
You have reached the web pages of Becca Abbott.
Everything on these pages should be considered NC-17. The stories are erotic fiction. They contain graphic depictions of sex, m/m, m/f, f/f, violence, bondage, rape, and other human sexual behavior that upsets some people.
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If you skipped the warning page, please be advised that everything on these pages should be considered NC-17. The stories all contain graphic depictions of sex, m/m, m/f, f/f, violence, bondage, rape, and other human sexual behavior that upsets some people. If you are under the age of majority in your place of residence, please go somewhere else.
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Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda is the property of Tribune Entertainment. No copyright infringement intended.

もし警告ページを飛ばしてしまった場合は、ここのサイトに書かれたすべては「17歳以下は禁止(No One 17 And Under Admittedの略。かつての「X指定」と同等)」であることを忠告させてください。小説にはすべてセックス、男同士の恋愛、男女間の恋愛、女性同士の恋愛、暴力、ボンデージ、非合意のセックスや、その他にもある種の人を怒らせるような人間の性的行為についての生々しい描写が含まれています。もしお住まいの地域で定める成人年齢を下回る場合はどうか余所へ行ってください。


Thanks to Marion and Vicky for beta chores; thanks to Unovis for editing.
Any remaining mistakes are my own.



(ギリシャ文字で「最後」を表す文字。「アルファ(Alpha Male)=ニーチアン一族の長。最も優れた遺伝子の担い手」の反対。ここでは「究極の服従者、忠実な下僕」の意味)」

By Becca Abbott

Part I: Omega

"Tyr is becoming a problem."

Dylan Hunt stared moodily through the forward view screen at the great red ball that revolved slowly in its center. Rommie, the holographic representation of his ship, stood at his side, an expression of sympathy on her face.

"His insubordination has already begun to affect crew performance," he continued.

"Will you get rid of him?"

Dylan lifted an eyebrow, wondering if that was actually hope he heard in her voice.

"I'd rather not. For one thing, he's good at what he does. For another..." Dylan hesitated, thinking of another Nietzschean, one who had been as dear to him as any brother. "You know I like to maintain diversity among the crew."

"Even when it turns out to be disastrous?"

The Commonwealth officer's face darkened. "I made a mistake with Radhe," he said finally. "Ultimately, I wanted to see him as homo sapiens. It was blindness on my part."

"And how are you not making the same mistake with Tyr?"

Dylan smiled, but there was little humor in it. "I'm going to remind him that he's not Alpha in a way he can't mistake."

There was silence while Rommie rifled through her databases. "What way?" she asked finally. "It seems to me you've already demonstrated repeatedly that you're the Alpha."

"No," he said, mouth twisting. "There are--rituals the Nietzscheans have always kept close. I only know about them because of Radhe. They should have been performed with him, but...I couldn't bring myself to do it. It just isn't my, well, style."
「ニーチアン人には……門外不出の儀式があるんだ(keep close<=play/keep it close to chest=トランプを胸に隠して行う=>秘密裏に行う)。ラーデのおかげで私も知識だけはあった。ヤツに施してやるべきだったのだが、とても実行に移す気にはなれなかったよ。それは……つまり……単に私の趣味ではなかったからだが」

"I don't understand."

"No loss," Dylan muttered slumping further in his seat. Around them, lights blinked, screens flickered as data scrolled endlessly past.

"My database should be complete," she objected.

He didn't respond. After a while, he asked: "Where is Tyr?"

"In the gym, sir, working out--as usual."

"How long?"


"How long has he been at it?"

"About an hour, sir."

The captain's long mouth quirked into another mirthless smile. "Good. I'm going to join him. As soon as I do, shut down access to the gym: no one gets in, no one gets visual or audio."
艦長はその酷薄そうな唇を曲げ、作り笑い(mirthless smile=幸福そうに見えない笑み)を浮かべた。

"Yes, sir." Rommie fell silent a moment, then: "Would this have anything to do with those sexually explicit entertainment disks you were watching last night?"

Rommie was an AI; there was no reason for his face to heat. Nevertheless, Dylan felt the flush of embarrassment burn from his neck through his cheeks.

"Just do it, Rommie."

"Yes, sir." This time, there was no mistaking the smugness in that soft, light voice. "May I watch?"



Tyr Anasazi delivered another savage blow to the punching bag, noting with satisfaction that the tough material cracked under it. Soon, he told himself. Soon it would be Hunt at the end of his fist and himself at the helm of this magnificent ship.
ティア・アナサジはサンドバッグに猛烈なパンチを食らわせた。頑丈な物体が一撃の下に裂けるのを、満足げに見詰めながら。もうじきだ。ティアは自分に言い聞かせた。もうじきだ。この拳の果てにいるのはディランであり、この素晴らしい戦艦の指揮を取っている(at the helm=舵を取っている)のはこの俺なのだ。

It wasn't that he had anything against the lightship commander. In fact, he rather liked the human. But Tyr was an Alpha and he was damned tired of taking orders from a Beta like Dylan Hunt.

Not that Hunt was completely useless. The man did have a talent for understanding the otherwise incomprehensible mental workings of inferior species. Perhaps he would keep Hunt alive, suitably restrained, of course, for use when situations arose that required the kind of fuzzy thinking all too prevalent in the galaxy.
ハントが全くの役立たずか? というとそうではない。あの男には、自分たちより劣った種族の、異質で理解不能な精神活動を理解する才がある。恐らくティアはハントを生かしておくだろう。上手に手綱を引き締めながら。もちろん、宇宙ではごく日常茶飯事の、ある種ファジーな思考力が要求されるような事態に備えて。

Another blow. The bag split. He stopped then, breathing hard, and wiped the sweat from his brow.

With a ship like the Andromeda Ascendent, he should have no trouble convincing the best and brightest of the prides to join him. For a moment, the image of Freya rose in his mind. His throat closed as he remembered what might have been.

Across the gym, the doors hissed open. He looked around. It was Hunt. The captain was wearing his exercise clothes, a duffel slung over his shoulder. He grinned genially at Tyr and went straight to the weights.

The Nietzschean's lip curled. Just that morning, he'd arrogantly refused an order. He'd been expecting to be disciplined, but so far, Hunt seemed unwilling, or unable, to do so. Hardly Alpha behavior.

Hunt was lifting a mere two hundred pounds. In spite of his fatigue, Tyr went over and, after selecting the three-hundred-pound weight, lay down on the bench. For a several minutes, the two men lifted, the gym silent except for the occasional grunt or fart.

Hunt, of course, gave up first, gasping and red-faced, settling the weights onto their brace and sitting up. Tyr continued, aware that the captain was watching. His own muscles had begun to quiver with fatigue, but he kept on, knowing that displays of strength intimidated the weak.

The captain got to his feet and began to turn away. Tyr smiled smugly and gave the weights another hoist.
艦長は立ち上がり(get to one's feet=立ち上がる)、その場を離れかけた。ティアは尊大な笑みを浮かべ、ウエイトをもう一度上へ押し上げた(give 〜 a hoist=〜をを下から押し上げる)。

From the corner of his eye, he saw Hunt turn back and, before Tyr realized what was happening, the captain had a grip on his weights, jerking at them. Suddenly, there were three hundred pounds on his chest, pinning him to the bench, driving the breath from his lungs.

Tyr struggled to throw them off, but Hunt added his weight to theirs. The Nietzschean couldn't breathe. His mouth opened and closed. Lights went off behind his eyes and, moments later, he lost consciousness.


Dylan snapped the last metal cuff into place and stepped back. He smiled grimly. Exercise equipment did very well as restraint devices. His insubordinate crewman, naked now, wrists chained together, dangled from one of the gymnastic rings that hung from overhead. Dylan had found a resistance bar which, when fastened between Tyr's ankles, kept his legs wide apart very satisfactorily. The young man's magnificent body gleamed in the cold white lights. In spite of himself, Dylan felt a certain warmth building in his gut at the sight of the Nietzschean hanging there, vulnerable, helpless to defend himself against what was coming. His eyes were drawn repeatedly to Tyr's cock. Even limp, it was impressive. No wonder he'd been able to win over the Nietzschean woman so quickly.
最後の一つとなった金属製の手錠をパチンとはめるとディランは一歩退いた。そしてゾッとするような笑みを浮かべた。運動器具は拘束具としてはまさにうってつけだ。ディランの手を焼かせた乗組員は、今や一糸纏わぬ姿で、頭上に掛かっている体操用の吊り輪に、両の手首を一つに縛られ、吊り下げられていた。ディランは突っ張り棒になるものを見つけた。これをティアの足首の間に挟めば、ちょうど良い具合に両脚を広げたままにしておける。冷え冷えとした青白い照明の下、若い男の見事な肉体は鈍く輝いていた。思わず(in spite of oneself=involuntarily, unconsciously)ディランは、胸の中に何か熱いものがこみ上げるのを感じていた。吊し上げられ、無防備で、これから起こることに対して自らを守る術のないニーチアンの男を目の前にして……。ディランの視線は何度もティアの性器に引きつけられた。勃起前のだらりとした状態でさえ、大したものだった。どうりで、あのニーチアン女性をたちまちのうちに虜にさせた(win over=魅了する)わけだ。

Tyr groaned, shaking his head, the mass of braids dancing. He looked up, blinked confusedly at Dylan. Then, abruptly, he realized where he was.

Dylan, remembering the ritual, simply watched as Tyr cursed and tore at his bonds. He stood with arms folded over his chest, waiting while the man further exhausted himself with violent, futile struggles. Finally, that broad chest rising and falling swiftly, Tyr went still, balancing awkwardly on his toes, glaring ferociously.

"Are you finished, Omega?"
「もう観念したようだな? オメガ」

The dark gaze sharpened, brows drawing swiftly together.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tyr demanded hoarsely.

Dylan stepped forward and hit Tyr, an open-handed blow across the face that split the Nietzschean's lip.

"You will be silent!"


Another blow, knocking him off balance. Swearing through puffy, bleeding lips, Tyr struggled to regain his footing, such as it was. He opened his mouth to fire off an enraged demand, only to be smashed back again.
さらに一発を食らい、ティアはよろめいた。腫れ上がり血が滲んだ唇で悪態を付きながら、何とか体勢を立て直そう(regain one's footing =立ち直る)ともがいたが、結果は芳しくなかった(such as it is =大したものではないが)。ティアは黙っていられず、怒り狂った詰問を繰り返したが(fire off=言葉などを連発する)、再度殴り返されるのが落ちだった。

This time, he wisely remained silent, licking blood from his lips, staring at Dylan with wide, wild eyes.

"I have been remiss in a few things," Dylan said, voice conversational. "I've been treating you like a free man. Today, we correct that little error."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about the Omega Oath."

Color drained from the dark face. "W-what?"

This time, Dylan punched him the stomach. When Tyr had regained his breath, there was real apprehension in the gaze he lifted to the Commonwealth captain.

"Don't insult me by pretending you don't know what I mean. Submit!"
「あくまでしらを切る気か? 人を侮辱するのもいい加減にしろ。大人しく言うことを聞くんだな!」

"You have no right! By Darwin's Heart, I'll kill you!"
「お前にそんな権利は無いッ! ダーウィン(注:ニーチアン人にとっての仏陀、キリスト、モハメッドのような存在。というのも、ニーチアン人は、ニーチェや社会ダーウィン主義、ドーキンスの利己的遺伝子などを狂信し、地球を追放されたポール・ムセベニ博士の遺伝子操作によって作られたから。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nietzscheanを参照)の御心によって、貴様を殺してやる!」

Dylan sighed and turned his back on the raging man. His fist hurt, but it was clear that Tyr hadn't yet got the message. He unhooked the cable from one of the weight machines. Wrapping one end around his fist, he walked around the Nietzschean, snapping the loose end like a whip against the floor.

Tyr went very still, eyes round as plates. "Hunt--Captain..."

The Nietzschean's back was as impressive as his front. Muscles rippled as he worked in vain at his shackles. His ass, round and tight, looked like the perfect place to start. Dylan reached back and let his makeshift lash fly.
先ほどの前面からの眺めに劣らぬくらい、ニーチアン人の後ろ姿には目を見張るものがあった。手足を縛られた男が虚しい抵抗をする度に筋肉がブルブルと躍動する。美しい球形でかつ引き締まっている男の臀部は、先鞭を付けるのに申し分が無いように思われた。ディランは振りかぶる(reach back=手を後ろに回す)と、にわか仕立の鞭(makeshift=間に合わせの)を振り回した。

The crack of the plastic cable against shrinking flesh sounded abnormally loud. He heard a gasp from Tyr, whose body jerked at its touch. A wide red welt raised on the dusky flesh. Dylan waited a moment to let the reality of it sink in, then he struck again. There was a strangled sound from the Nietzschean--almost a cry, but not quite. Sweat sprang out on his broad shoulders. Long fingers wrapped, white-knuckled, around the ring to which he was bound.
すくみ上がった肉体にプラスチックのケーブルが振り下ろされると異様なくらい派手な音がした。ティアのあえぎ声がディランの耳に届く。その躯は鞭が触れた途端、跳ね上がった。浅黒い肌の上に、赤く太いみみず腫れが浮かび上がった。ディランの動きが一瞬止まった。これが現実の出来事なのだと自分に言い聞かせる(sink in=事態を飲み込む)ために。そして再び振り下ろした。ニーチアン人から押し殺したような声が上がった。ほとんど悲鳴に近いものだったが、まだ多少なりとも踏み止まっていた。その幅広の肩の上に、玉のような汗が噴き出した。長い指は、縛り付けられた輪を、関節が白くなるほどきつく握り締めていた。

Dylan lowered his whip and approached the trembling man. He let his hands move familiarly over Tyr's ass, the saltiness of his palm irritating the welts he'd left. Tyr groaned and tried to move away. Dylan squeezed the buttock in his hand and felt a shudder run through his insubordinate crewman.

"Once upon a time," Dylan said, still speaking softly, "on Earth, mutinous sailors were tied to the mast of the ship and flogged. Often, Omega, they died."

Dylan couldn't see Tyr's expression, only the clean of line of jaw, tight with anger and shock.

Never expected this, did you? thought Dylan with a certain amount of satisfaction. Wait until you see what your brother Nietzschean left me three hundred years ago.
こんなことになるなんて夢にも思わなかっただろうな? ディランは感慨に耽った。いくばくかの満足を覚えながら。お前の兄貴分であるあのニーチアン人が300年前、私にどんな仕打ちをしたか思い知るがいい(wait until=今に見てろ)

"What do you know of the Oath?" Tyr grated, finally.

"I know that on the most feared Nietzschean ships, the bridge crew were always Omega to their captain. They served him unquestioningly, bound to obey his most trivial whim until they were released, and while they served, they were forbidden to raise a hand against him for any reason whatsoever. A good idea, actually. In war, there's precious little time for dominance disputes. There should be only one enemy."

"Did your First Officer tell you about it?"

"Oh, he did more than that." Dylan walked over to the bench and opened his duffel bag. Inside was another bag, this one smaller and with an intricate pattern burned into the leather. "He gave me this."

The Nietzschean's dark eyes got wide and he recoiled.

"He was a traitor!" The captive's voice shook. "The Oath is among the most secret, most sacred..."

Ignoring him, Dylan turned his back and dumped the bag's contents onto the bench. He remembered Radhe leaning against him in the bar, voice slurred with fatigue and alcohol, explaining the function of each item. And he remembered his own reaction--shock, disbelief, and, finally, prurient curiosity.

They had never spoken about it after that night, he and Radhe. Dylan knew now that he should have acted on that tacit request, however distasteful. Instead, he'd given in to his Earth-bred prejudices, a bit of cultural blindness that had brought him here, three hundred years into his own future.

With a sigh, he bent and picked up the blindfold. It was a leather strap, embossed with an intricate design, splotched with dark stains of old sweat and blood. How old was the thing, Dylan wondered. How many men had worn it?
溜息をつくとディランは屈んで目隠しを取り出した。それは皮製の帯で、複雑な文様の浮き彫りが施され、かなり昔に付いた血と汗による黒い染みが付いていた。どのくらい前のものだろう? ディランは思案した。何人の男がそれを着用したのだろうか? と。

He found himself unexpectedly attracted by a mental image--the spare surrounds of a Nietzschean captain's bedroom, the bound figure of a young officer, eyes covered, blind, never knowing whether it was torment he faced, or delight.

Dylan turned.

"Captain," whispered Tyr, eyes fixing on the blindfold at once.

Perhaps he had finally realized his predicament. There was real apprehension in that dark face.

Dylan walked right up to him, stood chest against chest. Tyr gave way, swaying backwards, nearly losing his balance. In the end, he was forced to stand, to accept Dylan's body against his.
ディランは一直線にティアへと近づき(walk right up to someone=まっすぐに近づいてくる)、胸を突き合わせんばかりに立ちはだかった。ひるんだティアは後ろにのけぞり、バランスを崩しそうになった。が、結局、ティアは無理やり立たされ、ディランを体ごと受け止める恰好となった。

The human could feel Tyr's heart pounding, feel the rigid cock pressing against his belly, and the heat of it through the fleece of his exercise pants.

"Don't move, Omega."

Tyr licked bruised lips and, after the barest hesitation, bowed his head. Dylan tied the blindfold in place. A tremor ran through the powerful body when Dylan's hands came to rest on his shoulders.
血の滲む唇を舐めるとティアは、ほんの僅か躊躇しただけですぐに頭を垂れた。ディランは所定の位置に(in place=正しく通常の場所で)目隠しを結び付けた。ディランの両手が双肩に降りてきた瞬間、ゾクリとする感覚が頑強なはずのティアの肉体を駆け抜けた。

Taking a deep breath, Dylan tangled his fingers in the warrior's braids and kissed him.

There was nothing gentle in this caress--simply a crushing of his mouth against Tyr's, forcing it open, taking possession. Even so, the human felt that uneasy stirring again, the gathering pressure in his groin. It seemed suddenly too hot in the gym.
ディランの口づけには優しさのかけらも無かった……がむしゃらに唇を押し付け、強引にこじ開けると、我が物にした(take possession of=手中に収める)。が、たとえ無理やりであっても、人間の男は再び、妙な胸騒ぎを覚え、股間には力が漲り始めた。トレーニングルームの空気が不意に暑苦しく感じられた。

Tyr gave in to the assault at last, surrendering to Dylan's tongue. He no longer tried to shrink away. Indeed, his hips pressed harder against Dylan's. He made a sound deep in his throat.

Immediately, Dylan drew back. Tyr licked his lips and swallowed hard. Again, Dylan kissed him, but this time, when those lips parted, the human bit down hard, feeling skin break, tasting copper.

Tyr cried out, although the attack was surely anticipated. The ritual called for a visible mark, traditionally, the imprint of the lord's teeth. Dylan waited for the shaken Nietzschean to recover his composure. The magnificent body gleamed with sweat. A milky drop had formed on the tip of his cock.
この種の攻撃が当然予想されていたとはいえ、ティアは叫び声を上げた。儀式には、誰の目にもそれと分かる刻印が必要とされる(call for=必要とする)ものだが、伝統的には、支配者による歯形が用いられた。ショックで我を失っているニーチアン人が落ち着きを取り戻すまでディランは待機した。見事な肉体が汗でキラキラと輝き、その雄蕊の先端には乳白色の雫が湛えられていた。

Dylan needed no conscious effort to reach out, to let his hand moved over the heaving chest, down the flat belly to grasp that straining rod. All of this was available to him under Tyr's own laws--as soon as the young man agreed.
迷う余地などディランにはなかった(need no conscious effort=not even need to think about)。手を伸ばし、隆起する胸を這わせ、引き締まった下腹部へと下ろし、張り詰めた肉棒を握り締めるのに(moved->move)。これら全てはディランの思いのままだった。(「誓約」に忠実なニーチアン人である)ティア自身の法によって……その若い男が同意すればすぐにでも。

"Submit," he said once again.

"No," whispered Tyr. "I am an Alpha. I will not submit."

Ritual words, too. Dylan felt a stirring of satisfaction. Tyr had accepted his right to demand the Oath. In reward, he pulled other man close again, ran his hand over the striped buttocks. He felt Tyr react to the pain, muscles contracting, but the Nietzschean made no sound. He submitted once more to Dylan's kiss, but this time, the captain was gentle, coaxing a shy response.

He drew away at last. Tyr was breathing hard. The man's head fell back, throat vulnerable. It was partial victory. Dylan helped himself to the soft dark skin, pulling Tyr close, tasting his sweat and the spicy, musky scent that lay subtle on the tongue. Tyr moaned and rubbed his hips against Dylan's. Suddenly, the human's loose trousers seemed too tight.
ディランはようやくティアから離れた。ティアは激しく息を接いだ。喉頸を無防備に晒し、その男は頭を仰け反らせた。勝利の一旦は握った。その柔らかで浅黒い肌を、ディランは思うまま貪った(help oneself=好きなだけ自由に奪う)。ティアを引き寄せ、その汗と舌に微かに残る刺激的なムスク臭を味わいながら。ティアは喘ぎ声を漏らし、自分の下腹部をディランの同じ場所に擦り付けた。人間の男が履いていたゆったりしたパンツは、にわかに窮屈なものとなった。

It was with great reluctance--and effort--that Dylan stepped back. They both knew the next step. It was one Dylan had dreaded last night in his room. Now, he was irresistibly drawn to it.

"Captain, please. We don't have to go through with this. I'm sorry. My behavior earlier was--ill considered."

Dylan picked up the cable again and this time, he left his marks across Tyr's chest and belly. He struck lightly--he was, after all, not Nietzschean--but even so, the cable left broken skin and tore a cry from his Omega.
ディランは再びケーブルをつかみ上げると、今度はティアの胸から腹へまたがるような鞭痕を残した。それは軽い一撃だった……結局のところディランはニーチアン人ではないのだから……が、そうは言っても、ケーブルは皮膚を割き、オメガから叫び声を絞り出した(tear=pull unwillingly)。

"You had your chance and refused it. Now I will bind you by oath and submission."


"You will be silent."

The blindfolded man lowered his head then and was still. Dylan went back to the bench and took out the small steel rings. He picked up the leather ball, too. It was a gag. Like the blindfold, it bore the stains of previous use. For a moment, he stood, looking down at the things. Then, deciding against the gag for the moment, he turned and went back to Tyr.
目隠しをされた男は頭をガクリと垂れ、やがて大人しくなった。ディランはベンチへ戻り、小さな鉄製のリングを取り出した。さらに皮製のボールも手に取った。猿ぐつわ(注:西洋のSMプレイではポピュラーなボールの付いた猿ぐつわ。映画『パルプ・フィクションで』ブルース・ウィルスが装着していたやつというのも陳腐過ぎる説明かと思ったが、先日見た『CSI・NY』でも全く同じ説明をしていた……)だった。目隠し同様、以前使用された時の染みが付いていた(bear=痕跡などを帯びる)。責め具を見下ろしたまま、ディランは一瞬、立ち尽くした。結局、猿ぐつわは当面使わないことに決め(decide against=〜をやめることにする)、きびすを返すと、再びティアへと近づいた。


"What are you talking about, Rommie?" Beka stood in front of the door to the gymnasium, hands on her hips, scowling at the holograph. "They've been in there for over an hour! What's going on?"
「あいつらったら、あそこにこもったまま、もう一時間以上よ! 一体、どうなってるの?」

"I'm not at liberty to say," replied the ship. "Only that they aren't to be disturbed."
「それについて口外することはできません(be at liberty to=自由に〜してよい)……」

"Whose orders?"

"Captain Hunt's."

Well, of course. His were the only orders the first officer could not countermand.

"How long will they be in there?"

"I don't know," Rommie replied, just the tiniest hint of irritation in her voice.

So, thought Beka. Rommie doesn't like it either. Beka remembered all too well Tyr's arrogant response to Hunt's orders that morning. What if Dylan had been foolish enough to get into it with the Nietzschean? The bastards were goddamned supermen!
ふーん、そういうことなのね……ベガは察した。ロミーだってこの状況が好ましいとは決して思ってはいないのだ。今朝のハントの命令に対するティアの増長ぶりときたら、忘れろというほうが無理な話だろう。もしそのことでディランが愚かにも、ニーチアン人と厄介なことになっているとしたら、一体……(what if=〜したらどうなるであろう、get into=とんだことに足を踏み入れる)? あのろくでなし共ときたら、底なしの命知らず野郎なんだからッ!

Relax, she told herself, nodding curtly to the AI. Hunt was smart--had survived against incredible odds and continued to do so, but, in the end, he was still the son of a much more civilized age. Very uneasy, she turned on her heel and headed off in search of the others.


Tyr heard the captain approach. He tried desperately not to let his fear show, but even his aching gut couldn't distract from the misery of not seeing what Dylan was about to do. Tradition gave the captain wide latitude in the means by which he extracted absolute loyalty. Some Omegas died, messily, screaming. They were not mourned. Weakness was unwelcome on the bridge of a Prime Nietzschean fighter.

The welts on his body burned mercilessly. Those left by Hunt's latest attack were twice as painful. One of the blows had caught a nipple. He nearly jumped out of his skin when something warm and wet closed over it. Both pain and erotic heat went out in shockwaves from the spot as Hunt licked away the blood. Then the mouth was gone, leaving the tender flesh to stiffen in the sudden cool. He ached for Hunt to touch it again. Somehow, he kept silent.
鞭打ちの傷が容赦なく痛みを訴えていたが、新たにハントが加えた攻撃はその痛みをさらに倍加させた。強烈な一撃がティアの乳首に命中した。濡れて暖かい何かが乳首に近づいた時には、ティアはほとんど飛び上がりそうになった(jump out of one's skin=喜び・驚きで飛び上がる)。ハントが血を舐め取った箇所からは、苦痛と性的な興奮が同時に、衝撃波のごとく押し寄せてきた。やげて唇は離れ、柔らかくなったその部分は突然襲ってきた冷気にキュッと窄まった。もう一度ハントに触れてほしい、猛烈な衝動にティアは駆られた。が、なぜか沈黙を守り続けた。

Dylan returned to the wounded nipple and began sucking and licking it. When his teeth sank gently into the sore flesh, Tyr whimpered. That was nothing to what came next however. Pain sharper than any bite tore through him. Pierced, he thought dimly, even as his body reacted to the assault. The sound of his scream echoed through the gym. He was shaking when the ring was inserted and managed this time, by extraordinary will, to keep silent.
傷付いた乳首へと舞い戻ったディランは、口に含むと尖らせては舐め回した。腫れ上がった皮膚に優しく歯を立てられ、ティアは思わずすすり泣いた。が、その後に待ちかまえていた出来事は全く予想もつかないことだった(be nothing to=〜とは無関係だ、〜とは比較にならない)。何に噛まれてもこれよりはましな激痛がティアを貫いた。ピアシングされたのだ……朦朧とする頭はかろうじて状況を判断したが、躯のほうはその攻撃にしっかり応えていた。トレーニングルーム中に叫び声が響き渡った。リングが挿入される段になると、ティアは体を振るわせ、類希なる意志の力でこの瞬間をやり過ごし、沈黙を守り通した。

Like all Nietzschean boys, he'd learned about the Omega Oath and its rituals at the age of twelve, sitting at the feet of the spacers for whom the Oath was everything. To be Omega was to be absolutely obedient, unquestioningly loyal, a weapon in the hand of one man. Even Betas did not give up so much of themselves. It was at once frightening and seductive. To release one's will, to relinquish all the heavy responsibilities the men of his race bore, was tempting in a secret and shameful way.

Dylan brought Tyr abruptly back to the present by sucking his other nipple, and the pressure built inexorably in his groin.

There was honor to be chosen as Omega, for only the best young Alphas were chosen to be oath-bound. And to those who survived their service and were released by their captain was the promise of high rank within the pride. But Hunt--Hunt wasn't Nietzschean. Surrendering to him would bring no such reward.

Tyr's thoughts broke apart as the other nipple was pierced. When he could think again, he was sagging in his bonds, all the weight of his body on his abused wrists, shaking with reaction.

Those lips were on his again. Without sight to tell Tyr otherwise, they were not unlike Freya's or, indeed, any of the countless whores or barmaids he'd bedded in his life. But unlike those women, these lips did not seduce, did not entice--the captain demanded his response.
ハントの唇が再び自分の唇に落とされた。別物であることをティアに告げるその姿が目に入らなければ、その唇はフロイヤや、ましてやティアがその生涯で褥を共にした無数の娼婦や酒場の女給たちのどの唇に比べても、さしたる遜色はなかった(not unlike=similar)。だが女たちとは違い、この唇は自分をくどいたり、その気にさせようというわけではなかった……艦長はただ、ティアの反応を無理やり引き出そうとしているだけなのだ。

He gave it, heart pounding. The captain pulled his head up even as Tyr struggled to regain his footing. His swollen lips parted to admit the invading tongue. Electricity tore through him, adding to the misery of his chest and that of his gut, threatening to overwhelm the other hurts.
が、まんまとティアは反応してしまい、心臓が跳ね上がった。ティアは必死に姿勢を立て直そうともがいたが、艦長は構わずその顔を仰かせた。腫れ上がった唇は緩み、まんまと敵の舌が侵入するのを許してしまった。たちまち電撃のようなショックがティアの全身を貫いた。それはティアの胸中を苦しめ、さらに気力まで失わせ、今となっては体中のどの傷をも凌駕する勢いであった(threaten to do=〜しそうである)。

When Hunt released him this time, Tyr was dizzy from more than the pain. That he could tolerate. He was Nietzschean; pain was nothing. But this...oh, Darwin...

Hunt's tongue went where it would as he asserted his dominance even here. Each place he touched or stroked left tingling behind. This time, when Tyr was released, it was to hear the dreaded question:

"Who are you?"

"Tyr Anasazi," Tyr croaked, the defiance asserting itself even as his better sense urged stalling. "Of the Kodiak Pride."

"Wrong answer," came Hunt's voice, soft, no trace of rage in it.

If he had been Nietzschean, Hunt would have rewarded that response swiftly, brutally. Tyr waited, stomach churning, telling himself that Hunt was an Earther, soft, inclined toward kindness...

Hunt's hair brushed his shoulder, soft as silk. Then that relentless mouth found his nipple again, the torn one. The captain toyed with it. Tyr gasped at the seemingly random brushes of the human's tongue against the sore, rigid nub. He clamped his mouth shut on the moan that rose in his throat.
ハントの髪の毛がティアの肩を掠めた。そっと絹のように。そして再び、ハントの情け容赦のない唇がティアの、そのすり切れた乳首を捉えた。艦長は弄ぶかのように舐った。ティアは喘ぎ声を上げた。腫れ上がり硬く尖り切った先端を、人間の舌が、これ見よがしに不規則なリズムで掠める度に。ティアは唇を固く閉じ(clamp one's mouth shut=口をギュッと閉める)、喉の奥からこみ上げるうめき声を飲み込んだ。

Briefly, Hunt's attentions wandered, encompassing the other ring, the hollow of Tyr's throat, the soft flesh under his arms. Each touch elicited greater pleasure, distracting him from the pain, combining with it to produce a seductive intoxication.

This time, no power in the universe could have kept Tyr silent and the groan that forced itself past his clenched teeth seemed unnaturally loud in the gym. He almost cried out when those demonic lips suddenly withdrew and he was left shivering and alone in his bonds.

"Who are you?"

Tell him. Say the words. Give it up. Be his.

"Tyr Anasazi. Of--of the Kodiak Pride." There was despair in his voice. Even he heard it. Tyr shook then, fingers wrapping tightly around the ring to which he was bound.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

That response was pure human. A part of his spinning mind latched onto that with feverish hope, thinking, No, he won't keep on. He hasn't the stomach...
いかにも人間ならではの反応だな。グルグル回る頭でティアは儚い希望に飛び付き(latch onto=しがみつく)、こう考えた。

"Open your mouth."

Tyr's heart almost stopped. Then it slammed into his throat. He shook his head, but nothing came out.
危うくティアの心臓は止まりそうになった。いまにも喉から飛び出そうだった(slam into=〜へぶつかる)。ティアは頭を振った。だが何も出なかった。


A Nietzschean captain would have cursed him, assaulted his ears as well as his body, but not Hunt. Tyr heard him step away, and with gut-liquefying dread, heard the unmistakable hiss of the cable whipping through the air.

This time, the whip found its way between his spread legs, leaving fire everywhere it struck. He was able to keep silent through the first few blows, then he lost count and control and screamed.
今度の鞭は割り拡げられたティアの脚の間に振り下ろされた。打たれた箇所はどこも焼けるように痛んだ。初めのうちは打たれても沈黙を守り通せたが、やがていくつ打たれたか分からなくなり(lose count=数えきれなくなる)、理性を失い、叫び声を漏らした。


Seamus Harper scratched the side of his nose and gave the circuit board a poisonous look. It was the interface for the optical system used to control the forward thrusters--a simple piece of equipment. Unless, of course, that piece of equipment was the Andromeda Ascendent, Commonwealth lightship and, in all probability, the most powerful weapon in the galaxy.

"Fuck," he muttered, edging a small monofilament from its bed. "Fried."

"So are we. Where's Trance and Bem?"

"Our lovely Trance is in Hydroponics--surprise, surprise--and I think the Rev's off praying somewhere. SHIT!"
「我らが麗しきトランスは水耕栽培室におわします……そして何と驚くべきことに(surprise, surprise=驚くに値しないことをふざけて言う場合に使われる)……レヴはどこかで祈祷しながら休憩中なのではないかと。ええい、クソッ!」

The filament snapped off in his hands. He stared at in dismay. Now he was going to have to find his microstat to pick the damn thing out of its canal.
フィラメントは手の中でパキッと折れた。ハーパーは呆然としたまま(in dismay=失望して)それを見詰めていた。いまやハーパーはクソいまましい部品を導管から取り外すためのマイクロスタット(=微少調整器)を調達しなければならなくなった。

"Harper, listen--I think we're in trouble."

"I know we're in trouble," he replied and dove under the console behind him in search of his tools. "I don't think we have another filament."

To the youth's surprise and annoyance, his former captain planted her booted foot right in front of him, nearly trampling his hand as he reached for the metal box. Harper yelped and jerked it back.

"Dylan and Tyr have been shut up in the gym for hours, dammit! Rommie refuses let me in."
「ディランとティアったら、何時間もトレーニングルームに閉じこもったきりなの。全く何て事よ! ロミーはロミーで中に入れてくれないし」


"So? Remember this morning?"
「それが何ですって? あんたまさか今朝のこと忘れた訳じゃないでしょうね?」

Harper's mouth twisted. He did, indeed. Damn Nietzschean bastard! Dylan should have spaced the fucker on the spot. Then her words sank in.
ハーパーは口をへの字に曲げた。もちろん、忘れるはずがない。あのクソったれニーチアン野郎め! ディランはあの場で(on the spot=即座に)ケリをつけておくべき(space=ある種の懲罰をあたえる、disciplineすることらしい)だった。で、ようやくベガが言わんとしていることが飲み込めた。

"Oh, no! You don't think the son of bitch challenged Hunt, do you?"
「ああ、もうッ! あの馬鹿(son of bitch=>son of a bitch)がハントに喧嘩売ってたでしょ?」

"Can you think of another explanation?"

A Nietzschean challenge for dominance? It was frighteningly possible. Appalled, he stared at Beka, then: "Rommie!"
あれはボスの座を争うニーチアン流の挑戦状だったのだろうか? 恐ろしいことだが、ありえない話ではなかった。ゾッとするとハーパーはベガに向かって目を大きく見開き、そして叫んだ。

"Forget it," Beka said sourly as the holograph flickered into substance.

While Beka gave Harper her best I-told-you-so smile, Rommie told Harper that she did not know what was occurring in the gym, would not let them in nor give them access visual or audio.
飛びきりの笑顔でベガがハーパーに「だから言ったでしょう」(I told you so=だから警告したじゃない)」と合図している一方で、ロミーはトレーニングルームで何が起こっているか把握していないし、ハーパーたちを中へは入れない、また、視覚、聴覚のいずれによるアクセスも許可しないとハーパーに伝えた。

"Do something!" Beka hissed to Harper. "You're the genius!"

Harper rolled his eyes, but even so, was conscious of a small niggle. Tyr in charge of the Andromeda Ascendant? It was a horrible thought.
ハーパーは目を泳がせた。が、いかに天才といえども、自分が些細なことにくよくよする性質だという自覚はあった(niggling=詰まらぬことに悩む)。ティアがアンドロメダ・アセンダントに捕まってるだって? 考えるだけでゾッとする話しだ。

Seamus Harper was quickly becoming very comfortable on the Andromeda. It was more than just the luxurious accommodations and the heady knowledge that he was an integral part of this masterpiece's crew. What put the hook in Harper--and, he suspected, his shipmates--was being treated like someone of value. That would all end abruptly under the grim Nietzschean's control. It would be back to the scrounging, hand-to-mouth existence that he had once considered the good life.

"I'll get right on it," he said,
「こりゃあ、うかうかしちゃいらんないよぉ(get right on=直ちに〜を進める)……」


Dylan flinched at the anguished cry reverberating off the distant rafters. Even so, he forced himself to strike once more. Then he stepped back, breathless, heart pounding, a fire surging through his veins the likes of which he'd never before experienced. It was as if some primal man was forcing his way up through the millennia of civilization, a cruel, hungry, lustful creature. That creature wanted the man in chains before him, wanted his body and his soul, wanted the pleasure and the service of that strong back and long, heavy erection.
天井の柱木にまでこだまするティアの苦悩に満ちたの叫び声はディランを一瞬尻込みさせた。それでもディランは何とか力を振り絞り、もう一撃加えた。そして一歩退くと、息は切れ、心臓は暴れ、いまだかつて経験したことのないような(the like of=〜のような)熱い衝動が血管中を駆け巡った。それはまるで原始時代の男が無理やり、文明を何千年も遡って来たかのようだった。残忍で、貪欲で、好色なケダモノが……。そのケダモノは眼前で鎖に繋がれている男を欲していた。肉体と魂を求め、その力強い腰(strong back=粘り強い腰)と隆々とした昂ぶりによる快楽と奉仕を望んでいた。

Stepping back, Dylan wiped sweat from his eyes with the back of his shaking hand. Tyr hung bonelessly in the shackles. His breath came in sobs, his chest heaving.

Dylan regarded Tyr through half-closed eyes. He thought again of Radhe, wondering dimly if he could have treated his beloved friend so.
目を眇めてディランはティアを眺めた。そして再び、ラーデのことを考えていた。あの最愛の友に対しても同じ仕打ちができただろうか? と。

Setting down the cable, he picked up that other of Radhe's ancient, terrible things. Seizing Tyr's chin, he forced the bowed head up, fingers tightening on the younger man's clenched jaw.

"Open," he snarled.

There was a shudder and Tyr obeyed. Dylan shoved the leather ball between those strong white teeth. He heard another sob, this one muffled.

Dylan waited for several long moments while Tyr struggled with the gag. The bottom of his blindfold was wet. His nipples, skin stretched taut over the heavy steel rings, were swollen to twice their normal size. And that cock...

Unable to resist, Dylan ran his hands over it, clenched his fingers around the thick shaft, and heard a moan of a different tenor from his captive. Smiling faintly, he released Tyr, ignoring the second moan of protest.
耐え切れずディランは思わず手を伸ばした。極太な竿に指を絡め、ギュッと握り締めると囚われの男は、いつもとは違う妙に高音(注:bass, baritone, tenor, altoの順に高くなる。女性の最低音と同じくらいの高さ)なあえぎ声を漏らした。微かに微笑むとディランはティアを解放した。後に続く不服そうなあえぎ声をあえて無視して。

Wrenching his eyes from that increasingly seductive image, Dylan returned to the bench for more of Radhe's artifacts. He took the tangle of leather straps and steel and brushed it over Tyr's parted lips.


A small, frightened motion of negation.

Dylan took the other man's erection and slid his fingers beneath to the heavy sac, caressing it, feeling the testicles shift and move. Tyr's narrow hips twitched and there was another strangled sound from behind the gag. Dylan remembered the bar, Radhe's eyes gleaming as he lifted the intricate weaving of leather strips, explaining its use in detail that had set Dylan to squirming in his seat.

Now he seized the Nietzschean's balls, wrapping his fingers around the scrotum, squeezing the sensitive flesh. Refusing to let his hands shake, Dylan wrapped the leather around those dangling organs, stretching the scrotum as far as it would go. Another loop of leather separated Tyr's balls, and the entire construct pulled them up and bound them fast against the base of the man's straining cock.

Anguished, Tyr shook his head.

"The object of this device," Radhe had told Dylan, "is to bring your Omega's entire external genitalia within easy reach. There, it may be caressed or abused, whichever pleases the captain."

Even bound in this particularly humiliating way, Tyr pushed his hips forward, almost as if he desired it. Sweat dripped off him like rain. Dylan leaned forward and ran his tongue along an angry welt and Tyr's whole body jerked.

Dylan took up the cable again and snapped it. Tyr flinched wildly. Stepping right up to the prisoner, Dylan thrust the cable against his parted lips.

"As long as it takes, Tyr," he promised hoarsely. "And know this, Omega. I'm rather enjoying myself."

Perhaps it was that new note in his voice, one even Dylan had never heard before. Perhaps it was simply that the promise of more pain was too much, but this time, when he growled "Submit," the braided head lifted slightly and there was an almost imperceptible nod.

Digging his fingers into Tyr's mouth, Dylan pulled out the gag.

"Do you submit?" he asked again.

"Yes, lord," came the barely audible croak. Tyr's tongue moved over his cracked lips.

"Who are you?"

"Yours, my lord. Yours."


No sooner had the words left Tyr's lips than a wash of relief left him weak and trembling like a child. He felt Dylan's hands on his bleeding wrists, then the shackles were disconnected from the ring and his knees gave way. He fell into strong arms and was held there. Even the pain of his wounds against the rough fabric of Dylan's shirt was nothing to the sudden giddiness of surrender and the desire pulsing through his veins.
その言葉がティアの唇から漏れるやいなや、押し寄せた安堵感がティアを気弱にし、幼子のように震えさせた。血の滲む手首にディランの手が触れたかと思うと、つり下げていた鉄輪から手枷が解かれ、ティアの膝はガクリと崩れた。力強い腕の中に倒れ込んだティアはそのまま抱きかかえられた。ディランのごわごわしたシャツの繊維に擦れる傷の痛みなど、降伏によってもたらされた突然の陶酔や、全身の血管を駆けめぐる強烈な欲望に比べたら何でも無かった(be nothing to=〜とは比較にならない)。

Knowing the ritual, hurting everywhere, Tyr fell onto his elbows, chained hands open and flat against the floor. The bar between his ankles kept his legs apart. He lowered his forehead to his wrists, arching his back, pushing his buttocks into the air as far as he could. Lordosis--admission of subordination.

I am yours, Captain.

There was several moments of silence, then he felt Hunt kneel between the spread legs and braced himself for this part of the ritual. Behind the blindfold, tears scalded his eyes.
一瞬の沈黙が訪れた。やがてティアは割られた両脚の間にハントが跪いた気配を感じた。そして儀式のうちでも佳境な段階を迎えるべく身構えた(brace oneself for=困難・不快なことに備える)。目隠しの裏から焼けるように熱い涙が溢れた(scald=熱湯や蒸気で火傷させる)。

Hands on Tyr's burning ass, Hunt pulled the cheeks apart. The tip of the captain's cock, slick with some greasy substance, pushed against the clenched asshole. A part of Tyr's mind recognized this unlooked-for mercy and was grateful. Then he had only time to draw a quick breath.

It felt like a torpedo ramming into him. He screamed, head flinging back. Hunt took him roughly, swiftly, the age-old assertion of dominance. All the pleasure was his lord's, all the pain his. And it was right and necessary.

Grimly, he endured the assault. It was mercifully brief. Hunt came, filling him with a rush of warmth. Then the captain pulled out, still without gentleness.

Tyr remained where he was, at his lord's convenience. Was Dylan pleased?

Hands lifted him upright, left him swaying on his knees. The blindfold was drawn away. He looked up into Hunt's face. The expression there was every bit as cold and triumphant as a Nietzschean captain's. Mutely, Tyr held out his wrists. They were unbound. Dylan nodded curtly and Tyr bent awkwardly to free his own ankles. Then he sank back to his knees.
二つの手がティアを立ち上がらせたが膝はまだガクガクしていた。目隠しが取り去られた。ティアはハントの顔を見上げた。その表情は、まさにニーチアン人艦長の如き(every bit as=まったく同じように)冷酷さと勝ち誇った尊大さに満ちていた。黙ったままティアは手首を差し出した。拘束が解かれた。ぞんざいにディランがうなずくと、ティアはおずおずと屈み込み、足首の枷を外した。そして膝からガックリとへたり込んだ。

No longer doubting that Dylan Hunt knew every step of the Omega Ritual, he said, "Allow me to serve you, my lord."


Dylan looked down at the kneeling man, the wet eyelashes, so thick, and black as ink. Tyr's bruised lips parted slightly. Between the Nietzschean's open knees his bound genitals were almost purple. Even so, the man made no complaint, uttered no pleas, only knelt with lowered head, hands on his thighs.

"Proceed," Dylan said huskily.

Without a word, Tyr raised his eyes to Dylan's. He whispered, "Permit me, lord?"
「お許しいただけないでしょうか? ご主人様」

"Permission granted."

The heat of Dylan's lust, its sudden release, made him wish for nothing but the chance to sit and recover. But that was an Earther's reaction. A Nietzschean was insatiable. So Dylan stood, stone-faced, as Tyr rose briefly to pull off his damp shirt and then, kneeling once again, slowly slid down Dylan's exercise trousers. The shoes were last, set neatly aside.

When Dylan stood over him, naked, Tyr folded forward and pressed his lips against Dylan's foot. Somehow, the Earther kept still as the Nietzschean began licking and kissing his feet. Soon that wandering mouth moved upward. Dylan shifted his position, standing with his legs braced apart. Tyr did not stop and soon the captain was shivering, feeling his cock harden again as Tyr's mouth moved up the tender flesh of inner thighs.

Without thinking, Dylan thrust his hips forward and his Omega, acutely sensitive to his every desire, brought that eager tongue between Dylan's legs. Setting hands lightly on Dylan's thighs, Tyr began to lick and suck Dylan's genitals.

Groaning, the commander knotted fingers in Tyr's soft, thick hair. He trembled as the Nietzschean's attentions grew more focused, more insistent. When he could no longer bear it, he made use of that mouth. It was all too easy to be heedless of Tyr's comfort, to ignore the tears streaming down the other man's face as he fought to draw a breath. In moments, Dylan again climaxed and this time, it was Tyr who wrapped his arms around Dylan's legs and held him, keeping the captain from crumpling to the floor.

Now came the end of the ritual's first part. Dylan glanced at the clock. It was late. They'd been at it for two hours. He looked down at his battered Nietzschean. His instinct was to send the man off to medical at once, but the Omega tradition forbade it.
これで儀式の最初の段階はほぼ完了した。ディランはチラッと時計を見た。あれからもうかなり経っている。二人は2時間もこれだけにかかずらってきたのだ(be at it=仕事に精を出している)。ディランは打ちのめされボロボロになったニーチアン人を見下ろした。ディランの本能は直ぐにこの男を医務室へ送るべきだと訴えていたが、ニーチアンの伝統はそれを許さなかった。



Tyr straightened on his knees, the profusion of braids falling over his battered shoulders and back. There were white lines of pain at the corners of his mouth and his eyes still glistened with tears, and it cost Dylan to stare coldly down at him.

"I am allowing you the maximum two days' reflection before I ask you to swear to me and complete the binding of the Oath. I trust I have your gratitude?"

"Yes, sir." It was a breath.

"Then rise."

Awkwardly, Tyr obeyed. Barely seeming to breathe, he watched Dylan reached for his caged genitals. The merest brush of Dylan's fingers against his throbbing erection forced a whimper from him. Carefully, while shudder after shudder ran through that powerful body, Dylan began to remove the hellish device.

First, he released Tyr's testicles, peeling away the slender leather strips, leaving deep, angry marks in the delicate skin. The Nietzschean gasped at the sudden relief and fresh tears flooded his eyes. He lifted them mutely to Dylan, who nodded.

Tyr moistened his bruised lips and he himself, with shaking hands, reached down and untied the leather cage wound tightly around his cock. He handed it to Dylan, who nodded again.

Closing his eyes, legs wide apart, Tyr seized his freed sex and, with long, strong fingers clenched around it, began to pump.

Dylan found himself fascinated by the emotions that chased across that handsome face.

"An Omega has no secrets from his lord, not even feelings," Radhe had explained. "It is the one state among Nietzschean males where a man may become a child again without loss of status."

Tyr's head fell back. With his other hand, he reached under his cock to fondle the dangling balls. As Dylan watched, those balls began to tighten, pulling close to the body. Tyr's lips parted, his breath became quick and shallow. His hand moved rapidly.

Abruptly, he cried out. At the last second, his hands cupped the head of his cock. Panting, covered with sweat, tremulous, Tyr caught his seed and, under Dylan's watchful eye, finished the first half of the ritual. On unsteady legs, the man crossed the room to the sink and washed that most precious of Nietzschean substances down the drain.


"Someone's coming out!" Beka lifted her gun. Beside her was a frightened Harper. He'd appropriated Dylan's lance. Trance made small, incoherent noises of distress at their backs. Rev Bem, on the other hand, had refused to join them.

"I am certain that the Captain has matters under control," the Magog said serenely. "Trust in the Light."

"I do," had been Harper's response. "Lasers are light, aren't they?"

The door hissed open. Beka's fingers tightened on the trigger, ready to end any Nietzschean dreams of dominance on the Andromeda. It was only at the last second that she held her fire.

Dylan stood in the doorway, not a hair of his handsome head out of place. At his back was Tyr and, from the looks of it, much the worse for wear. Her jaw sagged as she lowered the weapon. Dylan's brows lifted at the sight of his crew, armed and ready in front of him.
ディランは戸口に立っていた。そのイカした頭の髪の毛は1本たりとも乱れていなかった。背後にはティアがいたが、その様子からすると、かなりボロボロな様子だった(be the worse for wear=衣類などがくたびれている=>疲れ果てている)。唖然としたベガは顎を落とすと同時に武器も下ろした。クルーの様子を見たディランは眉を上げると、武器を取り出し正面に構えた。

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

Beka looked from him to Tyr, who glared stonily back at her, daring her to say a word about the array of cuts and bruises on his powerful body. But it was the unmistakable imprint of teeth on Tyr's swollen mouth that made her blink.

「どうした? ベガ」

"Um. Nothing. Nothing. Glad to see you, sir. We were--concerned."

Dylan looked over his shoulder at Tyr, whose eyes immediately dropped. Harper whistled under his breath. Beka, stunned, stepped aside. The captain paused.
ディランが肩越しに視線を遣ると、ティアはたちまち目を伏せた。ハーパーはこっそり(under one's breath=声をひそめて)口笛を鳴らし、ベガは呆気にとられて脇へと退いた。艦長は一瞬押し黙った。

"I want the power cells moved," he told Tyr. It was the same order the Nietzschean had refused earlier that day.

Now, Tyr only said, "Yes, sir."

With another glare at the assembled crew, he pushed past them and vanished down the corridor. Dylan gave them all a bland smile.

"Is everyone on break?" he inquired politely.

Beka closed her mouth with a snap. "No, sir!"

He smiled and held out his hand. Harper placed the lance in it, muttered something about monofilaments, and bolted. Speechless, Beka met those amused blue eyes.

"Everything's fine, Beka," he told her. "Come on. Let's see if the Asmodians returned our message."


To be continued
Part II: The Swearing


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