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A Most Willing Student, Part 1


Cathy Roberts


huntersglenn@ yahoo.com

17歳以下は禁止。かつての「X指定」と同等(No One 17 And Under Admitted)

John Carter/Peter Benton


June 6, 2000


Please ask first




"ER" and all its characters belong to Warner Bros. No infringement of their copyright is intended. This story was written for the enjoyment of "ER" fans everywhere, and may be downloaded for your own pleasure.


A story set in Season 5. Contains no spoilers for Season 6.


One of the response stor Benton/Carter slash story. Rated M18+ for male/male sex.

"E.R." and all its characters belong to Warner Brothers. No copyright infringement is intended. Honest. Please ask before archiving or distributing.

This story is a continuation of two stories written for the "Going Fourth" challenge on alt.tv.er.creative. They are entitled "Going Fourth (Cathy.1) and Going Fourth (Cathy.3) and explore an elevator ride from the points of view of both men. This story begins later the same day. It is not necessary that you read the "Going Fourth" stories, but it might be fun to do so anyway. They are archived at "The Five Archives" under the Going Fourth Challenge. The site address is http://www.hiley.demon.co.uk/archives/index.htm

There are a lot of thank you's to hand out. A big thank you to Michelle, who issued the "Going Fourth" challenge in the first place. A big thank you to Melissa, my editor, who makes sure that I don't misspell "tongue". And a big thank you to WPAdmirer, whose John Carter/Walter Skinner slash storyline inspired me to try my hand at writing slash. I also want to thank all of you who have encouraged me in my past efforts and hope that you find the following story entertaining.
皆様には大変お世話になりました(hand out=忠告などを盛んに与える)(注:youの後ろに'sがあるのは、a lot ofの後に来る"thank you"を複数形にしたかったため)。「『4階』へ行く途中で」という課題作を最初に提出してくれたマイケルに大いに感謝します。私の作品の編集者であり、私が「舌」の綴りを間違わないようチェックしてくれたメリッサにも大いに感謝します。また、ジョン・カーター/ウォルター・スキナー、クロスオーバー・スラッシュで私に発想のヒントを与え、スラッシュを書いてみよう(try one's hand at=腕試しに〜をやってみる)という気にさせてくれたWPアドマイヤーにも深く感謝いたします。最後に今日に至るまで頑張るよう励ましてくれたあなたたちみんなにも感謝したいと思います。そしてこれから読まれるこの作品を楽しまれるよう願っています。


"A Most Willing Student"

By: Cathy Roberts [Glroberts@bigfoot.com]

After his encounter with Peter Benton in the erratic elevator, John Carter's day had gotten progressively worse. He had been pushed into a wall, kicked in the ankle and cursed at.

When his shift ended he had a headache and he escaped to the roof for some much needed fresh air. He had spent nearly an hour on the roof and was finally feeling human again.

The elevator doors opened and he stepped onto the elevator and pushed the button for the ground floor. As the doors closed, he noticed that he was on the defective elevator. Hopefully, he would get back to the E. R. and his locker in one piece.
エレベーターのドアが開き、乗り込むとカーターは地階のボタンを押した。ドアが締まろうとする瞬間、自分が例の欠陥エレベーターに乗り込んでしまったことにカーターは気が付いた。願わくば、もう一度ERの自分のロッカーのところへ無事に(in one piece=壊れないで)戻れますように……。

The ride was smooth and quick until it came to a stop on the surgical floor. John bit back a groan when he saw who was waiting.
が、こんどの昇降は順調かつ迅速だった。それが外科病棟階で停止するまでは。そしてそこで待ち受けているのが誰か判った途端、カーターはうめき声を噛み殺した(bite back=出かかったものを堪える)。

Peter entered the elevator and pushed the button for the ground floor. He seemed to be as determined to avoid talking to John as John was to avoid talking to him.
エレベーターに乗り込むとベントンは地階のボタンを押した。カーターがベントンを話をするのを避けようとしている(注:be to〜=「予定・運命・義務・可能・意志」のうちの意志か。通常は条件節内で用いられる)のと同様、ベントンもカーターと話すのを避けようとしているかのようだった。

John didn't think he could stand riding down that many floors with Peter, so he reached out and pushed the button for the fourth floor. He would check on that patient from this morning. When he had seen her earlier, she had not yet had her baby, but she wasn't out of the woods yet.
このまま同じエレベーターでベントンと一緒に降りるのに付き合うなんて、とても耐えられないと思ったカーターは、手を伸ばすと4階のボタンを押した。そこで今朝から入院している患者を看てやればいいのだ。さっき見に行った時にはまだ赤ん坊は生まれずにいたが(注:この前段の話に出てきた患者。早産なので早く生まれてしまわないほうが安全なため)、依然として彼女は危機を脱しては(out of the woods=危機を乗り越えて)いなかったからだ。

John kept his eyes locked on the numerical display above the doors. He breathed a sigh of relief as the elevator passed the fifth floor. A few seconds more and he would be out of there. He stepped up to the doors, eager to make his escape.

Once more, the elevator lived up to its reputation as it screeched to a stop, throwing him to the side and right into Peter's arms. Both men fell to the floor, their arms and legs tangled together. The elevator cables made a grinding sound and then fell silent.
再びエレベーターはその風評に違わず(live up to=恥じない行動をする)、キーッと音を立てながら停止し、カーターは側面にたたきつけられ、まさにベントンの腕の中へ投げ出される恰好になった。互いの手足をもつれるようにして2人の男は諸とも床に倒れた。エレベーター・ケーブルが音を立てて軋み、じきに沈黙が訪れた。 

"I don't think it's going to start up again."
John said as he reluctantly disengaged himself from Peter's arms.

"I think you might be right about that."
Peter got to his feet and reached down to help John to his feet. As John stood, a sharp pain shot through his right ankle; the same ankle that had been kicked earlier.

John immediately sat down on the floor and Peter knelt in front of him.
"Is it broken?"

Peter gently removed John's shoe and sock, then carefully examined the ankle.
"I don't think so. Does it hurt when I do this?"


"Good. Can you flex your foot?"

John's attempt resulted in pain. Peter wrapped his hand firmly around the injured ankle, holding it completely still. "I guess the answer to that is no."

John grimaced, "Seems that way."

"Well, maybe this will help."
Peter began to slowly massage the ankle in the hope that increased blood circulation would help.

"Is it feeling any better?" Peter looked up at John, surprised to see that John's eyes were tightly closed and he had a pained expression on his face. He immediately stopped what he was doing. "I'm sorry. You should have told me I was hurting you."

"It wouldn't matter, would it?" John snapped, very out of sorts. He had liked what Peter was doing. It had felt good and his mind found it way too easy to imagine Peter massaging a different part of his body.
カーターはイライラして(out of sorts=機嫌が悪くて)食って掛かった。カーターはベントンの行為を大いに気に入っていたのだ。それはとても心地よく、自分の身体の他の部分をマッサージしてくれるベントンをカーターがつい想像してしまったのも無理からぬことだったのだ。

He had a raging hard-on that he knew Peter would notice, then Peter would get defensive and he would end up embarrassed. He would never be able to face Peter again, he just knew it.

"Just what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Peter asked, feeling hurt and a little angry that John would snap at him. John was so mild mannered that Peter could count on one hand the number of times John had ever snapped back at him.

John looked up at him, "You have never cared whether or not you hurt me, so you can just quit pretending to be a concerned friend."

"You are so wrong about that, Carter. If you only knew...forget it. If you don't want my help, then just forget it."
Peter stood and went to the other side of the elevator.

As he leaned against the wall, he could feel John's eyes upon him. Maybe he should just go on and tell John the truth. The whole entire, sordid truth. Get it out into the open. Lose John's respect forever. John Carter had been the best student he had ever had and he had treated John like he didn't exist.

Lucy Knight had told him just an hour ago that John felt Peter was one of the best surgeons and teachers in the hospital. After all that he had put John through, the horrible way he had treated him through the years, John still sang his praises.

"You're correct when you say I pretend, Carter. Where you're wrong is what I pretend about. Ever since the day I met you I've had to pretend to not like you. I tried everything I knew to keep you at arm's distance from me."

"I don't understand. Are you saying that none of that was real? It certainly felt real enough to me when you told me I had no business being a surgeon. It felt real enough to me when you told me that you had never cared what I did or didn't do."

"It hurt me to tell you that."

"Yeah, I noticed that right away."

Peter winced as the heavy sarcasm hit home. Well, in for a pound, in for a dollar, as his mother always used to say. God, what would his mother say if she was here to hear him now?
痛烈な皮肉に(hit home=的中する)痛いところをつかれてベントンはだじろいだ。ああ、そうだ。「やりかけたことは何がなんでもやり通せ」(注:"in for a penny, in for a pound"「ペニーを手に入れる仕事を始めた以上ポンドも手に入れよ」というイギリスの慣用句をアメリカ的に言い替えたジョーク。同様の慣用句に"One may / might as weel be hanged for a sheep as (for) a lamb"「毒食らわば皿まで」<=「子羊を盗んで絞首刑にされるよりは親羊を盗んで絞首刑にされるほうがましだ」というのがある)と、ベントンの母親がよく言っていたものだ。ああ、もし今ここに母親がいたなら自分に何と言うだろうか。

"Carter, do you think you could keep quiet long enough for me to explain things to you?" Peter watched as John used the rail to pull himself upright.

"Fine. Explain things to me, Dr. Benton."

"I have wanted you from the very moment I saw you standing in front of the admit desk. You were so young and naive, standing there looking lost, dressed in a tailored lab coat. I wanted to walk up to you and rip that coat and the rest of your clothing right off your body and take you right there and then. I rushed you through the Emergency Room tour because I was afraid that if I slowed down in any of the rooms that I just might kiss you. That would have been one hell of a way to begin your surgical rotation, wouldn't it? And yes, I tried to push you out of surgery when I began to realize that I was falling in love with you. So, there you have it, Carter. I love you and I want you just as much today as I did the first day I saw you. Maybe even more. For three years I suffered while you were my student, wanting you and loving you and knowing I could never have you."
「俺はお前のことが好きだった。入学者机の前に最初にお前が立っているのを見たその瞬間からずっと……。お前はいかにも青二才のウブな小僧で、ポカンとした顔してそこに突っ立っていたんだ。テーラーメイドの高級白衣なんかを着やがって。お前に近付いて、その白衣や、着ているすべてをサッサと(right off=right away)お前の身体から剥ぎ取ってしまって、すぐその場で押し倒したかったよ。お前を連れて猛スピードでER巡りしたのは、怖かったからさ。ノロノロしてたらどっかの部屋に連れ込んでお前にキスしてしまいそうだったからだよ。そんな気持ちでお前の外科ローテーションを始めろだなんて酷な話(a/the hell of a way=大変な・ひどい)だよな。そして案の定、お前のことが好きだと意識し始めた俺はお前を外科から追い出そうとしたのさ。だから、そういうことなんだ(there you have it=there it is=there you are=そんな次第だ、そんな具合だ、要するに)、カーター。俺はお前を愛してる。お前のことが欲しいんだ。お前に最初に会った時にそう思って以来、ずっとその気持ちは変わっていない。いやむしろ募る一方かもしれない。お前が俺の生徒だった3年間ずっと俺は悩んできた。お前が欲しくて、お前が愛しくて。お前は決して手に入らないと自分に言い聞かせながら……」

There, he had done it. Confessed all of it to John. Peter looked at John, noting the shocked look on his face and the scared look in his eyes.

"Christ," he thought, "he probably thinks I'm going to rape him now." He tensed as John limped over to his side of the elevator, thinking that John was going to hit him. Well, he deserved it.

John came to a stop mere inches from Peter's body. His mind was still processing all that Peter had said, but seven words were etched firmly in John's brain: "I love you and I want you." How often had he fantasized about hearing Peter say that to him?

"Well?" Peter finally asked. If John was going to hit him, why didn't he just go on and do it, get it over with?
ベントンはついに尋ねた。もしカーターが自分を殴るつもりなら、なぜカーターはさっさとそうして、ケリをつけてしまわないのだろうか(get〜over with=嫌な仕事を片づける)。

"I'm not your student any more."

Peter blinked, "I know that."

"Then what's stopping you from having me?" John smiled and Peter felt his heart melt even as he disbelieved what his ears were hearing.

"Are you saying that..."

John took Peter's hand and placed it against his erection. With a moan, Peter realized exactly what John was saying. He let out another moan as the elevator slowly began to move. It was just as well.

If he even as much as kissed him right now, then there would be no stopping him from doing everything else he had wanted to do with him.
もし今この場でカーターにキスのような(as much as...=ほとんど)行為に及んでしまったら、ベントンはカーターとやりたいと思っているあらゆる行為を冒してしまいそうだった。

"If we get off on the fourth floor, we can take the stairs and won't have to worry about being stranded in here again."
John said.

"You had better be off work."

"I am. What about you?"

"I was heading home. I'm parked near the elevators on the second level of the garage. Get your things and meet me there. You're coming home with me."

"Dr. Benton, I've..."

"Peter. My name is Peter."

John blushed and continued, "Peter, I've never been with another man. Hell, I've never wanted another man until I got to know you. I don't want to disappoint you."

"John, there is no way that you will ever disappoint me. Trust me."
「ジョン、お前がこの俺をガッカリさせるはずないじゃないか(there is no way=決して〜ない)。俺を信じろ」

"I guess I'll have to."

The doors opened and they got out on the fourth floor. Peter helped him down the stairs, then headed for his car while John went to get his things from the locker room in the E.R. Peter stowed his stuff in the backseat, then leaned against the side of the car to wait for John.

He couldn't quite believe the way things were turning out. One minute he was thinking that John Carter hated him and the next thing he knew he had felt how much John cared about him. He grinned as he imagined what John would look like without his clothing.
ベントンは事態がこのような展開を迎えたことをいまだ信じられずにいた。ジョン・カーターは自分のことをてっきり嫌っていると思っていたのに、今度はどんなに自分のことを気にかけていたのかを思い知らされるはめになるなんて(One minute ...the next thing one knows=〜したかと思ったら、いつのまにか)……。ベントンは裸になったカーターの姿を思い浮かべて、ついついほくそ笑んでしまった。

He thought of how he would pay meticulous attention to every inch of that body. His grin faded as he realized that once more he had been thrown into the role of being John's teacher. He himself had only been with a few men in his life; it wasn't a lifestyle he embraced, so his experience wasn't all that great.
どれほど細心の注意を払って、カーターの身体をくまなく観察するのだろうかとベントンは想像を巡らせた。が、そんなベントンの思い出し笑いは、自分がカーターの教師という役目を与えられた身であるということを今一度自覚した途端に引っ込んでしまった。ベントン自身は今までの生涯で男と経験したのはほんの2、3人程度だった。その手の生活はベントンが信奉するライフスタイルではなかったために、その経験は誇れるほどのものではなかったのだ(all that=形容詞の前に置き、否定・疑問文に用いる。「それほどまでには」)。

The last time he had been with another man had been when he was twenty years old. Quite a long time ago. And now he had the responsibility of finding out what would feel good to John and teaching John how to do the things that felt good to him. His grin returned as he thought about that. This would be a student-teacher relationship that he was eager to explore.

"Is that smile for me?"

Peter hadn't even noticed John approaching him. "Yeah, it's because of you. Get in and let's go."

John opened the passenger door and threw his bag on the back seat, then got in and put his seatbelt on as Peter did the same. Peter had to try really hard to keep to the posted speed limit on the way home. He wanted to be there already.

It was an exquisite agony to be sitting inches away from John and know that John wanted him just as much as he wanted John. Peter felt really proud of the fact that he was able to keep his hands off John for the entire drive in the car and for the elevator ride to his apartment, and for the walk down the hallway.

He even let John get all the way into the apartment before he took the bag from him and flung it into the corner, then pulled John close and tenderly kissed him on the lips. He was a little shaken when John pushed against his chest, putting more space between them.

His face flushed, John stared at the floor, his hands still firmly planted on Peter's chest.

"You don't really want to do this, do you?" Peter softly asked.

John's head jerked up, "I do. I want to be with you. But, I've never kissed a man on the lips before. The way you just kissed me, well, it felt so right. So natural. I suddenly realized that I don't have the first clue about what to do."
「いいえ。僕はしたいんです(注:be with you=sexの婉曲表現)。だけど、今まで男の人と唇が触れ合うようなキスをしたことがなくて。今さっきのキスが、何て言うか、あんまりうまかったから。とても自然で……。すると突然気付いてしまったんです。これから何をしたらいいのか自分は何も分かっていないんじゃないかって(not have a clue=見当が付かない)……」

"I'm not the most experienced person with this, but I can tell you this much; just do what feels good to you. You've kissed women before, right?"

John nodded.

"And they've kissed you. You know how they reacted when you kissed them and you know how you felt when they kissed you. You know what you like. Shit, this is going to drive me crazy, but I think we should take this slow. Very slow. We'll start with kissing."

Peter grabbed John's wrists and brought the younger man's hands up to his lips, then began to slowly and tenderly kiss each finger. As he turned John's hands over to give attention to the palms, he could hear the change in John's breathing.

Peter lingered over the right palm, encircling the palm with his tongue before planting a kiss in the middle. Then Peter repeated the process with John's left hand. Afterward, he let go of John's hands and stood still, waiting.

John swallowed nervously, knowing that Peter was expecting to be kissed now. How in the Hell was he supposed to remember how he kissed women when it was Peter standing there in front of him, his erection pressing against his pants, telling John that he wanted him a lot.

"I showed you how to do it, John, now all you have to do is copy what I did. You've always been a quick learner." Peter smiled encouragingly.

John stepped closer to Peter and his hands bracketed Peter's face, holding his head still while John's lips connected with Peter's. The kiss was soft and tender and he caught Peter's lower lip with his lips, gently sucking on it as he pulled away.

Peter closed his eyes as his mind went over the various scenarios that kiss had promised. He could feel John's lips on his chin, his cheeks, his neck; small butterfly kisses that teased and tickled.

"Was that okay?" John asked, his voice sounding unsure.

Peter nodded, then found his voice, "That was very nice. I'm feeling very jealous about the women who have been with you."

"Jealous because you wanted to be them or jealous because they had me?" John grinned.
「羨ましいのは僕にされたかったから? それとも僕にしたくて?」

Peter grinned back, "Both. I think we should take this into the bedroom." Peter saw John tense at the word and he reached out and tenderly stroked John's cheek, "Relax. I said that we'd go slowly, and we will. I just had the idea that I could get you used to having your body touched and kissed by another man."

"How would you do that?"

"I was thinking along the lines of stripping you and then having my way with you until you scream."
「お前を脱がせるだろう、で、お前が音をあげるまで俺のやりたいようにやる(have one's way=思う通りにする)といった作戦(along the lines=in a particular way:ある方針で)を考えたのさ」

"And that's your definition of slow?"

Peter grinned, "It is when all I'll be doing is touching and kissing you."

"Until I scream?"

"Yeah. Who knows? This might take all night."

"I wouldn't be so sure of that."

With a totally wicked smile, John reached out and stroked Peter's erection through his pants, pressing his hand firmly against it and making Peter moan. "You just might be the one doing the screaming."

"I guess we'll just have to see who screams first, won't we?" Peter stepped around John and headed for the bedroom, stopping in the doorway. "Lock the door and come here."

John made sure that all the locks were secure before he walked to where Peter waited. Peter turned his body sideways to allow John to precede him into the room, then he closed the door, thinking that John would appreciate the extra feeling of privacy that a closed door would provide.

John stood by the bed, watching Peter and waiting to see what Peter wanted him to do next. It was strangely exciting, taking orders from Peter Benton once again. Especially since these orders were resulting in his own pleasure.

Peter leaned back against the door, trying to decide what to do next. He knew what he wanted, and that was for John to be completely undressed. His indecisiveness lay in the mechanics of getting him that way.
ベントンはドアにもたれながら、この後どうすべきか思案していた。自分がしたいことが何なのかは分かっていたし、それはカーターを素っ裸にすることに他ならなかった。が、ベントンが迷っていたのは、カーターをいかに脱がすか、そのやり方(the mechanics of=〜の方法)についてであった。

He could slowly undress him, not allowing John to help at all. That had long been a fantasy of his. But another fantasy involved watching while John disrobed for him, removing the items of clothing that Peter told him to remove.

Peter stood there for such a long time that John began to feel uneasy. He cleared his throat, "Is something wrong?"

"No. I just can't make up my mind on how I want you to undress."

John laughed, even though he could see that Peter was serious about the topic.

"It's not that funny, Carter."

Uh, oh. Peter had called him Carter. That meant he wasn't amused by the situation. "Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead."

"Is this going to be one-night stand kind of thing, or do you plan on us doing this often?"

"I don't want it to be a one-night stand, John. I've waited five years for you and I plan to love you a lot. A whole lot."
「一晩限りにするつもりなんかないさ、ジョン。お前を5年も待ったんだ。たっぷりと愛したいと思ってる。いくらでも(A whole lot=大いに)」

"Then there will be other times when I'll be getting undressed in front of you, so what difference does it make which method you choose now?"

"You're right. It doesn't really matter. Okay, slip out of your shoes, then take your socks off."

Keeping his eyes on Peter, John kicked off his shoes, then quickly shed his socks. Straightening, he asked, "What next?"

"Well, first, I want you to stay silent. Understand?"

John nodded.

"Take off your shirt."

John slowly loosened his tie, then pulled it from around his neck and tossed it to the floor by his shoes. Then he slid the straps from his suspenders off his shoulders, then he undid the buttons at each wrist.

He then pulled his shirttail out from his pants and began to unbutton the shirt, beginning at the top. The entire time, Peter's gaze never left his body, but John did notice that Peter's eyes had darkened and his breathing had become quicker. Hell, his had too. His shirt joined his tie.

"Now remove your pants and undershorts together," Peter's voice was husky with passion and he wasn't entirely sure that he was going to be able to play with John Carter at his ease; unless he did something to gain release first.

But, part of his plan had been to remain fully dressed while he introduced John to the pleasure of being loved by another man. He briefly closed his eyes as John's pants and shorts dropped off his slim hips and John's fully erect penis sprang free, pointing directly at him.

John stepped out of his clothes and kicked them to the side. He wondered if Peter was as hard under his clothing as he was. He hoped so.

"Turn around. Slowly. I want to see all of you."

John did as instructed and when he was once more facing Peter, he discovered that Peter had taken the opportunity to move closer to him. Placing one hand behind John's neck, Peter pulled his face closer and he kissed John, his tongue pushing at John's lips until John opened them and allowed him access to his mouth.

Peter had to make himself slow down to slowly explore the inside of that mouth and he was totally unprepared when John captured his tongue and began to eagerly suck on it, giving him a hint of what might happen later.

Peter pulled away, "Lay down on the bed on your back."

John sat down on the edge of the bed, then reclined back, not sure about what Peter intended, but trusting that Peter would not physically harm him or do anything to humiliate him. He felt a soft kiss on the skin just above the knee of his right leg. Other kisses followed as Peter made his way up that thigh.

When Peter was level with John's groin, he slowly licked a circle upon John's hip, never touching his penis. Then he moved down and repeated the process on John's left thigh, again, ending at the hip.

Peter then straddled John's body and he bent over to kiss the right side of John's waist while he caressed the left side with his hand. His mouth and hands slowly moved upward, until he reached John's nipples.

He attacked them both at the same time, rolling each one between thumb and forefinger, making them harden even more, although Peter wasn't really sure how that was possible. He looked up at John's face to see if he liked what was happening.

John's eyes were closed, but the look on his face assured Peter that John was feeling pretty good right about now. Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask if this felt good.
カーターの目は閉じられていたが、その表情を見れば今カーターがとってもいい気分であることぐらい、ベントンには一目瞭然だった。こうされるのが気持ちがいいのかどうか、もう尋ねても問題はないだろう(not hurt=支障がない)。

"Do you like this, John?"
「これがいいのか? ジョン」

John only nodded.

"Don't be afraid to tell me when you like or don't like something I do."

"You told me not to talk", John's voice was thick with passion.

Peter grinned, "I did, didn't I? But, I meant for you not to talk while you were undressing. You can talk now."
「そう言ったかな? だが、あれは服を脱ぐ間は静かにしろっていう意味だったんだ。今はもうしゃべってもいいぞ」

"Okay. Yes. I like this. You aren't stopping now, are you?"

Again, Peter grinned. John sounded very anxious about that possibility. "No, baby, I'm not stopping now. I've only just begun."

With that, he lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking hard; teasing it with his teeth. He felt John's body tense underneath him and heard the sharp intake of breath. Then he gave the other nipple equal attention before he began to kiss and caress his way back down John's body.

As he reached John's groin, he smiled as he saw how hard his student had become. The tip of John's penis glistened and Peter slowly rubbed his thumb across the tip, taking in every detail of John's circumcised organ. So unlike his own, except for the fact that both were throbbing with desire.
カーターの股間に達したベントンは、自分の教え子が局部を思いきり固くしているのを見て思わずほくそ笑んだ。カーターのペニスの先端は濡れて光り、ベントンは親指でゆっくりと先端を擦り、割礼されたカーターの局部を細部に至るまでしげしげと観察した(take in=食い入るように見入る)。2人とも欲望のあまり股間をビクビク震わせているという点以外は、割礼していない自分のそれとは異なっていた。

The crotch of his pants was soaked from his own pre-cum as well as John's, but he didn't mind. It showed him just how excited they both were right now. He ran a finger up and down John's rigid shaft, delighted as John shivered and moaned.

He began to massage John's balls while he grabbed the base of John's penis with his free hand, then dropped a kiss just below the head of his penis before placing his mouth a little lower and slowly sucking on the taut skin.

"Oh, sweet...Peter," John whispered. He had often been the recipient of oral sex, but it had never felt like this. What Peter was doing to him, had already done to him, was so much more intense than anything a woman had ever done.

For John, that was a pretty important discovery, because the women he had been with since medical school had not been bad at all. They had been caring and inventive and most appreciative of what he did to them with his mouth, hands and penis. They often wanted to give him as much pleasure as he had given them.
カーターにとって、それはとても貴重な発見だった。というのも医学校の頃から付き合ってきた女性達はかなりのレベルに達していたからだ(not〜at all[in the least, by any means]=否定の強調)。彼女たちは世話好きで、独創的で、カーターが口や手やペニスで行うどんな性技も手放しで(theの無いmost=非常に)喜んでくれた。なのでしばしば彼女たちはカーターがしてくれたのと同じような快感を彼にも与えたがったのだ。

Just as he now wanted to please Peter so much. He knew that Peter was delaying his own gratification while teaching him how good it felt to have his body kissed and touched.

That knowledge made him feel slightly guilty, but he also felt very special and loved because Peter cared enough to want him to enjoy it all. Peter's mouth felt so good on him and when that mouth disappeared, John cried out, "No!"

"I'm not done yet, baby. I need to get a condom."
「まだやるわけにはいかないだろう(be + 過去分詞=可能)、かわいいヤツめ。コンドームを取ってこないと」

John watched as Peter reached into the drawer of his nightstand and removed a condom from a box. A smile played around his lips as he realized just how much he liked hearing Peter call him "baby". It was a Hell of a lot better than Carter, that was for sure.
ナイト・スタンドの引き出しに手を伸ばし、箱からコンドームを取り出すベントンをじっとカーターは眺めていた。そして「かわいいヤツ」とベントンに呼ばれるのがどんなに嬉しいものなのかを自覚して思わず唇を綻ばせた(play=ゆらめく)。ともかく、カーターと呼ばれるよりは遥かにマシだということだけは確かだった(for sure=確かに)。

Peter quickly put the condom on John's penis, then he took it into his mouth again, this time he hungrily sucked and stroked, wanting to bring John to orgasm. Wanting to find out if John was a screamer or if he was silent at that moment. It didn't take long for him to get his answer.

With a soft gasp of pleasure, John's hips bucked and he came, ejaculating over and over again into the condom. Peter wished there wasn't a need for a condom, he wanted to taste John and he wanted to have John taste him.

After he was sure that John was completely done, Peter carefully removed the condom and he walked out to the bathroom to throw it away.

When he returned to his bedroom, John was laying exactly as he had left him. Peter lay down on the bed beside him and propped himself up on one elbow. With his free hand, he traced patterns on John's smooth chest.

"Tired?" Peter asked.

"Why? Are you not done with me yet?"
「どうして? あなたのほうはまだ達ッてないでしょう?」

Peter grinned, "Well, I was thinking that it was time for you to show me what you learned tonight."

A smile slowly appeared on John's face and he rolled over to his side to face Peter. "I think I'm recovered enough to do that."

"Are you sure? I don't want any half-hearted attempts on your part."
「本当かよ? お前に嫌々やられる(half-hearted attempts=気乗りのしない試み)なんてまっぴらだからな」

"I can assure you that nothing I ever do in a bed is half-hearted, Peter. I always give it my best."

"I'll just bet that you do."

Without warning, Peter found himself on his back, with John straddling his hips. John began to unbutton his shirt, placing a kiss on each inch of exposed skin until he had the shirt open and pushed to the sides.

He lowered his head and sucked tenderly on Peter's nipple, then nuzzled his face in the lush matting of hair that covered Peter's chest before paying attention to the other nipple.

With each breath he took, John could smell a scent that was uniquely Peter's. He had never paid much attention before to the way that other people smelled, especially other men, but he liked Peter's scent.

"That feels good, John. Real good."

"I'm not done yet, Peter."

John slid down to straddle Peter's legs and began to work at getting Peter's pants off of his body, wanting so much to see the penis that was so clearly outlined against those trousers. Within seconds, Peter's pants and underwear joined John's clothing on the floor.

Peter smiled as he watched John tentatively reach out to softly stroke his upright penis. Peter's entire body shuddered as John's lips kissed the spot where the penis and the balls met, then John carefully took his balls into his mouth and sucked them gently.

A new sensation thrilled him as a slight vibration emanated from John's mouth and went right through his balls. He could vaguely hear John humming and he realized this was what was causing that wonderful feeling.

Peter said a brief thanks to whichever woman it had been who had done that to John - it felt really nice and he didn't want John to stop. The sexual tension of the past hour or so was beginning to take its toll on Peter and he knew that he was close to coming.
ベントンは手短に感謝の意を表した。過去、それをカーターに施した女性が誰であれ - 極上の快感に酔いしれたベントンはカーターにずっと続けてほしかった。が、かれこれ1時間近くの(or so=〜ばかり)性的な緊張状態に置かれていたベントンはヘトヘトになり(take its toll=長時間の作業が深刻な害をもたらす)、絶頂の時が迫っていることを悟った。

"John, put a condom on me."

John looked up at him, but didn't disengage his mouth from Peter's body.

"Now, John. I'm not joking."

With great reluctance, John sat upright, then reached for the box of condoms. He quickly got it onto Peter's penis, then took him into his mouth, using his mouth and tongue to the best of his abilities to please Peter.

He had always heard that uncircumcised men were more sensitive, but he didn't know if it was true or not. Of course, right now wouldn't be a fair gauge of that anyway; he knew that Peter had been steadily hard for a long time.

He admired Peter for being able to keep erect this long and also for not giving in and using his hand to bring release to himself. He made good use of his pleasurable memories as he lavished attention on Peter's penis.
ベントンがこれほどまでに長い間勃起状態を保つことができることに、その上、欲望を解放しようと手を使ってしまいそうな誘惑に負け(give in=降参する)ずにいられたことに、カーターはほとほど感心した。カーターがベントンのペニスをいとおしげに(lavish=惜しまず与える)愛撫する間、カーターは(過去の女性との)楽しかった記憶を有効に活用した(make good use of=上手に利用する)。

He could feel Peter's hands stroking his shoulders and the back of his neck before they became entwined in his hair When Peter's hips began to thrust upward, he knew that Peter was nearing orgasm and John began to suck even harder.

Suddenly, Peter's fingers clenched even tighter in John's hair as his hips thrust up one last time and Peter cried out his name. John could feel the hot liquid fill the condom and he held tight at the base of the condom to make sure that nothing leaked out.

Following Peter's example, he kept sucking until Peter was limp, then he removed the condom and went to throw it away.

When John returned to Peter's bedroom, he found Peter in bed under the covers. Peter smiled at him and pulled the covers back so that he could get into bed with him. They immediately came together in the middle of the bed, arms and legs entwined as they kissed.

"That was really nice, John. I hope that you enjoyed yourself."

"Immensely. When can we do it again?" John grinned.

"Insatiable, aren't you?"

"Maybe. I can't help it if I know a good thing when I see it."

"Me, either. God, I wish I would have let you know a long time ago how I felt."

"Peter, it might not have turned out like this. Don't waste your time with what ifs. I think you should just concentrate on the here and now."

"I think I can do that." Peter's hand reached down between them and encircled John's penis. Much to Peter's delight, it began to harden. "I think I can definitely concentrate on the here and now. How about you?"

"When you do that, I find it very difficult to concentrate on anything."

"How about when I do this?" Peter scrunched down and began to suck on the first nipple he could find. The moans that were coming from John let him know that his lover was unable to talk, let alone concentrate.
カーターに覆い被さるとベントンは、先に見付けた方の乳首をしゃぶりだした。カーターから発せられる喘ぎ声が、恋人がもはや何も話せない状態であり、ましてや精神を集中させることなど無理な話であることをベントンに悟らせた(let alone=<通常否定文で>〜は言うまでもなく)。



"Tomorrow morning we get tested for every sexually transmitted disease under the sun."

"Yes. Ooh, do that again. Yeah."

"Roll over."

John looked at him, his eyes showing a little fear. "Why?"

"So I can use my hand on you without getting this part of the bed messy. What were you thinking?"

John's face began to redden, "I thought that maybe you wanted to um, be in me."

Peter let go of John's penis and gently stroked his jaw line.
ベントンはカーターのペニスを離し(let go of=つかまえているものを離す)、カーターの顎の輪郭を優しく撫でた。

"Oh, I do want to be in you, John. But, it won't happen tonight. It probably won't happen tomorrow night either. My plan for tonight worked so well that I think I'll have to keep tutoring you. Tomorrow's lesson will be the pleasure that can be had from having someone play with your ass, to get you used to having something inside you before I even attempt to put my cock in you. When I enter you, I want you to enjoy it, not be afraid of it."
「ああ、俺は確かにお前の中に入れたいさ、ジョン。だが、今夜はそうしない。明日の晩でも恐らくないだろう。今夜は極めて順調に事が計画通りに運んだから、俺としてはこのままお前の個人指導を続けていかなきゃと思ってるのさ。明日のレッスンはお前が尻の穴を弄ばれることで得られる快感についてだ。俺のこいつをお前に突っ込む(evenはattempt to putの強調。〜すら、〜さえ)前に、中に物を入れられる感覚というものに慣れておく必要があるだろう。お前の中に入れるんなら、お前にも楽しんでもらいたいんだよ。怖がらせたくはないからな」

"I want that too."

  "Good. Now, roll over."

John rolled over and Peter molded his body behind him, reaching his hand around to grasp his penis again. Peter began to stroke John as he placed kisses on his neck and shoulders, sometimes using his tongue to trace tiny paths on John's skin.

After John came, Peter remained behind him, but he pulled John back over to the middle of the bed and after wrapping his arms around him, held him tightly as they both fell asleep.

End of Part 1

これらの対訳ページを作成するにあたって、続編をリクエストくださった カーター/ベントンファンのM様(世界でも数少ない同志としてお互い頑張りましょう)、前回同様、快く翻訳の許可を下さった作者様、英語表現を解説してくださったJeanne様に深く感謝いたします。

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