手でブランデーグラスを握りしめながら、スポックはこう指摘した。スポックの手から放たれる放射熱のことを考えたカークは -- ばかげたことだが -- スポックが抱えているグラスにいつの間にか嫉妬している自分にハッとするのだった。

"It is possible that investigation will be influenced by an interest in protecting one of the Ministry's own officials," Spock added, pursing his lips together. Kirk thought of those lips tightening around his throbbing staff.

*Control yourself,* Kirk ordered his cock sternly.
*This is a professional conversation with your First Officer.*
Aloud, he said, "We can reduce the likelihood of that by filing a report that's factually unassailable. That's why I asked you to have the Anthropology section of your department interview as many of the participants as possible."

"Understood," Spock nodded, but he was still frowning slightly.

"Captain ... " he said hesitantly, "I recognize that it is not our usual procedure, but -- I believe it is imperative in this particular situation to make certain that our accounts of the incident are completely consistent. I would like to suggest that we compare our logs."
「このことが我々の通常任務ではないということは承知しているのですが -- この特殊な状況下においては、この事件に関する我々の報告書が完全に一致しているかどうか、明確にしておくことが、急務ではないかと思われるのです。そこで提案したいのですが、お互いの日誌(ログ)を比較してはどうかと」

At this echo of his fantasy thought of a few minutes ago, Kirk's internal organs dissolved into a pool of desire. All he could think of was his own pink and gold cock and Spock's green one, resting stiffly end to end.
*Oh, yes,* he groaned to himself, *Let's compare.*

Keeping his face from betraying his erotic fantasies with all the control he could muster, Kirk looked at his First Officer quizzically.
"Spock, I hardly ever even look at your log," he reminded him. The double entendre made his groin throb.
カークはスポックにほのめかした。日誌という掛詞(注:double entendre=2つの意味を含む言葉。一つは性的な意味であることが多い)にカークの鼠蹊部は思わずズキズキした。

Spock took a sip of his brandy, paused briefly, and looked back at Kirk in obvious appreciation.
"Excellent brandy, Jim," he said. It was plain from his expression that the drink had the same relaxing effect on him as it had on Kirk.

"That is true," he continued, returning to the subject of discussion, "however, as you know, the Captain has automatic access to the logs of all crew members, including, of course, my own."

*Don't I just wish* Kirk said to himself. The throbbing in his cock intensified. Despite himself, he could not keep his eyes from Spock's groin. Why did he think the bulge he saw there was distinctly larger than usual?

A sad commentary on his lustful imagination, he decided. He crossed his legs and tried to maintain his increasingly tenuous control.

"I'm sure yours is longer than mine," Kirk said.
*Where had that come from?*
He listened to his voice, disembodied, as though it had come out of nowhere.

Spock was looking back at him, levelly.
"I see no reason to assume that, Captain," he said in his usual solemn voice. "Perhaps our respective logs differ in detail, but apart from that ..."

Kirk's imagination conjured up a vivid picture of Spock's "log" in splendid detail, including the famous double ridges he had read so much about. With a huge effort of will, he forced himself to get back to business and continued calmly,"I've already finished my log, Spock. Would you like to look at it before you finish yours?"

Spock considered the idea and nodded.
"I would appreciate the opportunity."

Thinking what he was thinking, Kirk just couldn't look at Spock any longer. He felt as though he were loudly broadcasting his desire for all to hear. He rose and turned to the credenza to freshen his drink, gesturing toward his computer.
"Help yourself. It's the most recent file logged on my terminal."

His hands shaking with lust, Kirk opened the decanter on the credenza. Behind him, he could hear Spock entering a command into his terminal.

As he poured a finger of brandy into his glass, he heard the Vulcan say, "Captain, it is keyed under your new confidential code, which I have not yet memorized. It would be easier if you opened it and showed me your log yourself."
「船長、この端末は、私がまだ記憶していない新しい機密コード(confidential code=password)で鍵が掛けられてますね。船長自らがお開きになって、ご自身の日誌(ログ)を私に見せてくれたほうが簡単ではありませんか」

Suddenly Kirk knew, intuitively, what he had to do. He didn't care if the desire singing in his blood had driven all rational thought out of his brain. He knew, with the certain instinct honed by long practice, that the time was now or never with Spock.

Kirk reached down, opened his fly and let his cock burst free. He turned around and faced Spock, erect and stiff, letting those twenty-two centimeters of engorged flesh say everything he was having so much difficulty putting into words.

Wordless, Spock rose from the desk and took a step in Kirk's direction. He stared at Kirk's cock solemnly, almost reverently.
"You are showing me your ... log," his voice trailed off as though he'd suddenly recognized what had been on Kirk's mind throughout their conversation.

Kirk nodded, light-headed with the adrenaline surge of risk. In a saner moment he would have said this was foolhardy, but he knew--he *knew*--that he had done the right thing.
カークはうなずいた。このリスクに伴う(注:部下に性的感情を抱くことはセクハラと見なされる危険があるので)アドレナリンの急激な上昇に頭をふらふらさせながら。正気の時ならこんなことは無謀なことだと自分は言うだろう、が、カークは分かっていた -- <分かっていてやったのだ> -- 自分はやるべきことをやったのだと。

"Then I believe I should show you mine so that we can ... compare them."

With a swift, graceful gesture Spock opened his fly, and a hard, olive-tinted organ leaped out of his pants. It was fully erect, as large as Kirk's and quite simply, the most splendid thing he had ever seen. The color and the flaring double ridges gave it a gorgeous, ornamental quality that made Kirk ache to touch it even more.

"Come here, Spock," he commanded, and the Vulcan closed the distance between them in two paces. Kirk reached out, took his shoulders, and pulled him close. He reached down between their bodies to touch Spock's cock and his hand met Spock's. Plainly, his First Officer had had the same idea.

Spock was taller than he was, and when Kirk brought their cocks together, the tip of his organ nudged the exquisitely hot, velvety softness of Spock's plump balls. He let Spock tip him back on the credenza so that their cocks could meet base to base, length for length.

The feeling of Spock's hot, hard organ against his own was incredible. Kirk's cock ached with sexual tension. He looked down to view the sight, noting with absurd pleasure that their two members were approximately the same size.
"You're twenty-two centimeters too, Spock?" he chuckled breathlessly.
「君も22センチなんだな? スポック」

"Twenty-two point oh four, to be precise," Spock murmured, "As I estimate you are."

Kirk brought his hand back to Spock's shoulder and urged him down on top of him. He couldn't wait for preliminaries; he needed to come. Spock obeyed, thrust against him hard, and their cocks exploded in a burst of pure sensation.

When Kirk came back to consciousness he had slid down off the credenza and was lying on the floor, his pants a mess, his tunic covered with semen. Spock, equally dishevelled, sat near him.
"Perhaps we would be more comfortable if we adjourned to your bed?"
Spock asked, his voice deep and thick with pleasure.

"An excellent suggestion, Mr. Spock," Kirk grinned, thinking that voice could make him hard again in a minute.

By the time he'd pulled himself up, made for the sleeping area, and turned down the bed covers, Spock had procured some wet cloths from the bathroom. He laid Kirk down on the bed, pulled his boots and pants off, and cleaned him up expertly.

Kirk returned the favor. They shouldered off their tunics and lay down in each other's arms. Kirk was incredibly turned on by the sight of Spock, naked. Feeling his hot body next to his own was surely the most erotic sensation he had ever felt.
スポックにされたことをカークもスポックにし返した。2人はチュニック(=短い上着)を脱ぎ、お互いの腕をからませながら横たわった。全裸のスポックを眺めるだけで、カークは信じられないほど感じてしまった(be turned on=性的に興奮する、ムラムラっとくる)。自分のすぐ隣にスポックの熱い躯がいるという感覚は、カークが今まで味わったどの感覚よりも官能的であるのは間違いなかった。

Kirk tried to put his feelings into words, but words failed him.
"Spock, I've wanted you for so long," was all he could say.
"I would have said something about it before, but I was afraid you wouldn't be -- interested."
「私こそもっと早くにそう言うべきでした。ですが、私は怖かったのです。あなたの方に -- その気がないのではないかと」 

Spock pulled Kirk's head against his shoulder and caressed his hair gently.
"I, too, found it extremely difficult to speak to you of my sexual feelings. I admire the risk you took tonight."
「私も、自分の性的な感情を打ち明けるのは、極めて困難なことだろうと思っていました。ですから、今夜のあなたが取った勇気ある行動(いちかばちかやってみる=take a risk)には、ただただ敬服するばかりです」

"Spock, nothing about it was particularly admirable--I was just so turned on by you tonight I couldn't wait any longer."
「とても誉められたもんじゃないんだよ、スポック -- 今夜の君があまりにも魅力的すぎて、もうこれ以上待っていられなかっただけなんだから」

They lay together quietly, touching each other, stroking each other's bodies. Kirk reached down and cupped Spock's genitals in the palm of his hand, noting with pleasure that Spock was beginning to get hard again. He moved down on the bed for a closer look.

"Spock, has anyone ever told you what a gorgeous cock you have?" he asked, looking up at Spock happily.
「スポック、今まで誰かに言われたことがないかい? 何てゴージャスなペニスなんだろうって」 

Spock leaned back into his pillow, his face impassive.
"Affirmative," he replied laconically.

Kirk started in surprise. He quelled the twinge of jealousy he felt by reminding himself that he couldn't possibly have been the only admirer of the gorgeous Vulcan organ. Still, he was curious.
"Who?" he asked.

Spock's featured focused in concentration, and Kirk realized he was probably going to get a complete and literal answer.

"Listing the persons who have made such a statement in reverse chronological order ..."
Kirk stifled a groan. Did Spock have to be so truthful?

"A young lady from Hyman's Planet whom I met when we repaired the computers ...."

Kirk rolled over on his stomach and looked at Spock in shocked surprise.
カークはうつ伏せになり(roll over=寝返りを打つ)、ショックを受けたといわんばかりにスポックを見つめた。

Spock nodded without a trace of embarrassment.
"We worked closely on the computer repairs, Jim, and one thing led to another, as you are fond of saying."

Kirk tried to keep the chagrin out of his voice.
"Anyone else?"

Spock nodded.
"Perhaps you remember the High Presbyter's daughter on the planet Arcadia?"
「多分あたなも覚えてらっしゃいますでしょう? アルカディア星の高位の長老の娘のことを」

Kirk put his head in his hands.
"I do indeed, Mr. Spock. Next you're going to tell me you got it on with Joy, that woman we met on Erogenus III?"
「ああ、覚えているとも、ミスター・スポック。で、この次には、ジョイとやったと(get it on with=セックスする)言うんじゃないだろうな? エロジェナス第3惑星で会った女性の」

He looked up at Spock again and caught the look of appreciation that flickered briefly in Spock's eyes.
"A most perceptive guess, Captain," Spock replied.

"I don't suppose she told you you were hung like a stallion, did she?"

Spock shook his head calmly, and Kirk felt an irrational surge of relief that ended abruptly when his First Officer clarified, "The simile she used was that of an animal found on Vulcan rather than the Terran horse."

Stoically, Kirk told himself that Spock was simply testifying to the good taste of the women they'd both made love to. But it was clear that Spock wasn't finished yet.

"Before that, the young woman who instructed us in the native language on Canopus III."

"The teacher? That quiet, intense woman with the heart-shaped face?"
Kirk asked, incredulous. Spock nodded. His face was opaque, but Kirk was sure he'd caught a look of remembered pleasure in his eyes.
"Spock, I couldn't get to first base with her," he confessed ruefully.
「教師のことか? あの無口でまじめな(intense=serious)、ハート型の顔をした女性がか?」

Spock raised an eyebrow quizzically.
"Really? That is most unfortunate. She has an extremely vivid imagination."
「本当ですか? それはもったいないことをしましたね。彼女は極めて強烈な想像力の持ち主なんですよ」

Kirk rolled over on his side and pulled Spock close. At least, Spock hadn't mentioned Celestina. She'd remain his little secret for the time being. But he'd heard enough revelations about Spock's past erotic adventures for tonight. Right now, his cock was aching again.

"Spock, I certainly don't blame those women for appreciating what you have to offer. And I won't ask you to give up other partners--at least not yet. But I want you to know that this--" he clasped Spock's rapidly hardening cock, "is all I'm ever going to need sexually from now on."
「スポック、君が提供したにちがいない<何か>を見たり楽しんだりしたからといって、その女性たちを咎めるつもりは決してないし、ましてや君に他のパートナーを諦めろと言うつもりもない -- 少なくとも、今はまだ、ということだけれど。それでも、私は君に知っていてほしいんだ、これが --」

Spock hugged him tight.
"I am honored that you have chosen me. I would say the same about you--" he gave Kirk's throbbing organ a loving squeeze, "except that I know I will want something else, as well." His hands fell to Kirk's ass.
「私を選んでくれて光栄です。私の思いも同じだと言わせてください --」

A hot bolt of lust and anticipation coursed through Kirk's body at the touch of Spock's hands on his ass.

"Would you like it now?" he rolled over on his stomach again and raised his ass slightly to give Spock a proper view. He sensed the Vulcan's gaze, boring into him, penetrating him as Kirk hoped he would soon penetrate his body.

Kirk heard Spock swallow and when the Vulcan spoke, his voice was harsh with barely-leashed desire.
"Do you have any lubricant?" was all he said.

"In the drawer," Kirk gestured to the bedside table, and Spock reached over and pulled out the small tube. He opened it, squeezed out a large dollop of satiny gel and warmed it in his hand before reaching between Kirk's legs.

The feeling of Spock's touching him there was so intense Kirk nearly came at once. He contained himself as Spock pressed the sleek fluid into him, stroking him with skillful fingers.

He groaned with pleasure when Spock reached into him to touch the sensitive gland at the base of his cock.
"Oh please, Spock," he moaned tensely.
"Give it to me now."
スポックがカークの中の手を入れ、カークのペニスの付け根にある敏感な腺(sensitive gland=prostate gland=前立腺)に触れた途端、カークは歓喜のうめき声をあげた。

Spock mounted him, straddled him and then Kirk felt the exquisitely hot, blunt tip of Spock's cock pressing into his ass. He spread his legs further, wanting to be open to Spock, wanting him in as deep as possible.

"Deeper, deeper," he panted as Spock thrust into him. The hot hard organ filled him, stretched him to kingdom come, giving him more pleasure than he'd ever felt in his life. The heat of it radiated into him, turning his ass into jelly.
スポックがカークを貫くたびにカークは喘いだ。熱く力強い性器がカークを一杯に満たし、天国(注:kingdom come=天国。巨大なために死ぬほど気持ちがいいという例え)に届くかと思うほどこじ開け、今までの人生で経験したこともないような極上の快楽をカークにもたらした。スポックの性器から発せられる熱はカークの中に発散し、カークのアナルをゼリーのように溶けさせた。

Spock reached down and grasped Kirk's cock in a warmer-than-Human hand, and Kirk's pleasure was complete. He groaned with each thrust, pleasure building and building until they both came in the same instant.

Spock rolled off him, gasping, and they settled into each other's arms for the night. With his last remaining shred of conscious thought, Kirk remembered Ambassador Stasko and the problem that had brought Spock to his office in the first place.
喘ぎながらスポックは転がるようにカークの背中から降りた。その夜は2人とも、互いの腕の中に身を寄せ合った。かろうじてまだ残っている切れ切れの意識の中で、カークはスタスコ大使のことと、そもそも(in the first place=第一に、まず、初めから)スポックが自分のオフィスに来る原因を作った例の問題を思い出した。

"Spock, if you don't mind I'd like to wait till tomorrow to read your log of the incident," he murmured, giving Spock a squeeze.
"Your *other* log has kind of ... wiped me out for the night."

"Understood Captain."
Spock squeezed him back,"But I am pleased we compared our logs, nevertheless." And they both slept.

  The End


Newsgroups: alt.startrek.creative.erotica.moderated

Subject: NEW: The Captain's Log 0/2, TOS, K/S [NC-17]

From: Judygran
送信元 (ジュディグレイン)

Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 09:21:28 -0800
日時:1998年3月14日 9時21分28.08秒

Subject:NEW:The Captain's Log 0/2, TOS, K/S [NC-17]

Date:Fri, 13 Mar 1998 21:22:14 EST
日時:金曜日、1998年3月13日 21時22分14秒 東海岸標準時間  From:Judygran
送信元 (ジュディグレイン)

I forgot to mention when I posted this minor PWP yesterday that I welcome feedback of the "no holds barred" variety. I don't mind flames. I have developed a thick skin n my RL job (litigation), where we have to cope with opposing counsel who question our logic, motives, good faith, veracity, and grasp of reality, not to mention trashing our clients. I'll take a brutally honest Trekfan any day!
このささやかなやおい小説を投稿するときに言い忘れたのですが、多種多様のどんな(注:no holds barred=制限がない、あらゆる手段が許される<=古期英語:家畜を飼うの意)意見でも歓迎します。お怒りの意見でも構いません。私は現実生活(RL=Real Life)での仕事(訴訟関係)を通して相当面の皮が厚くなってます、そこでは私たちは自分たちの論理、動機、信条、真実味や現実の把握力について疑って掛かる、真っ向から意見の対立する弁護士と渡り合わなくてはならず、自分たちの弁護人をヘトヘトにさせるようなことを言ったりはしません。私は厳しいくらい正直なスタートレックファンの意見をいつでもお伺い(take=意見を聞く、求める)いたします! 

I enjoy seeing feedback to the group; to me, it is part of the community spirit and the collective experience of the newsgroup.

Also forgot to mention that explicit m/m sex is inovlved, but I hope that's obvious from the K/S NC-17 designation.
これも言い忘れましたが、男性同士のセックス描写がはっきりと書かれています。しかし それはカーク/スポック17歳以下禁止の指定を見れば自明のことだろうと思いますので。



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